Chapter Three

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Chapter Three| There's more

Harlow took a deep breath after Justin helped her through it. "I'm all alone... Hannah was the one person who understood and she's gone...because of me... it's my fault I killed her..." She cried. Zach, Marcus, and Justin gave her a group hug. "You aren't alone Harlow," Zach said. "We're always here for you, no matter what," Marcus said. "We aren't going anywhere Low. Not now, Not ever." Justin said. "Don't ever try something like that again." He added, hoping she understood how much they cared. "You all will hate me when you know the rest..." she said looking at them. "There's more to why I'm here..." She said earning nods for her to continue.

"Last night Seth came after me again. I fought back and he kicked me in the stomach. I had some female spotting...I called Tony and he took me to the hospital..." She said shakily. "Everything okay?" Marcus questioned. "No..." She said as she shook her head. Tears once again rolled down her face. "I'm pregnant..." She sobbed...

Justin didn't know what to say so he just held her tighter. Zach and Marcus's eyes went wide. "Hey, listen... we are on your side. No matter what." Zach said as Marcus nodded. "We're here for you no matter what you decide to do," Marcus added. "I'm calling Monty you're staying at his place Low," Justin said as he got up to find his phone. "Justin I'm not going to Monty's!" Harlow said with a glare. "Well, you sure as hell aren't going back to mom," Justin replied.

"Now you wanna play the responsible adult. God, you are so infuriating. I'm not going to Monty's Justin. We haven't been friends for over a year." She said standing up. "Maybe Justin's right, spend a night at Monty's and if you don't feel safe I'll pick you up in the morning," Marcus replied.

"Fine! One night! Tell him I'll meet him at Rosie's." She said before grabbing her bag and heading for the door. Of course, she had to be leaving right when Bryce was coming to the pool house. "Woah, why don't you stay awhile." He said trying to force her back in the doorway. "I'm good thanks, I've already been here longer than I care to." She said rolling her eyes and brushing past him out the door. "Everything okay guys?" Bryce asked as he said down. "Yeah, she was just pissed he left Jessica at the assembly today," Zach said eyeing Justin as he was texting Monty.

Justin: Hey I need a favor, can you pick  Harlow up at Rosie's and keep her at yours for the night? She's off her shit and its not safe for her at home.

Monty: Yeah sure whatever man. Parents are outta town she can crash here till they get back.

Justin: Thanks I owe you one.

Monty parked outside of Rosie's diner for forty-five minutes waiting for Harlow to come out to his jeep. He texted her and received no response. His first thought was to leave. His second thought was about Harlow. Finally his third was how pissed Justin would be if he'd bailed. So he begrudgingly went inside, much to his surprise Harlow was still there. She was curled up in one of the booths.

Just staring at the table, her cheeks stained from her mascara mixed tears. She didn't move when she saw him. He slid on the other side of the table. He gently reached over and grabbed her hands that were intertwined on the table. She flinched before looking up at him. He felt a tug of guilt when she did so. "You okay?" He asked her quietly. She nodded. He could tell something had happened but he couldn't tell what.

"Listen, let me take you home and into something warmer. Then you can tell me what happened. If you want to." He said gently. She nodded so he guided her out to his jeep. Once he got Harlow back to his place he told her to go take a hot shower. He was very curious why she didn't have a coat and she was freezing. While she did that he found her some warmer clothes, such as a hoodie and some sweatpants. He set them outside the bathroom door, respecting her privacy he went downstairs and made some hot chocolate.

He also grabbed a few blankets deciding that they'd sit downstairs. He wanted her to be warm enough. She met him in the kitchen where he handed her a mug before they sat on the couch. "Here." He said as she sat down he wrapped the blankets around her. "I don't know what's going on but if you want my help you need to talk to me." He said looking at her. "I...was raped...Monty...more..than once." She said barely above a whisper. He pulled her into a hug.

"You don't ever have to go back there. I'm gonna protect you okay." He said pressing a kiss on her forehead. "You didn't ask me who it was..." She said. "I know who it was Harlow, I'm not an idiot." He said a bit harshly. "He only did it once...but Seth... has done it four times." She said shakily. "Monty's face contorted in anger. "Monty.."She said quietly as for another time today tears ran down her cheeks. "What is it?" He asked her, his attention now fully on the girl in front of him.

"I'm pregnant...I..i'm so scared...I don't know what to do..." She cried as he pulled her to him. She cried into his chest and he held her as she shook violently from her emotions. "Everything is gonna be okay. They won't hurt you again." He lulled, pretty soon she fell asleep in his arms. He didn't move, he just watched over her. Securely in his arms where no one could bring her harm, she slept peacefully for the first time in a month. Monty's mind began to wander. It wandered all the way back to when he first met Harlow.

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