The man

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So this guy must really hate Gerard cause we bith ended up running home in fear of being shot. " Gerard, baby, why is he so mean?" I asked while rumaging through the fridge. " I dont know.Its just like depressing." I found the icecream and grabbed two spoons. " Eat away. This is what helps girls with their problems so I figured why not?" I got him to smile a tiny smile. But it was a smile non the less. " Wanna watch scary movies too?" My gawd. If my depression wasnt so bad I would have forgotten. "From lunch time untill midnight? Please." Gerard changed the channel on the tv. " Well, If you want but that means we won't have as much time to ' sleep'" Oh. Well. Thinking. Thinking. Thinking. Decision time!!! " We can watch from now untill nine. Then we can go to sleep. Whatever that is." We watched movies an only took a break to go out to eat. Today was our something month. Aniversary. " We can go to apple bees. Or panera." Decisions decisions. "Panera. We are gonna do this vegitarian style!" I high fived myself. " Do you want to wear my jacket? So you dom't have to have your arms uncovered." I nodded and gladdly took his extra warm jacket. "Thanks. Its all fuzzy." We ate and talked about Mikey. We had to plan his funeral. Alone. "You know it shouldnt be that hard to do." Then I realized, the band is basically over." What about the band? We can just have our own little thing for him. I guess." We finshed eating very quickly and we rushed home to finish our movie marathon. " It's six now. So we can watch one movie before bed. " Gerard didnt turn the tv on. " We are gonna go for a walk. Different scenery. and its a nice couples thing." I fell off the couch. Lala land. " So I take it your ready to go?" I got up and grabbed Gee's coat before he could get to it. " Can we walk to dairy queen. Its just up the street." Im finally gonna get my icecream. "Only If you walk like a zombie the whole way there." I started walking like a zombie. " You have to let me hop on your back and you carry me all the way home." I started walking and Gee kept up. " Almost there!" Yes. Finally. That was the longest walk I have ever been on. "Your buying right?" I pulled out my money. " I would never make a lady pay." I got hit in the side. " Your the girl." I got us each an icecream sudae. And we tryed to hide. If thats even what you call what we did. " Do you wanna stop eating yet? Maybe you got babies in you."


I might be a daddy!!!!!! " Do you wanna talk to a doctor? Cause I think It'll be kewl to have babies." I gave Frank a ride back home. " Sure. I was actually gonna go tomorrow and tell you after if we were gonna have babies." I think or once I actually smiled. "Can I come along?" i stood up and picked Frank up bridal style. " You can go and we can talk about everything." I carried him up to the room and set him down. "Lay with me. Don't ever leave me alone." I laid next to him and just looked at him and his beautifulness. " Are you excited for tomorrow?" I just couldn't stop thinking about how I could have little Franks and Gerards running around. "Yeah. I really do think we're gonna have babies. Im gonna be right back." He ran to the bathroom and I heard him throw up. "Gerard come help me get back in bed. " I walked over and helped him up. "I'm pretty sure your pregnate. Cause this is some morning sickness." He laughed a little and I felt better. We laid back down and Frank fell asleep very quickly. I closed my eyes and dreamt of my little kids. " Gee wake up. We have to leave in a half an hour." I got up And threw on a pair of ripped black skinnies and a black flag tee. " Frank! It's about time to go." I grabbed his hand and skipped to the car. We got to the doctors and checked in. " Mr. Iero and Mr. Way follow me please. " We followed the doctor and he began asking Frank questions. We were still holding hands and the doctor looked at us. " You two? Married yet?" Frank gave me the look that meant I was aloowed to say something. " Yeah. We're gettin married soon. I'm just hoping for kids." I had to leave the room for the ultrasound. The doctor ran out and got me. " Gerard. We're gonna have four kids. FOUR. And they're all boys."

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