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"Please, have a sit."The officer tells me. I sit. My hair is tied back in a ponytail. I'm dressed in a turtle neck sweater, black palazzo pants and brown suede pencil heels.

"How ya feelin' today, Miss?"

"Better than yesterday, thank you." I respond, as I'm passed a pen and paper.

"So I'll need you to narrate the story from when you got into the house till when you were rescued. Don't leave a single detail out."

I nod, "Okay."

"You're taking up the case right? Do you want to drop it or go to court?"

"Well, I don't know, I'm still so lost and confused." I lie. I knew exactly what I wanted. My plan wasn't about sending Luke to jail. That would be too easy for him. That wouldn't be enough punishment. What I wanted was to see him publicly humiliated, and take more things from him.

"I'd like to consult my lawyer if that's okay."

"Absolutely. Please, go ahead."

"No, I don't have one yet."

"Well, you can choose a lawyer from the government, if you want. We could assign one to you."

I squirm uncomfortably in my seat. No way in hell would I allow a government lawyer work for me. "It's not compulsory is it? I'd like to source a lawyer on my own, detective." I say. She smiles at me. It's almost as though she can see exactly what's going through my mind. I had to play my cards carefully, especially around this woman.

"Not at all, Miss. . .?"

"Richardson." I tell her.

She nods, "Got it. Please." She gestures to the blank paper. I nod and begin to write.

"So, I'll go over this, and contact you as soon as we need you. You were formerly Mrs. Carrington?" She asks, surprised.

"Yes. We were married." I respond.

"That says a lot."

"Is he. . .?" I ask.

"Your ex-husband? Oh, yes. He spent the night here, but his bail is currently being processed."


"Yes. Why's that so surprising? You wanted him spending more time here, huh?"

"I was just curious." I say. I get up to leave. "I'll take my leave, detective. I'll be back as soon as I find a lawyer." I say.


I get up, startled. I was confused. I look around and realize where I am, as the events of last night replay in my mind. I still feel fuzzy, but my mind is agile. I remember talking with David, then Natalie. I remember Laurel barging in on us angrily and falling into the pool. I remember following Natalie. A frown plays across my face as I remember exactly why I followed her. Just as she was entering the house, I see an annoyingly familiar face. One I hadn't seen since the evening he fled from the manor.

I walk to the jail bars, "Hello? I'd like my phone call!"

It was Rocky. He was outside the gates, heading for the house. He was obviously going to meet her. Heh. So much for false accusations. I rush into the house, wanting to get to her first before Rocky could get the chance to. I can't find her in the loving room, so I move to the hallway. She's there. Her dress, exposing her back and her curves. I missed her. I missed us, even though I would never openly admit it. I would never bed a whore.

She turns around. She looks shocked and freezes as though she's thinking about something.

"I wish I could express how much I hate you, as I once expressed my love for you."I say.

My vision begins to blur. My head is spinning. I feel uncomfortable and sweaty.

What happened next? I wonder as I rack my brain. I couldn't remember what happened after I said those things to her. My mind was blank.

"Look how the mighty has fallen." An officer says as he opens my cell. He leads me to the phone booth.

"Make it quick." He says to me. I would have him removed or demoted for having the guts to be rude to me.

"Caleb, I'm in a bit of a crisis."


Caleb bails me out. The officers are processing my bail.

"We looked everywhere for you, sir. The Jackson's wouldn't let me in."

"Must've been Lydia."

"The Lady's on her way here. She said she couldn't find you after the party, but there was a ruckus."

"Stop her from coming, Caleb. I've had enough drama for one day."

"I'm afraid it's too late for that already, sir. She must be here already."

"Arrange a meeting with my lawyers."

"Yes, sir." Caleb responds. From the corners of my eyes I notice him go through his phone. "Sir?" He calls.

"What is it?" I say, turning to face him. He hands over his phone.

"Hmph." I go through the article that'd just been published about me. 'Rapist Mogul'.

"Sir, is there anything I should know? We must begin to plan our defense."

"I wish I could tell you something, Caleb, but, I don't even remember anything."

"You don't remember? You can't remember the events of yesterday?"

"I can't. I remember I was with Natalie, but it's like I blacked out after I was punched."


"My love, Luke!" I hear Laurel scream and I turn. She hugs me tightly. I return her hug.

"That witch, I've always told you to stay away from her, now she's got you in so much trouble!"

"You shouldn't have come."

"She's trying to ruin our lives because you left her for me. She doesn't want us to be happy."

"I left her because she cheated, Laurel."

She let's go of me. I can tell she's embarrassed. "I don't like that stuck up wench one bit, Luke. It's on the papers, everyone is calling you a rapist, saying that's probably why your marriage crashed."

"Sir, we must leave. I've just got intel, the media's heading here." Caleb says as he adjusts his radio earpiece.

I nod. We head towards the exit of the station. I didn't know exactly what happened the night before, but I would get to the bottom of it, by hook or by crook.

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