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In the morning, Prompto was stirred from his slumber when he heard barking. Carefully, he scooted away from the sleeping (Y/n) before getting to his feet. Leaving Decratom Haven, he mounted the snowmobile and followed the barking. He crossed the snowy terrain until entering the forest. There, he finds a magitek axeman laying on its back in the snow. Dismounting the snowmobile, he strolls over to the corpse. He sits down in front of it and closes his eyes.

Prompto seemingly falls asleep and when he awakens, night has fallen and the magitek trooper is gone. Hearing the crunching of snow behind him, he leaps to his feet and turns around. A few feet away, he sees Noctis conjuring his sword and walking toward him.

With a horrified expression, Prompto begins stepping back and raises his hand to ask Noctis to stop. However, he couldn't find his voice when he saw his hands were that of a magitek trooper. Seeing Noctis was ready to attack him, the blonde begins to run away.

Noctis warp-strikes after him and swings his blade at  Prompto. "This'll be quick," the raven-haired boy said.

The magitek trooper, aka Prompto, ran through the forest to escape Noctis. The snow proved to not be a deterrent and he was able to get away safely. Realizing he was safe, he glanced back down at his hands and sees that they appear to be his own again. His mind wandered, wondering what was going on until he heard more barking. Searching for the source of the noise, he spotted a familiar white dog—Pryna. She was trotting away and Prompto didn't hesitate to follow her.

Eventually, they emerge into an open snowfield with several magitek troopers scattered about, seemingly dead. One of them, laying on its back, appears to still be somewhat functional. It raises its hand toward Prompto, as though pleading for help. He stares into its eyes and envisions seeing himself laying in the snow reaching out with his own hand for help.

Prompto shakes off the vision and looks back at the MT, seeing it for what it is once more. He then slowly, shakily raises his gun. Briefly, he lowers his weapon and looks away. He then just as quickly finds his resolve, raises the gun once more as he sheds a tear, takes aim, and pulls the trigger. The MT was dead. As its body collapses, it reveals the child version of Prompto huddled behind it. He kneels behind him and places his hand on his child self's back with a sorrowful expression.


Prompto as a child was sitting on the steps of the Citadel looking up at falling sylleblossom petals. As he watches the petals dance through the sky before landing on the ground, he discovers Pryna sitting in front of him with a letter in her mouth. He reaches out and takes the letter from the divine canine, unfolds it, and reads it. It was a message from Lunafreya.

'All I ask is that you continue to support Noctis, and that you remain ever at his side.'

Young Prompto pulls a few photographs from among the pages of the letter.

"How does she expect someone like me to support him? Am I good enough?" The child questioned himself.

He looks through the photos to find pictures of him, the guys, and (Y/n). His eyes focused mainly on Noctis.

"Does he want me around?"

Young Prompto comes across a picture of the royal retinue and the guardian at the Wiz Chocobo Post.

"Is that really what Noct and everyone else wants? For me to be with them? Does (Y/n) really want me around?"

He reveals another photo, which was the one taken at Cape Caem before the royal retinue and the guardian departed for Altissia. Seeing the faces of all the people he cared about, realization struck the child.

Mythological Mayhem (Book One: Gold) [Prompto x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now