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"Hold on, hold on, Lucas raped you and had you kidnapped?" Lydia asks as I give her a detailed explanation of everything that had transpired between Luke and myself.

I nod, remembering the awful day he raped me. If I was any smarter, I'd have known to stay clear of him after he did such a despicable and inhumane thing. "He did."

"Do you have proof of this?"

"I don't, but it's not something he would deny. He can't deny it." I tell her.

"At first, one would think you were just angry and spiteful, but you really have to teach this man a lesson. David is terrible, believe me, not as terrible as this."

"I am spiteful. I was once so innocent and full of love, but now, I'm just filled with hate, rage and anger."

Lydia holds my hands, a gesture stating that she was indeed with me and understood how I was feeling. "What do you want to do now?"

"I'd need your help for that, Lydia. The first step in my plan is to ruin his name. Rub his name in the mud so much, that people begin to wonder who he really is."

"What can I do?"

"Throw a party," I respond. Soirées were thrown regularly in London, by the rich and powerful. It was a medium through which people who could boast of not only owning designer clothes or multiple mansions. It was where people came to boast and make talk about how much their new jets and yachts costs, about how their spouses gifted them sapphire and diamonds. "David and Lucas, they went through with their business plans, yes?" I ask

"Yes, they did."

"Good. That should be good enough a guise. Invite Luke alone. If Laurel comes, she might disrupt my plans."

"Laurel? The help?"

I chuckle, "She's more than just a help now, Lydia. Luke and her are together."

"You know, I always knew there was something off about that girl. I know a fox when I see one."

"In my own way, she will pay too. She set a few thing in motion. I hold her responsible for a few things too. She played a huge role in my fathers death."

"Give me more details on what you want this party to be like. Any suggestions? Dress up? Masquerade party? Costume party?"

"Just a very, very normal party, my friend. A normal party with lots of people and lots of booze. They will be witnesses to what'll transpire between Luke and I."

"Give me a date, and I'll plan everything accordingly." Lydia says, a mischievous smile on her face.

"Tomorrow's Sunday, so in six days. Saturday evening will do just fine."

Lydia nods, and gives a small smile.


A few hours later, Sunday morning

When last did I visit a church? I ask myself as I hear the church bells ring. I wasn't here to listen to the sermon or ask forgiveness for my sins thus far. I was here to confess those sins and the sins to come, the sins I would still commit. Confession and forgiveness were two different things entirely.

"Hello, father. Good morning." I say as I get comfortable in the confession box.

"Good morning, child. Welcome. How may I help you?"

"I'm here to confess my sins."

"You may begin. Your secrets are bound between yourself, I, and God." The priest says.

"I've done so many questionable things father. Things that the old me wouldn't have done, I mean, I haven't killed anybody but somehow, deep down inside, I feel like this mission I'm on, my quest for justice, would make me do something horrific. I'm using devious means to destroy the lives of those who ruined mine. Even though I know that I'm not supposed to be doing this, I am, and I fear the worst is yet to begin. This anger, it's consumed me so much, but I'm not ready to give it up, even though I know what it's capable of doing to me."

"What do you think will happen at the end of this mission you speak of?"

"I'm hoping to get peace. As long as the lines are equal, I will be at peace, knowing they have suffered just as much as I have."

"Judgement is for the lord alone, child. Why do you bother yourself doing what is of no concern to you?"

"No concern? No concern? I lost my father, almost lost my life and my son. I was raped, abducted, tortured, sold off like a piece of jewelry, off to the highest bidder, and all this was orchestrated by one man. I was innocent! Do you know what it feels like to look into the eyes of a man and beg to not be violated? Raped without pity?! No, father, you don't. You don't understand what it felt like to be thrown out in the middle of the night with heavy rainfall after being wrongfully accused of being a vile and adulterous woman. I will not forgive, and I will not forget." I say, as I storm out of the confession box, tears in my eyes. I'd just reminded myself of everything I'd gone through while married to Lucas. Did I really love such a monster? I wipe my tears as I exit the church. "Saturday seems so far all of a sudden, but I'll wait, because Saturday marks the beginning of your end, Lucas Carrington."

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