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Weeks had gone by and I hadn't seen or spoken to Oscar. Oddly, I didn't mind. There were so many senior events that I had no time to worry about him.

Homecoming was a few days away and my 18th birthday was exactly a week after. Ruby had been pestering me for days about letting him plan a party for me but I really wasn't in the mood for his crazy, extravagant ideas. So I let Tito do the party planning.

"So Nati. Who are you taking to the homecoming dance?" Monse asked on our walk home.

"Eh, probably Jamal if he can't find a date" I nonchalantly answered.

"Girl, you're telling me, you haven't spoken to any guys in your senior class?' She asked.

"Nah, I've just been busy with college preparations and the soccer team. Not to mention all the essays I've been getting. There's no time for boys." I answered.

"I get you. I've been contemplating dumping Cesar again. Since his brother got back, hes had way too much drama. And I have no time for that." Monse replied.

"You better not break up with him. Now is the time he needs you the most. I don't know what's going on with his personal life, but I'm sure its not easy. He needs you as a friend and a distraction from his family life." I said.

"I guess you're right" she responded.

The rest of the walk home, Monse and I spoke about homecoming and my birthday.

When I had finally gotten home I noticed Oscars red car parked in front of the house. I rolled my eyes and went inside.

"Nati. How was school" Tito asked.

"Great. Just preparing for homecoming" I replied, completely ignoring Oscars presence

"Oh shit, I forgot. You need a dress for that" Tito said while reaching for his wallet.

"No. Don't worry about that. I have some money saved from my summer job. Monse and I are going shopping tomorrow." I said while heading into my room.

"Come out here Nati. You didn't even say hi to our guest." Tito yelled.

I stepped out of my room and nodded my head at Oscar.

"Sup. Now if you don't mind, I have a 7 page essay due in three days" I said while going back inside and closing my door.

I laid on the bed and wanted to scream. Seeing Oscar again after deliberately avoiding him for weeks, made me catch feelings again. All I could think about was that awkward kiss.

I changed my clothes and just started on my essay to avoid thinking about him any further.

After a few hours in, I heard a knock at the door.

"Come in" I said

To my surprise, it was Oscar.

"Your brother wants you to come out. He said something about tacos?" Oscar quietly said before closing the door again.

I had no appetite and no interest in hanging out with them so I stayed in my room and continued working.

My door opened again, but this time it was Tito.

"Yo come and eat. I made tacos" he said.

"I'm not hungry. I want to finish this paper by tonight" I replied without taking my eyes off of my laptop.

"Fine by me. Ima eat them all" he said, trying to lure me outside.

"Okay. Enjoy" I replied.

Tito closed the door and I was finally able to finish my first draft. After countless hours of typing, I began to get sleepy and ended up taking a nap with my laptop still on my lap.

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