Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven| Did You Come Back For More?

Harlow reluctantly went to school with Tony.  She put up and tried to keep her head down. When Justin and Zach cornered her in an empty classroom.
"What the hell Low? Why did you just take off?" Justin asked her.  "You could've at least told me where you were running off to." Zach added handing her the bookbag she'd left at his house.

"I went to see Tony." She said sliding the book bag onto a table.

"You what? Why? You know he can't be trusted." Justin said.

"I asked him to play me the tapes. He's my friend Justin." She said ignoring his comment.

"What? What would you do that for?" He said.

"Are you sure that's a good idea?" Zach asked.

"Say what you want but I need to know everything." She said.

"Are you sure you wanna relive all that. " Justin asked her.

She looked at both of them. "I'm reliving all of it everyday. With everything going on its one big rerun fest. I need to know everything."  She said with a sigh. They told her they understood and then they each headed to class.  She tried to focus but everytime she did everything came rushing to the surface. It was then that the teacher demanded she go to the office for sleeping in class.

The whole class oohed and laughed at her. She walked toward the office when she spotted Hannah's locker someone had removed her memorial. Harlow ran outside and to the bleachers. When she saw Bryce she turned to go somewhere else but he grabbed her arm.  "Where you going? Did you come back for more?" He asked with a grin his hand firmly gripping her arm. She glared at him. " I just came out here to be alone." She said trying to pull away. "Listen here you bitch. You tell anyone and I'll end you and your spawn. What? Didn't think I'd find out? Your old buddy Monty told me." Her eyes widened and she stood there frozen in fear. He pushed her hood down. Brushing her hair from her neck. He kissed her neck and then kissed her on the lips before whispering. "You can keep the kid. But you tell anyone its mine and I'll end you both. Can't have people knowing I slept with a white trash slut." He said kissing her neck once more before he let her go and walked away. She was frozen there.

Tears pooled from her eyes as she shook violently with fear. She gripped the edge of the bleachers. She sat down and cried. She didn't know what else to do. It was moments later that Scott Reid walked by.  "Hey Carrie hows it going." He said through a laugh before leaving her be.

She couldn't bare the thought of all this. So she left she walked to Monet's and sat there. After a while Clay Jensen showed up.  He started to ask Harlow all kinds of questions that she couldn't answer just yet. "Clay I can't tell you anything you have to just listen." She said trying to walk away. It was then that Monty walked in. He approached them and shoved Clay.  "You got a problem Jensen?" He asked. "No we were just talking." He said.

"Well I guess your done now." He said pointing to the door. Clay said see you later to Harlow and walked out. She turned to Monty and started to walk away. They made it outside when he tried to touch her. "Don't touch me! Just leave me alone." She said walking away. He followed.

"Will you at least just tell me what I did?" He asked. " You told him! How could you tell him Monty I trusted you. I guess that was my first mistake." She said continuing to walk. "What! Bryce found out on his own. I didn't tell him about it. He confronted me after and I stayed silent. Come on Harlow you gotta believe me."  He said.  She stayed silent. "Harlow look out!" He said. At that moment a car was about to hit her as she walked into the street to cross. He grabbed her arm and pulled her to safety.

"Are you okay?"  He asked as her hands gripped his shirt.  There's this look of relief on his face that she hasn't pushed him away.  "Yeah, we're okay." She said in reference to her and the baby. He nodded. "How about we go somewhere? Anywhere you want, and we can talk or we don't have to talk."  He asked her. "Okay." She said and they walked to his jeep. They drove away from Monet's and away from the school. To the playground with the rocket. They sat on the swings and talked. Just talked.

"Monty, why'd you stop being my friend?" She asked. "Harlow I can't answer that." He said with a serious tone. " Monty, Bryce came after me today. He forced me to kiss him. Then he told me he knew I was pregnant. " She said shakily. "Jesus are you okay? Did he hurt you?" Monty said getting off his swing to walk over her. "He said you told him about my pregnancy and that if I told anyone it was his kid he'd kill us both." She said pulling her wrist away from Monty's touch.

He knelt down in front of her and gently took her hand and his. "Harlow I swear to you I would never betray your trust like that. Do you really want to know why I have stayed away?" He asked wiping away the tears from her face.  She nodded. "Bryce knew I'd found out he'd assaulted you. So he came to me with a deal. He'd leave you alone. If I stayed away too." He said.

She said nothing but pulled him into a hug. Her eyes flooded with tears. She finally understood one of his actions. His one selfless act to keep her from being hurt. She knew he'd already heard his tape. She could tell in the way he was being that he knew he'd hurt her. Harlow agreed to stay with him if he promised not to ditch her in the morning. So when morning came the pair headed to school together once more. Only when they got there Mr. Porter asked her to join him in the principal's office. 

She gripped Monty's hand. Mr. Porter agreed they could walk to the office together but then Monty would have to go to class. They arrived walking behind Mr. Porter. Monty hugged her before walking away backwards so he didn't take his eyes off her as she entered the office with Mr. Porter. "MS. Foley please sit down." Principal Bolan said as Harlow and Mr.Porter entered the room. She took a seat and he began to speak.

  "Harlow it has been brought to our attention that two days ago several students saw you sitting in the hallway covered in blood. In our school policy we have zero tolerance policy for such gruesome displays. It was also stated that you had the intent for others to see said display.  That being said we are going to have to suspend you for the remainder of the quarter. Being the next three weeks. If you choose not to comply you will be expelled indefinitely." He said sternly. Harlow was shocked how could they not see that it wasn't her fault.  "This wasn't my fault someone dumped pigs blood on me. How am I being blamed for this?" She looking at them both wide eyed. "Harlow we understand that this is a hard time for you but this is not the appropriate behaviour to display in school. It is time that you leave."

Mr.Porter said pointing to the door. She was shocked. Why were they treating her like the criminal. She walked towards the exit when Monty came running up to her. The halls were empty except for them. "They suspended me for the rest of the quarter." She said as they walked out. "For what? You haven't done anything." He said. "They blame me for the blood incident. They said I displayed a gruesome act on school property with intent. They said if I don't comply I'll be suspended indefinitely." She said as they reached his jeep.
"Jesus Christ. Lets get out of this shit hole." He said jumping in and she did the same. Before he drove out of the parking lot Tony pulled up.
Thank you all so much for reading. Things are about to get juicy as hell. Don't worry I'll include scenes from the show. All in good time my dears. Hope you enjoyed this chapter. See y'all in the next one.

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