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A/n: As you may know, I don't do lemons. However, I don't mind doing spicy scenes. Hopefully I'm somewhat good at writing such scenes to add some more intimate moments in this series. Love you all!!!

After securing rooms at the Leville, the group searched the city for Maagho. With help from some strangers, they hopped aboard a gondola and traveled the canals of Altissia until they arrived at their destination. Walking into the bar, they were greeted by the man behind the counter. "Welcome to Accordo, lass and lads. Cid mentioned you'd be dropping in. Weskham Armaugh, as you've gathered. Never would've expected you boys to be traveling with a guardian."

(Y/n) tensed slightly. She knew not everyone was welcoming to her kind and some would even shun them. "I hope I'm not unwanted."

The man shook his head, placing the glass he was cleaning down on the countertop. "Nonsense, my lady. Spirits are welcome here. In fact, a couple of my regulars are guardians."

The girl was relieved to hear she was welcomed at Maagho. Her tense muscles relaxed as she wandered around the bar, admiring its layout and peaceful atmosphere while Noctis chatted with Weskham. She found herself near the canal, looking out towards the beautiful city. It's been months since she and the others had been in such a large city.

The view was breathtaking and she was itching to explore. She tilted her head slightly, watching a gondola drift by with a couple on it. She immediately looked away when they began kissing each other. She placed a hand over her mouth, gobsmacked at how the couple didn't care who saw them kiss.

Suddenly, (Y/n) dropped her hand from her mouth and jumped slightly when she felt someone poke her side. Looking to her left, she spotted the culprit smiling at her. "I thought you'd be chatting with Weskham, Prom."

"The guys can handle that. Just wanted to see how you're doing," Prompto said.

"I'm great. The need to explore is becoming overwhelming and I'm itching to see what all Altissa has to offer."

"Me too! I am so gonna blow up my camera with pictures while we're here. I probably should've brought an extra memory card..." He looked across the canal for a second before crossing his arms behind his head. He tapped the heel of his right boot against the ground. "So, about our date..."

"What about it?" She inquired.

"Since the sun's already setting, how does tomorrow sound?"

"Sounds fine to me. Guess we'll "wing it"," the girl giggled.

"Aw, yeah! We're gonna have the best time!"

The sound of heels clacking against the hardwood floor caught their attention. The couple turned around just as a woman walks into Maagho with guards following behind her. Weskham greets her, knowing exactly who she was. "My dear Camelia, it's been a while."

"I heard about your distinguished guests," she explained.

"Ah, you've an ear for gossip."

Camelia then turned her attention to Noctis, Gladio, and Ignis. "Gentlemen, I won't waste your time. My name is Camelia Claustra."

Ignis was familiar with her position. "First secretary of the Accordo Protectorate."

"You should know we have Lady Lunafreya in our care. And the empire demands we surrender her."

Mythological Mayhem (Book One: Gold) [Prompto x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now