Chapter Four

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Chapter Four| You're a coward.

Montgomery De La Cruz met Harlow Foley one summer after hanging out with her brother. Justin warned him to stay away. He didn't of course and his friendship with Harlow Began to blossom. He wasn't an egotistical jerk when he was with her. He was kind and compassionate. She had never met anyone quite like him, he was fascinating to her. They quickly became best friends. They were glued by their hips and it infuriated Justin to no end. Even if he saw how happy Monty was making his sister. He didn't want her to get hurt because he knew how guys like Monty were.

They'd play a girl until they'd put out and move onto the next. Monty and Harlow never dated, at least their relationship ended before that accrued. Harlow spends most of her time with him and she didn't need him to be her boyfriend. He was her best friend and she was content with that. He'd been there for her for so long, she never expected he'd up and disappear from her life. She couldn't get him to even look her way. He just stopped being around her. Almost like she had never existed.

Meet reason number three for Harlow. You see Hannah and Harlow both were on Hannah's tapes. Especially tape twelve. However, no one knew about all of the secrets Harlow kept. The ones she never told anyone, Not even Hannah. She didn't understand Monty. Even after it being a year she figured she at least deserved an answer. She deserved an explanation as to why he would leave at a time she needed him most. She'd finally had enough of his crap. She confronted him on the bleachers after practice one day.

Coach Patrick loved her and let her sit in the gym to clear her head. Even during closed practices. "Monty wait!" She said as she grabbed his hand. He turned to look at her. "What do you want shrimpy?" He asked her. She ignored the remark. "I want answers, what was suddenly so important that you just left me? Why did I suddenly not matter to you anymore?" She asked tears threatened to spill from her eyes.

"You really wanna know? Maybe I got bored of the whiny younger sister of my team captain hanging around all the damn time. You make it really hard to get laid sweetheart." He said with a smirk. 'Fuck you! God, you're a fucking coward!" She yelled pushing him away from her. She went to walk past him but he gripped her arm. "You want the real reason I left you?" He whispered in her ear. "I found something better." He said before watching as she stormed off. Tears now littered her cheeks as she left the gym. Little did she know that Monty was standing there hating himself even more for what he'd said. Monty's mind wandered back to the present, to the girl in his arms.

How she'd been hurt so bad by so many people. She deserved better, she deserved justice. He was determined to get it for her. He fell asleep thinking back about the good times they'd had together. How his heart would race when she laughed at his jokes.  They'd sit in Rosie's diner for hours on end. The trips to the movies that each ended up being absolutely horrible. They started watching movies at home. He could never tell the guys about how this girl made him feel. They'd think he was a pussy. 

He started dreaming about one of his favorite days with Harlow. It was two years before she'd met Hannah. They'd been running around all day and had stopped for ice cream. Monty chuckled at the way Harlow's brows furrowed while she chose what she wanted. They both got cookie dough and then they went to the docks. They spent time eating their ice cream, joking about random things. Well, that was before they got into a food fight and ended the night covered in melted ice cream. "No Montgomery De la Cruz don't you dare get ice cream on me!" She yelled running away from him.

"Or what?" He said when he caught up to her and smeared ice cream on her face. She chuckled and did the same thing. Thus starting a food fight. He fell asleep at some point. When morning arrived Harlow awoke slightly alarmed that she was in someone's arms. She quickly realized it was Monty and relaxed. "You okay?" He asked looking down at her. She moved her head from its place on his chest and nodded. Their morning was nothing they hadn't done a thousand times before when she was friends with him.  Monty gave her a ride to school, which was laced with awkward silence. Their day went by as normal.

Monty, however, kept a watchful eye on Harlow. Little did they know that the days to come would test them more than anything thus far. Harlow hung out with Justin and his girlfriend Jessica for the day. Despite their fight the night before they seemed to be doing well. Justin was sending worried glances at Harlow all day. She ignored them and tried to get through her day without hassle. Of course, that didn't stop the stares she still got as her face was slowly healing from her last encounter with Seth. 

Harlow was walking alone when the hall was empty. Her focus remained on her shoes and she didn't see Scott Reed come up behind her with a bucket of pigs blood. She was entirely covered in blood. Scott disappeared before she could see who had done it. She broke down on the floor, there she sat in the middle of the hallway. A million thoughts were running through her head. "She was sixteen how was she gonna take care of a baby. Who's the father? Where's she gonna live? She couldn't stay at Monty's forever his parents would be back eventually.  What would they call her now?

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