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I can feel my hair swinging behind me as I walk as fast as I can. I adjust my black Chanel shades as I enter the office building. My eyes were almost bloodshot red and I am still a bit hungover from last nights events.

I clutch onto the handle of my Hermès mini travel bag as soon as I notice people notice me. Couldn't I just enter without being noticed? I hated the attention my presence commanded. I wave back to some staff as they greet me.

"Good morning, Ms. Richardson."

"Hello." I respond and quickly rush to the elevator. I heave a sigh of relief as soon as the doors close. I take off my shades and look into the mirror by the side. I wasn't dressed as my usual self nor did I look like my usual self. I was dressed in a simple office pencil skirt, a blue long sleeve chiffon blouse and my black hair was tied into a ponytail.

I arrive on the second floor, where my office is located. Thankfully, it's empty. Jennifer stands up as soon as she sees me walking towards her.

"Good Morning, Ms. Richardson."

I nod. I cough. "Anything I should know?"

She nods and looks around. "Caleb wanted me to check your phone for somebody named Kelly."


"Yes. I think it's an order from Mr. Carrington. He wanted me to find out if you've been in contact with her and what you've been talking about." So, Caleb knew that I and Kelly had been talking. How did he? Did he have another mole planted near me? Did Luke plant cameras in my office? Bloody hell. How could I miss something so crucial? I rush into my office and begin to close the blinds. Jennifer enters.

"Look for a camera. There's probably a hidden camera in here." I say. We begin to look around the entire office. Nothing is found.

"I don't think there's a ca-camera in here, ma'am." Jennifer says and I turn to see her, sweaty and pale. I realize that she must be disturbed since Luke and Caleb can hear what we're saying and might probably suspect her.

"I feel I'm being watched. That's why I'm searching for a camera. It's none of your concern. You may leave." I say as I nod at her. She smiles and quietly leaves.

I take off my shades as I sit on the single couch. I take off my Amina Muaddi heels. I feel hungry. I close my eyes, and begin to recall the events of the previous night. Apart from the kiss, I couldn't recall a thing. I didn't even remember how I got home and ended up sleeping in the guest room.

I was ashamed. Ashamed, embarrassed and uneasy about locking lips with Alex, another man for that matter. Another man? You're free! My subconscious reminds me.

Although I was drunk, I knew perfectly well what I was doing even though I so badly wanted to deny it. It's almost as though a part of me wanted to do it.

I shake the thoughts off. I didn't want to think about it. I get up and pour myself a glass of water. For a moment, I'd forgotten about what Jennifer had told me. The flower vase reminds me of it.

It could only mean one thing if Caleb asked Jennifer to go through my phone. He knew about Kelly and I. I didn't think they would be able to recognize Kelly's voice through the recorder. If he knew about it, definitely, he must've seen it or heard it from someone, so, it was either I couldn't find the camera, Jennifer was playing both sides or Kelly was playing me. It had to be one of the options. Kelly had been to the office before and undoubtedly, they must've heard our conversations. What struck me as odd, was why he wanted information about my dealings with Kelly.

I go to my desk and sit. There's a lot of files on it. I ignore them. I was here to ruin the company, not help it. I switch on my laptop, and begin to compose an e-mail to Lee Martins. I needed to see him. Lee Martins stayed in the city but according to the little I knew about him, he couldn't be found unless he wanted to be. I wanted to find out about the information I'd asked him to get and also, I wanted him to investigate Caleb for me, alongside Kelly. Lee Martins was like my magnifying glasses, seeing everything I failed to see.

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