Chapter Five

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Chapter Five| Bloody Whore

She sat there for what felt like hours. How had none of the faculty come to tell her off to class? The bell rang and the hall filled with people who began to laugh and point. Some took pictures and others screamed insults. She didn't move or respond, she just stared at her shoes. When Justin came pushing through the crowd with Zach to get to her.

"HARLOW!"Justin yelled as he dropped to his knees next to her. Scanning her for injuries or any sign of where all the blood was from.

"Harlow where are you hurt." Zach asked looking for signs of injury.

"I'm not.... We're not..." She whispered.

"Low what the hell are you talking about? You're covered in blood."

"Its from a pig...Someone dumped it on me. I didn't see who." She whispered as the clutter of students disperst.

"Where the fuck was Monty he's supposed to be with you." Justin said.

"I haven't talked to him since last night." she said. Justin had a pissed off look on his face. Sure enough just as he helped her off the ground. Bryce and his buddies walked by Monty next to him, averting his gaize  so it wouldn't meet Harlow's. "Oh look it's a bloody whore!" Bryce joked through a laugh. They sauntered away before Justin and Zach took her to the office where Zach offered to take her home. Justin was against it at first but for the time being he didn't think she should be at school. 

Zach and Harlow were at his house. He'd given her some of his sister's clothes for her to wear. She showered off the blood. Scrubbing her skin raw in the process. She couldn't control her tears. She let herself trust Monty again and he just stood there and watched.  Her heart ached with reprehensible pain. She was beginning to wish she'd slit her wrists instead of trying to overdose. Maybe she wouldn't be in this mess. She'd never done anything to anyone, at least not intentionally. She went down stairs after she was dressed and was met with Zach. Zach told her she could watch tv and that he'd order pizza. The day was slow. Harlow just starred at the blank tv screen. She was numb. She kept playing the tapes over and over again in her head. The ones she heard at least. She stood up abruptly. "Zach don't worry about pizza. Thanks for the clothes and getting me out of school. But I'm gonna go meet a friend." She said. "Wait are you sure?" He asked with an eyebrow raised. "I'm sure. Thank you Zach. I'll see you tomorrow." She said as she typed on her phone and exiting the house.

Harlow: Hey can you meet me at the gas station on Norton. We need to talk.

?: Yeah sounds good be there in five.

Harlow stood just outside the gas station waiting. Soon that familiar car pulled up. The window rolled down to reveal Tony. . Harlow didn't have to give Tony directions. He knew exactly where to go. They rode in silence till Tony pulled up to the clearing. " You gonna tell me what we need to talk about? Everything okay? I heard about what happened at school." He said turning to face her. She said nothing and got out of the car leaning her head against the roof. He climbed out too.

Staring at her waiting for an answer. "I need listen Tony. It's driving me crazy I don't know everything that's on them. I hate this. All these fucking secrets are destroying me. They destroyed Hannah. I know that the farther they get into the tapes.The more questions they're gonna have and I can't answer them. Everybody wants to know why Hannah killed herself. Why we were gonna do it together? This pressure is killing me Tony. " She let out. It felt like some of the weight on her chest was lifting. Little did she know that the worst was yet to even start. "Are you sure?" He asked her. 

"Yes" she replied getting back in the car.  "Okay" he replied doing the same. He climbed back in the car. He looked at her once more and turned grabbed the tapes from the back seat. He put one in and turned the  volume up louder. Harlow was waiting for it. Her voice. Hannah's. She remembered recording the first tape very clearly.  Her voice was shaky when they recorded it. She remembered Hannah gripping her hand to comfort her as she recorded. The tape clicked in signaling it was about to play.

Tape One Side A

"Hey,its Hannah.  Hannah Baker. Harlow's here too.  Don't adjust your..whatever device you're hearing this on. Its us live and in stereo. No return engagements, no encore, and this time absolutely no requests. Get a snack settle in because I'm about to tell you the story of our lives.  More specifically why our lives ended. And if you're listen to this tape You're one of the reasons why. I'm not saying which tape brings you into the story. But fear not, if you received this lovely little box your name will pop up. I promise. Anyway the rules here are simple. There are only two. Rule number one you listen, number two you pass it on. Hopefully neither one will be easy. Its not supposed to be easy or we would've emailed you an mp3. When your done listening to all thirteen sides. Because there are thirteen sides to every story. Rewind the tapes put them back in the box and pass them on to the next person.
Oh and the box of tapes should've included a map. We'll be mentioning several spots around our beloved city. We can't force you to visit them. But if you'd like a little more incite head for the stars. Or you know just throw the map away and we'll never know. Or will we? You see incase you are tempted to break the rules. Understand, we did make a copy of these tapes and we left them with a trusted individual. If this package doesn't make it through all of you. They will release those copies in a very public manner. This is not the spire the moment decision. Do not take us for granted not again. Do what we say, not more not less. You are being watched."

Tony stopped the tape. Harlow was shaking. Her face was covered in tears.
"Maybe we should stop." Tony suggested going to remove the tape. "No, I want to continue." She said stopping his hand. He nodded and pressed play.

Guys I'm so so sorry this has taken so long. I'm about to graduate highschool and kinda sidetracked. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. It will be interesting to see how different the tapes are being as they are about two people instead of just Hannah.

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