The first day back pt2

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I woke up with Gerards arm around my waist. "Gerard wake up! We have school ya know!" Mikey walked in. "Let me get him up!" Mikey pushed Gerard off the bed and ran away. Gerard moaned. "Frankie baby what was that for?" Mikey made it look like i did it!" It was Mikey. I would never hurt you!" Gerard got up and kissed me. " I know you wouldn't hurt me. Now lets get ready!" We grabbed some coffee and ran to Bobs to get a ride. "Hi beautiful. And the cuter couple!" Bob was being so nice. He hugged Mikey and didnt let go. It was adorable. " So who do we need to look out for? Bully wise. I don't wanna get shoved in a locker again!" Oh silly Gerard. "Maybe they'll shove us in a locker togther!" Gerard kissed me. " That would be a different story. Now lets go to school so we can possibly escape the locker thing!" Gerard always saw the light in things. It was cute!" Lets go to living hell! Sounds good. It has a ring!" Ha I can be so smart sometimes. " Hey babes is somethings wrong cause you arent really talking?" We pulled up to the school. "I'm okay i guess just nervous!" We got out of Bobs car and Gerard held my hand. " You still nervous Frankie baby?" Just as he said it Joe came over and punched him. " Seriously! BOB RAY MIKEY COME HELP US!" I got punched in the stomache and fell next to Gee-Bear. "Look the two gay kids fell next to eachother bet their gonna fuck now!" I crawled over to Gee and hugged him. He hugged me back and wispered in my ear" Close your eyes. The other guys will save us soon." Just as he said that Bob and Mikey showed up. " Oh boy. Both the Way brothers are gay. I bet they have fucked eachother!" Bob punched Joe and made him fall to the ground! " Dont you ever say that about my boyfriend and his brother. EVER!" Mikey helped me and Gerard up and we went to our lockers. " Are you okay Gee-Bear? That looked like it hurt!" Herard hugged me from behind and just stayed there hugging me. It felt so good." I'm okay. I just want you to know that no matter what anyone says I love you." I will love you forever stupid. He doesnt understand. I wanted him ever since we met. "I love you more! OWWW!"


Frank got shoved into a locker. " Oh i didnt know the gay kids actually survived." Igot shoved into the locker and I pulled Frank into me."I'll keep you safe!" Joe picked me up and threw me to the ground. Frank punched him. " Stay away from me or else! " Joe pulled me up and pushed me into Frank. " Wanna fuck now you two? Or are you too shy?" I moved off of Frank and he punched Joe. " You emotionless prick! You can't just let me be happy? " Frank took my hand and walked me to the locker room. " Are we hiding in here Frankie..." He kissed me. " I'm gonna keep you safe forever. And ever. " I hugged Frank. His hugg was the most comforting thing in the world. "Hey Fags!"

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