Chapter Two

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Chapter Two| Fade To Black

Harlow wanted the world to fade away. Justin had been MIA for almost three days, She was starting to get worried. She'd avoided checking Bryce's house because she really didn't wanna speak to him. She'd been home alone once again and her face was littered with fresh bruises. She'd finally had enough after Justin blew off the school assembly that morning.

He'd left Jessica high and dry, looking like an idiot at her first event on the cheer squad. Jess finally had enough and gave up looking for him. So it was left to Harlow to pick up the pieces and be responsible for finding her brother. She didn't have a vehicle so she texted Tony. Tony Padilla had been her and Hannah's friend for a while. He was the one who gave her the tape recorder. "Hey it's me, I know you've already done so much for me.. could you give me a ride somewhere."She said when he picked up the phone. "Yeah, I can do that." He told her before hanging up. He drove her to the rich side of town. Not that there was anything wrong with it. Neither one of them could stand who lived there. He pulled to a stop before turning to face her.

"Are you gonna be okay? You want me to go in there with you?" He asked full of concern. "I'll be alright. Thank you for the ride." She said giving him a hug before heading towards the house. She hated this place for more reason than one. However, this was about Justin and she would do anything for him. She knocked on the door as loud as she could. "Hey, What are you doing here?" Bryce asked as he opened the door. "Where's my brother Bryce?" She demanded. He sighed as he opened the door for her to come in.

"The official word is he's not here," Bryce said as they walked through the house. "Yeah well, he's my brother and I have a right to know he's alright. He left me there..alone. Do I look like I am safe? Do I Bryce? Because we know why Justin is here. Because he's safe here." She ranted to him. She hated his guts but sometimes she wished anyone would give a shit. "No you don't, You shouldn't be staying there either. I've told you that you're welcome to stay here anytime." He said almost sounding sincere. He reached out and ran his fingers over her arm. "Don't touch me, Bryce. You and I both know why I won't stay here. Now, where is Justin?" She stated stepping away from him. "He's in the pool house, stoned off his gord by the way. "Is he okay, When did he come here?" She asked with concern.

"Yeah, he's been here since last night," Bryce said looking toward the pool house. She sighed and brushed passed Bryce going toward the pool house. She knocked on the door, well more like banged on it. Justin opened the door, which as soon as he did he was pushed inside. "What the hell is wrong with you?" Harlow screamed as she shoved him farther away from the door. "You are such a fucking asshole!" "You promised me you would be there!" She yelled. "I'm sorry!" He yelled putting his hands up to block his face. "You promised you wouldn't leave me there again!" She yelled. "I..I just needed a day to chill." He said with a clueless look. "Really you needed a day to chill the day after I tell you Seth fucking raped me!"She yelled again. Justin went to talk but was interrupted by Zach and Marcus. "Wait what? He did what?" They asked pausing their game. "You two shut up I'll get to you in a minute!" Harlow yelled pointing her finger causing them to stop talking.

"God this is why I never tell you anything anymore! There's no point, you are too high off your ass just like mom to notice whether I am okay. I'm your baby sister I shouldn't have to chase after you. If you paid attention even just a little bit you'd know everything about me..." She said with a shaky breath. All three boys were watching her with their full attention. "So she was telling the truth..." Justin said looking at the boys before looking back at Harlow. "What are you even talk about?" She asked wiping tears off her cheek.

"Hannah...We know about the tapes Low..." He said reaching for her to pull her into a hug. "I didn't even know she sent them...I don't even know all of what's on them. Just the first and...the last, a few others in between..."She said as he hugged her. He guided her to a chair and she faced the boys.

"What Hannah and I say in tape true... What you hear in the thirteenth tape is also true... Tape five.."Justin runs a hand across his face while Zach and Marcus are frozen in shock "I...I need to hear it from you...Low, please..." Justin said her hands gripped in his own.

She nodded, " night you were with Hannah...Seth came into my room and assaulted me while I was asleep. I freaked because you were gone and it wasn't the first time it had happened...I came here in hopes that you were here. You weren't but Bryce offered to talk to me. I told him what happened and he said he'd take care of it.  That's when i met you at the park after your date with Hannah. When Seth left again I figured it was over until the night of Jessica's party... He told me that if I didn't do what he wanted Seth would be back. I refused and went away to drink alone.

He found me later on, I don't remember everything because I was plastered. I remember he found me in hiding behind Jessica's reading nook., He yanked me up off the ground and forced me deeper in the closet. Then he forced himself inside me after he took my pants off and his own... I hated myself... and him. I couldn't bring myself to be around him after when Hannah told me what she was going through we decided to do it together. We recorded tape thirteen after going to see Mr.Porter.

He did nothing of course. Told us to forget what had happened and move on. We walked outta school one last time and said goodbye. I didn't think about what would happen if one of us survived... I didn't think we would..." She said through sobs. Justin, Zach, and Marcus had to watch as Harlow crumbled to bits in front of their eyes. There was nothing they could do...

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