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The next couple of weeks were decent. I was able to patch things up with my brother but I decided it wasn't the time to move back in with him. If I wasn't at Monse's, I was at Oscars and honestly I didn't mind. 

For once I felt like I finally had the freedom I've always wanted. I was able to focus on school, my friends and my boyfriend. I was so used to working after school, so it was nice for a little change but I really missed the money and I needed to start saving for college.

"Nena, what you doin?" Oscar asked as he got on the bed with me and kissed my neck.

"Applying for a part time job," I replied.

"A part time? With school and handling all this dick, I don't think you have time for a job." He joked.

"Babe, I like having my own money and right now I'm down to a couple hundred. Im sure I can go to school, work and handle you. It’s not like you need me 24/7" I laughed.

"I been in jail for 3 years. I need to catch up” he said with a smile as he closed my laptop and started kissing me. 

Ay Dios mio” I laughed. 

“You’re lucky you’re hot” I said as I kissed him back. 

Oscar undressed me in a matter of seconds and had me in his arms, kissing me all over my body. Although he and I had been having sex almost every day, it still felt new each time. He had a way of making me feel ways I never thought I could and he was never selfish with his time. He always made sure that I was fully satisfied so it was never a burden to pleasure him in return. 

After we climaxed and washed up, Oscar sat down on the bed and lit up a blunt. 

“So about working… How about you let me give you some money?” He said. 

“Babe, no. I don’t want your money. You need that for you and Cesar.” I replied. 

“Ma, I came across some money and we’re good. Don’t worry about that. Just let me help you out. You need to focus on school and those scholarships. Work is just a distraction.” He said while passing me the blunt. 

“No. I can’t accept that. Especially because I know how you came across that money. Plus, I have college to save for also. I want to go away and it’s not going to be cheap” I responded. 

“Away? How far you going nena? UCLA isn’t that far from here.” he nonchalantly said. 

It totally slipped my mind, I was here building a relationship with Oscar and I didn’t consider that if I got accepted to NYU. I’d have to leave him. 

“Uhm, I planned on going to New York. I applied to NYU and a few other colleges over there.” I softly said. 

“New York? When did you plan on telling me this?” he asked in a voice of annoyance. 

“Well I totally forgot. When I was applying, we weren’t anything and I didn’t plan on being anything with anyone. Since then, so much has been going on that I forgot.” I answered. 

“I see.” he replied. 

“Oscar, I’m sorry. I just… I didn’t think…” 

“It’s fine Nati. You gotta do what you gotta do for your future. Don’t let me get in the way” he said while getting up and leaving his room. 

I shook my head and covered my face. I felt so bad for not considering Oscar in this whole situation. We had been together almost every day for a month now and things were getting serious. 

I had to figure out what I was going to do or else I'd lose Oscar. 

After thinking for a bit, I packed my laptop and went straight to Monse for advice. It was nice having her know. 

"Hey girl. You okay?" Monse asked when I got there. 

"Yeah I'm good. Just dealing with some stuff with Oscar" I said.

"Oh boy. Let's go to my room and you can tell me what happened. But I'm not making any promises to be nice about him" she replied. 

We went to her room and got comfortable.

"So spill the deets. What's up?" She asked.

"Well it slipped about me going to New York if I get accepted. And hes kind of mad that I didn't tell him in advance. He just told me not to let him get in the way of my future and he left me in his room. I feel like I screwed up by not telling him before telling him I wanted to be his girl" i said. 

"Yikes. I mean, as much as I want to be on your side… Spooky has a point. At least he didn't give you an ultimatum like his stupid brother Cesar did to me last year. But you should have told him sooner Nati. Spooky is at the age where he just wants to settle down." Monse said.

"Well I'm sure a long distance relationship isn't so bad. It's not like I'm never coming back. I'll be home in the summer and during the major holidays" I replied. 

"Honestly. I dont think Oscar is that type of guy. I mean no offense but do you really think he could keep it in his pants that long" she asked.

"Well yeah, considering he's been in jail for a few years. Im sure he can use his hand for a few months" I answered.

"Okay true. But do you think he's gonna trust you being so far away?" She questioned.

"I hope. But maybe not. Hr doesn't even trust me around Cesar as much" I blurted out.

I immediately regretted mentioning Cesar.

"Well I don't blame him… Considering you guys past." Monse said. 

I looked at her in confusion.

"I know Cesar tried to hook up with you this summer. I'm not mad or anything. We were broken up. Plus between you and me, I hooked up with some guy too. I wanted to know what it would be like to have sex with someone else." She replied. 

I was in shock. I couldn't believe Monse knew this whole time. 

"Im so sorry for not telling you. I wanted to but Cesar didn't want you to know. I felt like I was betraying you the whole time. But truth was, since I knew Cesar longer, I vowed to keep his secret." I said.

"Its cool Nati. I know Cesar and he always had a thing for you. But it didn't bother me so much. Especially cause you two never really got along. Or better yet, you never got along with him" she replied with a chuckle. 

"Im so glad you don't hate me Monse. Im still sorry. But I want details on this guy from summer" I said.

"Well I hope you're sleeping over because its a long story." She laughed. 

We decided to order pizza and spend the rest of the night talking. Monse and I spoke about everything from the guy from summer, down to hair styles. I finally felt a weight lifted off my shoulders. The only problem left was Oscar.

In the middle of the night my phone started vibrating. 

It was Oscar calling me.

I quietly got up, and went to the bathroom.

"Hello" I said.

"Where are you?" He asked, sounding almost drunk.

"Monse's… Why are you calling me at 2 in the morning Oscar. I have school later today" I said.

"You and fuckin school. Well have a good night. Maybe I'll go back out for more drinks and find me a bitch who actually got time for her man and isn't always running away because of every lil problem." He yelled.

Before I could say anything, he hung up. I tried calling him back but it went straight to voicemail.

I honestly didn't have time for that drama. Maybe he was right, I shouldn't let him get in the way of my future. Especially if during our first argument, he brought up finding another girl. 

If it was that easy, he could have said less. I wasn't going to waste another moment of my time on him. So I turned my phone off and went back to bed. 

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