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A/n: This series is inspired by my oneshots, "Mythological Mayhem," which is also why it will have the same name. You won't be able to choose your eye color in this series since they'll correspond with what gem/mineral each book represents. Also, the picture above is the outfit I imaged for this story. Feel free to change it. I hope you all enjoy! Love you all!!!

"You can't keep me hidden forever, Prompto."

(Y/n)'s words rang inside Prompto's head as he stared up at the dark ceiling of the caravan. It had been only two days since he, Noctis, Gladio, and Ignis left Insomnia to head to Altissia for the prince's marriage to the Oracle. They were currently resting in Hammerhead, waiting for the Regalia to be repaired so they could head to Galdin Quay.

Lifting his arm, Prompto stared at the bracelet located on his right wrist. In the center stood a lone golden fragment that resembled a gemstone. Even in the darkness, a faint light radiated from it. With his left hand, he traced his index finger over the golden fragment as he continued to listen to (Y/n)'s words on repeat.

He couldn't sleep, wishing to see the girl he had come to cherish so deeply after the many years they'd spent together. The (h/c)-haired guardian has been with him ever since he could recall his earliest memories of his life. He could feel his strong, unwavering bond with (Y/n) and couldn't help but smile.

Prompto, to (Y/n)'s dismay, had kept her a secret their entire lives. No one except for him knew of her existence, not even his adoptive family or Noctis. Although she was residing in the gemstone whenever he left to go anywhere with his friends, he was saddened because she wasn't physically with him. He couldn't bear to be apart from her, not even for a simple stroll.

These past two days have been torture since he didn't wish to reveal the guardian to his companions. It wasn't because he didn't trust them, but he didn't want to be bombarded by tons of questions he wouldn't have the answers to or for (Y/n) to feel like an outcast.

A few minutes passed and Prompto debated whether to leave the caravan for a little while to see (Y/n). Unfortunately, he didn't realize what time it was until he saw Ignis was gone. The advisor was always the first to wake, his ebony coffee being the main reason why he was able to rise at such early hours of the morning and trudge through the day with no signs of exhaustion. He truly desires to have the stamina Ignis possessed after drinking a single cup of coffee.

Prompto lowered his arm with a sigh, nestling his head back into the pillow. He closed his eyes and tried to get a few more minutes of sleep, but his bustling mind kept him from finding peace.

With a groan, he dragged his body out of bed and grabbed his camera. He left the caravan and greeted Ignis before making up an excuse so he could get some alone time with (Y/n) without him or the others seeing her. He told the tactician how he wanted to take a few pictures of the rising sun and quickly excused himself to find a secluded location.

The moment Ignis turned his back, Prompto made a mad dash toward the garage. He headed around the side and took cover behind the garage. Looking around, the blonde made sure the coast was clear before summoning (Y/n). He whispered her name, the gold gemstone located on his bracelet pulsating with a warm glow.

Once the gemstone's radiance disappeared, a girl with (h/c) locks and gold-slitted eyes appeared in front of him. She combed a few stray locks out of her face and behind her ear with a sigh. "You know this would be easier if the others knew about me, Prom. I could also help you guys fight. And that gemstone is rather uncomfortable..."

"The guys would freak out if they saw your, y'know...real form!" Prompto argued. "I mean, I haven't even seen it yet! I've only read about the possibilities..."

Mythological Mayhem (Book One: Gold) [Prompto x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now