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It'd been several weeks since all hell broke loose in Altissia. Ignis was blinded due to using the Ring of the Lucii, Lady Lunafreya was dead, and (Y/n) was missing. Now the royal retinue was aboard a train and heading towards Cartanica. The savannah-like landscape was dotted with the occasional tree. Prompto and Ignis are sitting together in one seat while Noctis sits alone across the aisle from them, hanging his head.

Prompto hasn't lifted his head from his bracelet. His eyes had been glued to the accessory ever since he was unable to find (Y/n). It was still intact, but that only meant she was alive. He feared the empire captured her and was possibly torturing her. The thought caused anger and sorrow to bubble inside his veins.

Ignis was aware of how distraught and distant Prompto's become due to (Y/n)'s disappearance. He tried to provide comforting words whenever possible, but they seemed to be hollow and never reached the marksman. Both Prompto and Noctis were wallowing in their own pity, but both had reasons to do so.

After a long while, Prompto found the courage to speak up. "So...we're gonna roll through Tenebrae."

Ignis was surprised to hear him speak, but understood why he chose to remain silent most of the time. It was to keep his own feelings from spilling out in the form of tears. "Not before visiting the royal tomb in Cartanica," the strategist said.

Prompto glanced over, wincing when seeing the extent of his wounds. "You're sure you're up to that?"

"The wounds have mended. Eyesight's a matter of time," he lied, hiding the truth from his companion.

Gladio, who'd been staring at the sulking prince for a while, stood up and walked over to him. His voice was a low growl as he spoke. "The hell is wrong with you?"

Noctis slowly raises his head once hearing the anger-laced tone of his shield. "What?"

"We're not stopping in Tenebrae. You need to grow up and get over it," he growled, glaring at the prince.

The raven-haired boy stands and confronts his friend. "I am over it. I'm here, aren't I?!" He snapped back.

That's when Gladio snapped. He grabs Noctis by his jacket and pulls him close. "Maybe when you're not too busy moping, you can look around and give a shit about someone worse off than you."

"Let go of me," Noctis hissed, eyes narrowing.

Gladio ignored the command, continuing to egg him on. "How's that ring fit ya? You'd rather carry it around than wear it? She gave her life so you could do your duty, not so you could sit around feeling sorry for yourself."

"You don't think I know that?!" Noctis shouted, his voice shaking with anger.

"You don't! Ignis took one for you too, and for what?! Hell, even (Y/n) took one for the team to protect your ass. And now she's missing. Guess you don't give a damn about how that's affected your best friend!"

Prompto's eyes widen at Gladio's accusation. He hung his head, feeling the familiar sting of tears in the corners of his eyes. Ignis, who'd been listening, couldn't stand to listen to their bickering any longer. "Enough, Gladio!"

The tactician's shouting went unheard by the shield. Gladio wasn't finished and gripped Noctis' collar tighter. "You think you're a king, but you're a coward."

"Shut up!" Noctis shoves Gladio and grabs him by his jacket as well.

Prompto lifted his head, fighting against the tears that threatened to fall as he stands and addresses Gladio. "Don't do this—!"

Gladio puts his hand on Prompto's face and shoves him back. Noctis was clearly at a breaking point. "I get it, alright?! I get it!" He shoves the brute away from him.

Mythological Mayhem (Book One: Gold) [Prompto x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now