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"Nati. Wake up. Its your last first day of high school." A voice yelled.

I rolled my eyes and sat up in bed. My brothers voice was the last voice I wanted to hear first thing in the morning.

"Nati!!" He yelled.

"I'm awake fool! Calm down man. Don't you got a gang to worry about?" I yelled back.

I wasn't joking either. My brother was part of the Santos gang and as far as I knew, the head of his gang was in jail for a few years, meaning my brother had to pick up the responsibility. I did not mind either. The more responsibility he had with the gang, meant the more free time I had to myself. Our father passed away when I was 7 so we only had each other and the older I got, the less I needed him around.

"Nah. I'm all yours. My boy is coming back home today. All we got to do is set up for the party and we straight." my brother answered while opening my door. "Now get your lazy ass up. You ain't gonna be late today."

I threw my pillow at him and took my covers off.

"Ugh you're so annoying Tito." I yelled.

"Good, I'm doing my job." he replied with a smirk.

I got up out of bed and picked out a cute dress. It was going to be my first day of senior year, I wanted to make an impression. My whole high school career I was over looked and my best friends were juniors. But since I had finally gotten contacts and grew into my body, I was ready to kill it.

I quickly showered, got dressed and did my makeup.

As soon as I left the bathroom my brothers eyes became daggers.

"What the fuck are you wearing? You are not leaving the house like that." He yelled.

"Would you shut up? It's 90 degrees outside and I want to wear a dress. Get over it" I replied while grabbing my book bag.

"You're not 12 anymore. You got curves now Nati. You can't be walking around looking like that. Go change" he said with a stern face.

I sighed and went to my room to grab a cardigan.

"Can I just put this over my dress? If I change now I'm going to be late and you know Monse and the gang are waiting for me." I replied.

"Fine, go. But I expect you back after school. I'm going to need your help with the decorations. And I placed an order for a cake. I need you to pick it up on your way home." Tito said as I was walking to the door.

"Fine... See you later" I answered while closing the door behind me.

"What took you so long!" Ruby asked.

"My brother is back to playing 'dad.' Word is, Cesar's older brother is finally coming home. So now Tito wants to start making up for lost time I guess." I replied.

Monse laughed and shook her head.

"You look different."Jamal said as we walked to school.

"She's not wearing her glasses any more." Ruby answered,

"Nah, its something else. Nati is looking thickkkk. What did you eat this summer?" Jamal asked.

"Are you calling her fat?!"Monse questioned.

"No! Not at all. I'm just saying... certain assets are looking nice and healthy."Jamal replied.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. I grew into my body. Big deal. I'm a senior now. It was about damn time" I said with confidence.

We had finally made it to school and we went our separate ways. Senior classes were on the other side of the school so I was practically alone and friendless.

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