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After putting Louis to sleep, I inform Ashley that I want my snack brought to my study. I turn the lights on as I enter the room. I turn on the air conditioner as I feel hot.

As fast as I can, I turn on my laptop and wait. As soon as it boots, I hit in the link. The page loads, but it asks for a password. "Password?" I murmur. Kelly didn't say anything about a password. I type in her name, Kelly, in capital letters. It is declined. I open my drawer and take out my reading glasses. My pregnancy had affected my vision softly, but the doctors had assured that with time, it would be corrected. "What could the password be?" I wonder as I rack my head, trying to figure out why the website was password protected when she herself had given it to me.

"Thank you very much." I say to one of the cooks as she drops my food on the table. If I was trying so hard to hide something from someone, where would I hide it? Then it hits me. I'd hide it in plain sight. Nobody would suspect a thing. The password had to be Luke's name, his last name. I type it in, hoping that I was right. The page opens, and access is granted. I sigh in relief, a smile on my face.

I begin to munch on my late night snack as I go through the page. There are notes, PDF documents, and most importantly, a video. I click on the video. It opens. Luke is standing, alongside another, who I presume to be Caleb, his right hand. They are in a type of factory? Warehouse? They're facing each other, talking. They're dressed in tuxedos, work appropriate tuxedos. There's audio, but not audible. I try to move closer to the computer, an effort to try to make out what exactly they were talking about. Luke brings out a folded piece of paper from his jacket and hands it over to Caleb. Caleb doesn't open or look at it, he just takes it and puts it in his jacket. He turns to leave.

"What the hell does this even mean?" I wonder, as I replay the video.

After watching the video for the umpteenth time, the only thing I'm able to decode is that; Caleb is very trusted by Luke, and two, Caleb was meant to carry out something for Luke. It was as though Luke was giving him instructions. The only question was, was Luke ordering Caleb to murder Kelly's father?

I close the video and open another tab. I go to the Carrington industries website. I click on staff. I needed to find out more about this Caleb, and know exactly what he looked like. I never saw him while I was married to Luke, nor did I ever hear Luke mention any Caleb. I go through the photos of Carrington staff and I pause, as soon as I see 'Caleb'. However, there are two Calebs. I click on the first. Apparently, he's Caleb Dartmouth, a staff in the engineering department and Caleb Davis, the chief of staff. Apart from their difference in skin tone, it was pretty obvious who Luke's right hand man would be. Caleb Davis. Same hair color and style noted in the video.

"Who exactly are you, Caleb Davis?" I say, as I google him. There's little or no information of him. He has no Wikipedia page, just a few pictures of him on google images. I'd have Lee Martins find out more about him.


"I can't remember asking for a secretary." I say as I enter my office, Jennifer behind me.

"Good morning, ma'am."

"Good morning to you too. I really don't like it when people follow me around, Jessica." I say intentionally.

"Jennifer, ma'am."

"I don't give a bloody hell what your name is, love, I just want you out of my office."

"Understood. I'll be right outside your door, should you need me." She says and I get further irritated as soon as I realize a desk and a chair had been stationed opposite my office.

I massage my head, trying to calm my nerves. I was unable to sleep properly the night before. In addition to trying to decipher what Luke and Caleb might've been plotting in the video, Louis constant crying didn't help matters at all. I had a feeling I would have a terrible day, and Jennifer getting on my nerves was confirmation enough.

A few minutes later. . .

"It's time. The meeting starts in 5 minutes." Jennifer states.

I get up, adjusting my turtle neck chiffon blouse and my peplum skirt. "Lead the way."

Arriving at the boardroom, I can see that although I'm right on time, members of the board are already seated.

"Good morning, gentlemen." I say as I take my seat at the head of the table. "Did you lot just ignore my greeting?" I ask, as I hear no response. It was not a secret that these men hated me, for reasons best known to them.

"Good morning to you, Mrs. Carr— I interject, before he can finish the sentence. "Miss. Richardson. I'm no longer a Carrington, good sir."

I turn to the remaining board members, seven in number. "As I've been informed, this is an introductory meeting, but I can't seem to find the Chief Exec?"

"He's indisposed at the moment, I'll be standing in for him." I hear a voice speak from behind. He's walking forward, so I wait to see who this person is.

"And you are?" I ask.

"Caleb Davis, ma'am. Mr. Carrington's personal assistant and Chief-of-staff."

I grin internally. Speak of the devil and he will show up unannounced. "I'll allow it." I say as I take a proper look at him. So, this was Luke's right hand man and supposedly, his hit man, in flesh and blood.

"I see no point in this, if you're going to blab all day." A man murmurs.

"My opinion too. Some of us have pressing matters to attend to." Another says.

"Shall we begin?" Another says.

"I have no quarrel with the lot of you, so I find it really odd that you all dislike me. I mean, from your body language and behaviors, it's quite obvious. Is it because I'm a woman? The first woman to have this chair? The first woman to preside over you?"

"Why do you think so, Miss. Richardson?" Another says, looking up from his glasses. He was a bit elderly.

"Please, spare me the theatrics, even a fool can smell the misogyny oozing out of this room. How dare you look down on me?" I say, anger surging through me as I look them all in the face. They look shocked but not surprised. Caleb is standing behind Luke's seat, observing the situation, no doubt in order to report back to Luke. "I am here to stay and you better get used to it. You might own shares in the company and play a part in the decision making, but you will always, always, answer to me, because I call the shots. You better get used to having me around, because you will grow sick. . .of seeing this face." I say, in the calmest tone I can muster. I'd had enough of men ordering me around, dictating my life and above all, I was tired of being the puppy who could be kicked around so easily.

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