The end

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I was the happiest person alive. A dad. With four kids and and amazing husband. "Gerard? Did you hear on the news? It's finally okay to come out as vampires. " I walked into the living room and saw our teenage boys and their boyfriends all sitting in front of the t.v. "Frank. I still dont trust them. Just we wont say anything until we have proof that we wont get hurt. " I kissed frank and hear a chorus of awws from the boys. "Guys. You have seen this so many times by now. You dont need to make it a scene. " Little Gee and his boyfriend. Surprisingly went up to his room. There was him and Bob.

Little Mikey and Frank. (Different one.Non-family member)

Little Ray and some random new guy.

And lastly. Little Frankie with Andy.

" Should we go give him the 'talk'" I shook my head. " Not yet. They can all get it at one time. Not four seperate times. " Frankie and Andy went upstairs next. Leaving little Ray and Mikey. " So. Just give it to me blunt. I dont care if you have to say it twice. Just tell us what we need to know. " Mikey just sat there waiting for an answer. " Not today. Remember. Today is the day for Uncle Mikey and Uncle Rays funeral. " They died after a news report said it was okay to come out as a vampire. It was all a hoax. That only got Mikey killed. Then they wanted all gays to join in the center of town. For some welcoming feast. Or some

Shit. Ray had gone in hopes that maybe he would find someone. Someone who he loved as much as Mikey. Well it was a mass murder. Now Ray and Mikey are dead together. " Gerard. Baby. Your crying. " I broke down and Frank comforted me. " Shhh. Its okay. Come on. Get up. We're going upstairs. Boys make sure you get ready. " We walked to the room and made stops at Frankie and Gees rooms. " Guys I know how much fun your having but its almost time to go. Me and your dad will be in our room. Just... Knock if you need us. " From downstairs I heard'oooohhhhhhs' being said. "SHUT UP. Now get ready. " I laid on our bed and Frank pulled out our outfits. Black skinnies, Red tie, Black button up. For both of us. " Are you okay? You always keep up for the kids. " That was true. I never let them see how vulnerable I am. "Just. Remembering the deaths. It wasnt fair. " Frank sat next to me. " If you love someone Death will try to ruin it. " I laughed. " You never make any sence when you talk like that. "


I was as happy as I could ever be. " I know I dont make sence. Now we have to go check on Frankie and Gee. Hopefully they got ready. " I walked down the hall to Gees room and Gerard walked to Frankies. " Gee? You ready yet?" I heard something hit the door. Clothes. And a belt. " Ugh. Noooo." Yep. He was fucking Bob. Or got fucked. " Dude. Get ready. I dont care what you do. Just get ready. " Gerard, Frankie and Andy were already downstairs. " blegh. Gee wont get ready. " Gerard walked upstairs. " Don't go in there. Umm. They're doing....uhhh. Things. " Gerard walked downstairs. Carrying Gee. " Here ya go. He's all ready. " Gee was upset. "I'm sorry bud. We have to go. " We got in the car and drove to the service. It was as boring as ever. The rest of our lives went on happily. And I was glad that I got my lip pierced and got kicked out. If I had never chosen to do that I would have never met the most amazing person in the world.


This chapter is dedicated to the people who can never find a date and feel like they are alone. I know how you feel. You are not alone. And never will be. Just let your imagination run wild. It should get better or so I'm told.

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