Professional grievers

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I saw how sad it made my little Frankie to see his old house and decided we needed to leave. " Come on Baby. We're going back home. " Mikey drove us back and as soon as we got home Frank ran up to the room. " Mikey do you think he's okay?" I started walking up the stairs. " Go see. Im not a weirdo!" I knocked on the door. " Can I come in? Please?" The door clicked. "It's open. But before you get in you have to promiss not to like kill me." He had been crying. I know it. I opened the door and walked right over to him and pulled him into my arms. "What happened? Just tell me it all." Tears started flowing down his face. "My house. Its gone. Everything. Is gone. I dont. I cant. " I just dont understand what hes been trough and it hurts to see such an amazing person be so sad. " Frank I have a very serious question to ask. Do you want me to wait to ask it?" I think fighting with myself over asking this is stupid now. "Wait till tomorrow. Maybe. I dont wanna give you a shit answer cause im emotional." Screw it here we go. 1,2,3. "Frankwillyoumarryme?" One breath. Got it out. And he was cryin again. "Yes. Of course. " I laid down and just closed

My eyes. Today was successful. " Gee. Please stay up. I dont wanna be awake alone. Without you." Awww so sweet. " Fine. But if I pass out its ur fault." We talked and talked about who knows what. " Frank I really need to get sleep. Or I'm gonna pass out." I closed my eyes and fell asleep quicker than I thought I would.


I laid down next to Gerard and fell asleep. I don't remember anything from that night other than my house burning down and Gerard asking me to marry him. I woke up all happy and definatly not normal. " Gee. Wake up. Its morning. Wake up. Wake up. Wake up." He pushed me

Off the bed. "Not now. I need sleep. OR. Coffee." I ran down and grabbed three cups of coffee. Two for gee and one for me. "Here you go. Now wake up!" I chugged my coffee and aparrently had a sugar rush cause Mikey woke up and yelled at me. "Don't yell at him. I made the little guy get me coffee." I smiled and snuck me some more. "Fwankie. Are you really trying to sneak more coffee?" I turned around. "Uhhh..... NO! i was uh getting you another cup. Heh heh." Busted. I was actually allowed to drink the rest of 'my' coffee. "No more. Mikey will literally kill me." I walked back to our living room and kicked Mikey off the couch. " Don't you have a house or somethin? I kinda need like alone time. For stuff." I let Mikey get back on the couch then I sat on him. "I do have a house but there are drunken people everywhere." And I'm not a drunken people."Well me and my fiance need alone time. So leave. Please." Mikey gave me a weird look and got up. "Gerard, Kitchen, NOW!" oh no. I followed them and sat in gees lap. " Mikey I dont see a problem here. Okay. He's been with me since you started crushing and I took the final step." They were fighting about me. "Gerard. Can you please not fight with Mikey? For me." I hugged him as tightly as I could. " Mikey please just leave for now. We can sort this out later." I always get my way with them. "Thank you. I dont like you guys fighting over me. I know he likes me and all but YOU took the time to be that special person." I kissed his cheek. " Well I love you. And you better remember that. Cause knowing Mikey it's gonna get ugly. " Now I feel terrible. And to think this all started because I drank coffee. "So what are we doing today? Starting to plan the big day?" I hope he wasn't drunk when He asked me. " Whatever you wanna do. If planning out wedding makes you happy then we can do that." I feel so great. Like every bad thing is gone. "Okay, Lets plan this mothafuckin wedding then." I threw a new sweatshirt on. " Do you really need it? " I sat down. " Why? I dont wanna go out with the scars showing." I got picked up. Height advantages. " For me. We're only going to one place." I got in the car. " Im not taking it off." The neighbors gave me a nasty look. " Don't say it that loud. The neighbors already hate me. Don't give them a reason to all the police." I laughed. "OF COURSE I'LL GO WORSHIP SATAN WITH YOU!" I an be so very evil. Gerard did a face palm. " Let's just go. I don't want go cause.......... Frank look at what you did. Now he's gonna give me a lecture." Stupid stupid stupid. God. Why am I always so dumb. "So whos gonna go worship satan? Cause I don't think this is where I want MY 'children' growing up." I shrunk down. "Oh so another fag has been brought to live with you." Gerard was about to punch this dude. I can tell when this stuffs about to happen. " Me and my little frankie are going somewhere and it is absolutely none of your business. Oh and if you ever call him a fag so help me. " I held his hand. " Gee its okay. It really is. Now we have to go or we'll be late." The guy scowled at me. Like really scowled. " So he can acctually talk. He not for fucking." I squeezed his hand and we drove off. " I'm sorry you had to deal with that. I just hope we can plan this and make it epic." We got to the plannin place and I ran up to the door. Thanks coffee. " Calm down Or I will take you home." We had agreed on having a themed wedding and those are always fun. And I got to dress up as a zombie. Gerard is gonna be a vampire. " So can we get icecream now?"


It ha been agreed on. I am to be vampire, who is married to a zombie. We all know how awesome I must be now. "Yes. We can get icecream AFTER you eat a real meal." I'm nice. And evil. "Finnnnee what do I need to eat." I stopped at some random store. "We each get ten minutes to get our food. Starting now." I grabbed coffee and chips. Frank managed to get Waffles, coffee, cake, and cookies. All in ten minutes. " I got the cookies for you. And the cake for me." We paid and then ate in the car. Well the coffee waited. " Icecream time! " I drive straight home. "When we get home do what you want but I will get a nap." The cops were at the house. What did I do this time? " Walk with me. " We walked to the front door and a very strange looking cop started talking to me. " Sir are you aware that your neighbor is dead?" Oh god which one. Please dont be Mikey. "We were at the store. We WERE gonna get icecream but Gee got tired so we drove here. " The cops tryed to sperate Frank and I. They failed. Badly. " We need you two to talk to us seperatly. So let go of eachothers hands." I just blankly stared at Frank. " If you don't do what we say you can go to jail." Frank instantly let go. I was taken to the side. "Sir the last words of this man were most likely spoken to you. He was your brother." No. It couldn't have been Mikey. No. " Are you okay?" I think I broke. Because I didnt move. " Get me Frank." The cop ran and got Frank for me. " Whats wrong? Is Mikey?" I nodded. " I'm so sorry. I hope he didnt ya know because of your agrument." I don't know why hes still here. Why he even stilk wants to be with me. "What kind of agrument was this?" I burried my head into frank. He rubbed my back and tryed to make it all better. " Mikey got upset because he really likes me. But Gerard got to me first and now we're getting married I think." nonononono dont say I think. " We are gonna get married. I don't care if the world is ending. " We were then let into the house. We found out a few hours later that the neighbor who hates me killed Mikey. " Frank. We. Are. Going. On. A. Walk. " I pulled him along and walked next door. I knocked. " Hello Fag!" I kicked him. " HOW COULD YOU KILL MY ONE AND ONLY BROTHER?" Frank ran back to the house. No. Im terrible. He's gonna run from me now. "He deserved it. He ran here to get help. And when He asked me to end it well I did just that." Frank ran back over and handed me a cup of coffee. "I know it helps you think while your upset."

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