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After my argument with Tito and Oscar, I had taken most of my stuff over to Monse's. As much as I wanted to cry and tell her about what happened, I knew that I shouldn't. 

Monse disliked Oscar with a passion and thought he was a bad influence on Cesar. So I definitely couldn't tell her that we hooked up. She'd kill me. 

"So Nati, what happened? I mean if you don't want to talk about it, I understand. Just know I'm here" she said.

I let out a sigh and realized maybe she did deserve to know some part of it.

"I don't really want to get into details, but I told my brother off about being over protective and he kicked me out" I softly replied.

"I'm so sorry Nati. But he deserved to hear it. He's just like Oscar, a selfish inconsiderate asshole. They disappear and then come back into your life and wanna control you." She said.

"Yeah pretty much. I'm just over everything. I can't wait to graduate and go away." I replied.

"Where'd you apply to?" Monse asked.

"A few colleges in New York, one in Vermont and my back up is UCLA" i answered

"New York? So you're really going to leave? Wow. Thats super far too." She replied.

"Yeah. I just want a change. I need it. Especially now" I said, as my phone started to ring.

"Oscar" the phone read.

"Oscar? As in… Spooky? Why is he calling you?" Monse asked in an agitated tone of voice.

"Yeah..probably calling me about my brother. But I don't care right now" i said.

I was so tired of lying. I wanted to yell to her the truth about everything. Including Cesar and I. But these secrets involved other people and  I had no right to share them with her unless they gave me permission.

If there was anything my brother taught me was how to be loyal and how to keep a secret. At this particular moment, not telling Monse about Cesar made my loyalty questionable. But in all honesty… I knew Cesar all of his life unlike Monse. 

I rubbed my eyes and tried to clear my mind from all the bullshit. All I wanted to do was go to sleep and go to school the next day.

"Maybe you should answer it. What if something is wrong." Monse replied.

"Not really my problem now. I learned to not care so much about my brother after spending sleepless nights wondering if he was alive when I was younger." I said.

"I guess I understand." She replied. 

It wasn't long before we heard a knock on the door. 

"Who the hell is that?" She asked while going to check.

"What the fuck are you doing here" I heard Monse ask. 

"Where's Nati" a familiar voice responded. 

"Why do you need to know" she asked. 

"Is she here or not?" The voice yelled.

I rolled my eyes. I knew that voice from anywhere. It was Oscar. 

"You think you can come to my door demanding things?" Monse yelled back. 

I walked over to the door and he looked up at me.

"Nati… can I talk to you outside" he asked.

"Nope. Whatever ever you gotta say, you can say it right here. She's not going anywhere with you" she replied.

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