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The next morning Kevin and I got ready for the day and decided to go out for breakfast. On our way back home Oscar called.

My heart started beating quickly and my palms began to sweat.

"Nati, you really should pick it up" Kevin said.

I picked my phone up and answered.

"Hello?" I nervously replied.

"Bebe, how are you?" He asked.

"I'm alright. How're you?" I asked in return.

"Better. I have good news baby girl. My boys were able to handle Maria. She won't be a problem anymore. You can come home and we can start our future nena. Finally." He replied.

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"Yeah bebe. I'm sure. She confessed that she was plotting against us this whole time. Its all over my love." He replied.

As much as I wanted to hear that, for some odd reason I didn't feel as excited as I thought I would.

"That's great. But I think I should lay low for the next few days just in case." I said.

"You okay nena? You don't sound as happy as I was expecting." Oscar replied

"I'm happy. I just don't trust her Oscar. She might agree to one thing and then act up. Can we just give it sometime? This whole situation still has me shook and I'm finally starting to relax." I replied.

"... Something sounds different about you Nati." He asked.

"I'm scared. After you told me that she showed up to my school, I've been having nightmares. I just want some time for things to settle. So I'm staying till Monday evening." I replied.

Oscar sighed.

"I guess that makes sense. I have to trust you baby girl. So I trust that you'll be back home soon so we can start our relationship again. I miss you and I love you. I'll see you when you get back. And one thing, promise me you're not going to fall in love with this Kevin kid. I know I trust you, but I'm scared too. I'm scared that I pushed you away so much that you may not come back to me this time. So promise me that. Please." Oscar softly said.

"I promise" I replied.

"Good. Now have fun. I'll see you soon bebe." He said.

"See you soon." I replied before hanging up.

"Everything okay?" Kevin asked.

"Yeah. Oscar said everything is fixed now" i answered.

"Congrats Nati. You must feel so relieved. You wanna head back now?" He said.

"No. Not really. I want to enjoy these last few days before I go back to my regular life." I replied.

"Say no more. We'll make it special" Kevin responded with a smile as he made an abrupt u turn.

"Where you going?" I asked.

"A surprise. We're gonna make this weekend one to remember." He said.

In about an hour Kevin pulled up to Disneyland.

"Holy shit. I love Disney! I've never been here" I said with excitement.

"Well lets make some memories" he replied.

Kevin paid for our tickets and we walked into the theme park. I was in love with everything. We went on a couple of rides and took hundreds of pictures. It was truly amazing. I hadn't had that much fun in my life.

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