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Natalie's voice over

Revenge is like a parasite. It's like a life cycle, like how a butterfly grows. Once anger and rage enter your heart, they turn into frustration, and the only way for that frustration and pain to go away, the rage needs to be focused on something, or someone. The cause of the pain. For the truly wronged, there can be no better vindication than watching your oppressor cower in fear, beg for mercy, crawl at your feet or better still, die. For some, that is the only way to attain peace.

From my former bedroom, I stand by the window in the dark, as I watch Luke and Laurel leave. Guilt. Instead of peace of mind, my conscience was tormented. Why wasn't I at peace? Perhaps, watching Luke leave with Laurel? Deep down, I knew that wasn't the reason why. Someone comes into the room. It's Lydia. She pats my shoulder.

"They're both drenched."

"I know. That's exactly how I was drenched once upon a time, with Louis in my belly."

"Do you think you did the right thing?"

"I don't know what's right or wrong. All I know is that I want to destroy his life. If he had done the right thing 2 years ago, we wouldn't even be in this position. Whatever his motives were, they led us here. He set things in motion and I will have to end everything he started. He must suffer."

"He seriously asked if they could stay back. Didn't he remember you were pregnant too, when he threw you out? Honestly, he does deserve everything he's getting."

"Because to him, I was carrying a bastard. Rocket's child." I respond, hurt. Did he truly care for Laurel? As he once did for me? Was he in love with her?

"I don't think she's pregnant, Natalie. That girl isn't pregnant." I look at Lydia, surprised. "How do you know that? How sure are you?"

"I don't know, Natalie. I mean, I'm not a mother or anything, but usually, I don't know, I just can tell it when someone's pregnant. It's like I have eyes for it."

"So you're certain she's not pregnant?" I ask her, slowly putting pieces together. Lydia nods. I continue, "I'll gladly expose her to Luke. If there's something I want to do, it's ruin that stupid relationship of theirs." I say, irked. This was a perfect chance.

"Is that envy?"

"Maybe it is."


"Emmanuele." I say, as I enter her bedroom. "Sorry for not knocking." I say, as I watch the woman gasp. She was shocked. She rushes to hug me.

"Mrs. Carrington!" She cries. "You're back, oh!" I smile. "I'm no longer a Carrington, Emmanuele. Besides, I told you to call me Natalie." She sobs.

"Natalie, this house hasn't been the same without you. Luke hasn't been the same, and you know that evil wench, Laurel, she's turned this house to a sad filthy place!"

I chuckle, "You needn't worry about that now, Emmanuele."

She nods. "I know. Now you're back, everything will be fine again. Everything will go back to normal."

"Not that way, Emmanuele."

"What do you mean?" She asks confused.

"Well, Laurel doesn't live here anymore. Neither does Luke." I say, getting up from the bed.


"Yes. This is my house now. I'm going to live here with my son, Louis."

"Why isn't he staying here with you? With your child?" She asks.

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