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I shot up in bed and got up.

"Well call 911 idiot! I'm not a doctor but I'm on my way over now." I said as I threw on some sweats and shoes.

I rushed over to Oscar's and Cesar was waiting by the door.

"Did you call?" I asked as I rushed inside.

Oscar was laid out on the floor by the sofa. He was still breathing for sure.

Seeing him there unconscious made my heart sink. I wanted to cry but I knew that it wouldn't help the situation.

"Are you sure he's not just passed out from drinking" I asked as I noticed two empty tequila bottles.

"Uhm well I don't know i was in my room. I heard him fall less than 5 minutes ago. I called you first thing" Cesar nervously said.

"Well nonetheless, we need to call an ambulance. He probably has alcohol poisoning" I said while grabbing my phone.

"Wait no. We can't afford the hospital bill. They charge for ambulance service" Cesar said in a panic.

"Oscar has the money, trust me." I replied.

"NO Nati. Can you drive him?!" Cesar asked.

"I can, yes. But he's dead weight Cesar. We both can't carry him into the car." I said.

"We can try" Cesar said, almost about to cry.

That's when it hit me. Years ago, when I was in middle school Cesar's mom overdosed and had to be taken in an ambulance. That had probably traumatized him.

"Look. The ambulance is the safest way to get him there. He'll be fine. This is nothing like before. You know Oscar just drinks and smokes. He'll be okay. Now let me call 911" I replied.

Cesar nodded and I made the call. I had explained to them my suspicion and the ambulance arrived in about 5 minutes.

They loaded Oscar into the back of the ambulance and they asked if Cesar wanted to accompany them in the back. Cesar shook his head no so I took Oscars car keys, and we drove behind the ambulance until we got to the hospital.

As I figured, it was alcohol poisoning and he had to get his stomach pumped. In about 3 hours he was awake and a bit better.

"Would you like to see him?" The doctor asked.

I looked over at Cesar and he quickly said yes.

"Coming Nati?" Cesar asked.

I shook my head no.

"I cant. Not right now. Actually here are the car keys. Give them to Oscar when he gets released. I think I'm gonna ask Tito to take me home." I said.

"Wait what? You're not coming to see him?" Cesar asked, sounding confused.

"No. I'm not. Things are a bit rough between us and I just don't think I should see him. But tell him I hope he feels better." I said.

Cesar shook his head and walked away.

I felt horrible saying no to Cesar but honestly, seeing Oscar in a hospital bed because he over drank was just too much for me.

I told Tito and he wanted to come and stay instead of taking me home. So I quickly called Kevin.

"Hey. How're you" I asked.

"Uhm awkward timing of you calling me but I'm happy to hear your voice this early. You okay?" He asked.

I heard moaning in the background for a second and it had stopped.

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