Chapter One

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Chapter One| Mistakes and intakes.

Harlow Lee Foley made a decision that she'd later regret. Her and her best friend Hannah attempt suicide on the same night after recording a series of tapes. There are thirteen tapes for thirteen reasons why. Only when Harlow survives and Hannah doesn't her world collapses more than she thought it had. Everyone knows her secrets and come to her for answers. Answers about her truths and Hannah's too. Even her brother is entangled in this large web of secrets and betrayals.

It's the day after her suicide attempt. She vaguely remembers Justin finding her passed out in his room with an empty prescription bottle. Justin was sitting next to her waiting for an answer to why she'd done something like this. She brushed the question off and said it was an accident. He believed her and left it alone. It wasn't till a few hours later when they both learned Hannah was dead that he pestered her to tell him more. She couldn't tell him as she was so distraught over her best friend being gone forever. Days passed and things weren't changing, people coming up to her with false emotions that matched her real ones. She drifted farther away from Justin and barely came out of her room. Soon everything had slowly gone back to normal.

Hannah's memorial on her locker still stood. But she noticed Justin has become distraught. Well at least more than usual. She'd been avoiding going home for a while. Sleeping on park benches and stuff. Eventually, she got caught sneaking back in and her mother's boyfriend Seth beat her to a pulp. Justin didn't know about till a week later when she showed up at school with almost all her limbs covered in dark bruises. He'd been staying at Bryce Walker's house, taking a break from the stress of his life at home as well.

She'd avoided almost everyone's stares including those of the staff. However, she couldn't just ignore his. He'd walked in the hall with his friends. Talking about something random when she heard his voice she turned and headed for the bathroom to hide. However, she made it halfway there before he skids to a stop in front of her blocking her path. She pulled at her hood and turned away. "Low... Come on." He said trying to get her to look at him.

"Harlow seriously, Talk to me." He said grabbing her arm. She cried out in pain causing him to grimace. Tears rolled down her cheeks as she finally looked at him. He gently tilted her chin with his finger so she was facing him. Before taking down her hood. It had brought tears to his own eyes. "Harlow, what happened? Did someone do this to you?" She stutters trying to get the words out. He pulled her into a hug as she cried. He told her not to worry and that everything would be okay. A few of Justin's friends came over to see if everything was okay. They'd grown up around Justin and Harlow.

Though they weren't very close to her, they knew she was important to Justin. "Everything okay Justin?" Bryce had asked quizzing. Zach gives Justin a look of concern for his two friends, Monty, however, shows a look of concern for a moment before it disappears. Marcus didn't know her well but still was concerned at how upset the girl was. Justin nods, "Yeah I got this. I'll see you guys later." He states letting a small sigh of relief that most of the hall was clear.

He walked with Harlow to the bleachers outside. She was still shaking and very upset. Justin wrapped his letterman jacket around her shoulders and pulled her to his side. "Low please, I need to know who did this to you." She blinked a few times. She could see the flashes of memories from that night in her head. All the blood, all the screaming. What Seth had done later that night. Crying out for Justin that night. She remembered praying that he'd walk in and rescue her. She didn't ever want to feel that way again. However, in the back of her mind, she knew it wasn't the first time and it wouldn't be the last time Seth had abused her.

"I had been using my window to leave...just so I wouldn't have to see anyone. But I wasn't careful enough one night... Seth and mom heard me come in. Seth was more upset than mom so she left the room......Seth got so angry that he just started to hit me... After a while, I sorta blacked out... I woke up was on top of me...He held me down...and he raped me.... repeatedly..."She cried into his chest. "I swear to you. Harlow, he'll never lay a finger on you ever again. I promise." He said as he clung onto her. He gently kissed her hair, wishing his baby sister wasn't going through this.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter. I know it's shorter than the rest. Above is a trailer for the book that I made myself. Please read the description before watching the trailer otherwise it might not make sense since there's no words.

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