Pregnate Franks

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I'm gonna be a daddy!!!! " You can go home now. You just need to come back once a week for the next month." I helped Frank up and we headed to the car."Frank can we name the babies after you, me, Mikey and Ray?" Frank nodded and dozed off. He luckily hasn't gotten hit with morning sickness today. " Wake up baby. We're home." I pulled him out of the car. "Im awake." I set him down and we walked around the neighborhood. "Gee, can we go home?" I kept walking. We were only a few minutes away from the park. "Gerard? Im not gonna move." I stopped and stared at the park. Then turned around and we walked back.


Gerard has been acting very strange. Maybe its because hes so happy about the babies. "So about that wedding? Who do we invite?" I just want to get all of the death and stuff out of our minds. " Well Ray and Bob for sure. Idk who else. " I sat down and watched tv. On the news they said somethin about a virus. Any vampires found would be killed. I ran over to Gerard and knocked him over. "I dont wanna die. Please dont let them kill me. Please please please." I was crying. No bawling by now. Someone knocked on the door and walked in. " Shhh. Its okay. No one is gonna hurt you or our babies. Now we have to get up. Rays here." I got up and hugged Ray. "Hey kiddo. Whats goin on?" Gerard and Ray went ino the other room when a police officer came to the door. "Hello. Is Mr. Way here?" I laughed. "Well, Im gonna be a Way soon. Whats goin on officer?" Gerard walked out and stood next to me. "I believe this is your brother Mikey." Mikey stumbled in. He had fangs. "Thanks officer. " The officer didnt leave and I started to get nervous. " Wheres my pay? Maybe I can take him. Hes cute enough. " I shivered and Gerard put his arm around my waist. "Sorry, I can't give up my baby. " I slammed the door shut. "Mikey is alive. Now he can go to our wedding!" I kissed Gee on the cheek. " Lets get the rest of ut planned. I want the wedding to be soon." I called the wedding plannner and was notified that she had died. " Babe. Shes. Dead." Ray walked in and handed me a stack of invites. "I finished planning the wedding. Its in two days." I yawned. Damn these babies.

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