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"You ready Nati?" Cesar asked as we made it to the corner of the Prophets block. 

"As ready as I'll ever be" I replied.

He looked at me and hugged me.

"What was that for?" I asked. 

"Just incase" he softly said as he turned around. 

We turned the corner and there were about 7 guys in green with guns. 

Cesar sent a text and 10 Santos pulled up. The tension was insane. My heart began to race, the closer we got to the Prophets. 

"Sup lil spooky" a guy in green said. 

I looked over at Cesar in confusion. I never heard anyone call him that in my life.

"We got an offer to make" he sternly said without a crack in his voice. 

His facial expression  was eerily similar to Oscars.

One of the guys laughed.

"You don't have anything we want. Except… Maybe her…" The prophet said while looking me up and down. 

"She's not part of the deal. We wanna give you 1st and Jefferson street, plus the number to our drug connect." Cesar said.

"Hmm, what you want in return lil spooky?" The prophet asked.

"Help getting our brothers back from Cuchillo." He answered.

"We can do that. I been meaning to take a shot at killing that piece of shit for taking out some of my best guys yesterday." The Prophet said with a smirk. 
As he said that, a car drove by and a masked person started darting out knives.

"Duck" I yelled.

Cesar grabbed me and ran into a bush and held me. All I heard was gunshots as I buried my head in his chest. 

"Coast is clear" he said while helping me up.

I looked around and saw at least 10 shell casings on the floor but fortunately no one was hit.

The Santos and Prophets gathered together.

"This motherfucker is DEAD!" The Prophet yelled.

Everyone including the Santos cheered.

I looked over at Cesar in fear. I had no idea what was going to happen next, but I knew it involved killing someone and I wasn't down for that.

The group dispersed into their cars and the others went to get more ammo.

"What now?" I asked.

"We go with them and wait. And pray that our brothers are safe." He said in his serious voice.

I was beginning to like this side of Cesar. He finally was growing up.

"Ey, lil spooky, you coming?" A Santo yelled from their car window.

Cesar grabbed my hand and rushed me into the car. As soon as he closed the door the car sped off.

The further we drove, the more nervous I became.

"We're here" the Santo said while driving past the house. 

I saw at least 4 Prophets and 3 Santos trying to make their way through the yard of the house. My anxiety grew as the car parked and Cesar hopped out.

"Maybe you should stay here." Cesar said.

"No I want to help" I nervously replied.

"Nati, this is serious." He said.

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