Chapter Twelve

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Chapter Twelve|What They Hell Did You Just Do?

After Tony and Harlow finished listening to the tapes the school day was over. It was well past when she'd told Monty she'd meet him at his house.

"Where the hell have you been?" he asked when she walked through the door with the spare key.  He walked up to her putting his hand gently on her face to check to see if she was okay.

"I'm so sorry. The tapes took longer to finish listening to than I thought." She said shaking her head in shame.

"Wait? You were listening to the tapes? You told me you were working on a project." He said turning away heading to the kitchen. She followed him.

"I'm sorry I lied. I just didn't want another person lecturing me about the tapes." She said putting her head on the island counter. She groaned in frustration causing Monty to laugh. 

"It's fine. At least I know you both are safe now. " He said wrapping his arms around her waist from behind her. He kissed her hair when her phone binged four times in a row.

Jess: Hey Low, I'm going over to Bryce's you and Monty should totally come.

Jess: C'mon Low it will be fun. He has a hot tub.

Jess: Harlow come over. Please hang out with us. Some of the guys are over it'll be fun.

Jess: Quit being a bitch and get your butts over here.

Harlow sighed turning to look at Monty she showed him her phone. "I mean let's go. Nothing will happen to you or the baby I promise. If it's lame we will leave okay?" He reasoned with her.
"Fineeeee. But only because Jess is there and she shouldn't be there alone over there." She said. And so they left Monty's and went to Bryce's house.

Jessica, Bryce were playing poker with Zach, and Harlow was sitting curled up on Monty's lap as he played video games.
Some of the other guys were outside the door playing foosball. When all a sudden Justin and Alex appear. Justin was clearly in a bad mood. I don't think he noticed. Harlow on the couch.

"Justy bout fucking time you guys. Cmon these cards are getting stale. C'mon sit down." Bryce said.
"Actually uh Jess and I had this thing planned," Justin said.

Jessica snorted. "No, we don't.

"We were gonna get late dinner."

Jess snorted again in response

"Let's go," Justin said

"When did you tell me about dinner? Was that before or after you walked out on me today?" Jessica asked.

Zach looked at Bryce.
"Ooh, Justin sounds like you better make it up to her. By losing a few hands cmon. Sit." Justin reluctantly sat down and then Jess decided Alex needed to sit down even when. He told her he didn't want to and that he didn't want to play. He too reluctantly sat down when all a sudden Jessica sits down on Bryce's lap. "Your deal," she said sliding the cards to Justin. When he didn't respond.  she yelled "I said you deal" a few seconds later throwing the cards at Justin.

" Jess," Zach said.

" shit," Bryce said.

" Fuck it. Let's go." Justin said jumping from his chair heading for the door.

"Jess I said let's go." He said grabbing her wrist and pulling her off Bryce and to the door.

"What the fuck Justin?" Jess said as they made it outside. Everyone's attention was now on the interaction between Justin and Jessica.

"We are leaving here right now. I don't want you ever hanging out here again." He said still gripping her arm.
"Don't you touch me like that. Don't you ever touch me like that." Jess cried shaking his grip off her.
"Buddy calm down," Bryce said approaching Justin. As everyone came out of the pool house and Harlow and Monty were right in the front watching all of this go down. Justin had yet to see that she was here.

"Stay the fuck away from her and stay way from Harlow"

"What is your problem, Justin?" Jess asked.
"Guys this does not need to happen." Zach interrupted.
"Maybe it does," Alex said. 
"What are you doing here? What are you doing here with him?
We're just having fun. She said.

"Why the fuck are you here with Bryce?"  Justin asked as you could see Bryce's face contort into anger.

"Why do you care? Tell me?" She said.

"Tell her Justin," Alex said.
"Alex," Zach said.
"Let's go," Justin said reaching for Jessica's hand. 
"No, tell me why you fucking care.

"Jess lets go." He said.
"Tell me why you fucking care!" Jess said once more.
"Because He fucking raped you.  Because he fucking raped Harlow and got her pregnant." He said with force as his voice started to crack. Jess stared at him wide-eyed.
"Justin, brother," Bryce said approaching him once more.
"I'm not your fucking brother," Justin said shoving Bryce.
That when it started. Jess was frozen in fear as she started to realize everything.
"Get outta my way I should fucking kill you! You son of a bitch! Justin yelled as he went after Bryce.
I'm gonna fucking kill you! Let me go! He yelled as Zach and the others pulled them apart.
That's when Justin saw her Harlow. Who was standing just shy of where Monty was holding back Bryce. Justin kept screaming. "Let me go! Let me fucking go!" He said. "Stop," Zach told him. He finally stopped when Jessica approached him again. Justin was visibly wrecked and in tears as he looked at Jess.
"I hate you!" She said slapping Justin and walked away. This is when he turned to Harlow. 
"Low.." He started as he walked closer to her.
"No. Don't. Don't fucking talk to me Justin." She said putting her hands up to stop him. Which it did. When she went to walk away he stopped her by grabbing her arm.  Which caused Monty to step forward. Harlow looked at Justin for a split second and pulled her arm out of his grip before running off.
Justin ran a hand over his face. As Bryce approached him.
"What the fuck did you just do?" He asked. Justin stared at him with hatred in his eyes. Bryce walked off.

Dear Lord. My loves that were a tough one. The next chapter is the last chapter for season one. I'm debating writing all the seasons in different books.  I can't believe that the first book is almost done. Hold on to your britches the drama I promised is yet to come.  Especially with all the kids having their depositions. What will Harlow say in hers? Als,o Harlow does know Hannah's parents but she couldn't bring herself to see them just yet.  If you are having trouble and going through something please reach out to a friend, and adult or someone you trust. Call your local hotline or visit If you have any questions, comments,s and or concerns feel free to contact me. As always if you comment on three different chapters in a row then I'll give you a loyal reader's shout out.
-With all my love,

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