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I scan the restaurant as I enter the building. I am exactly sixteen minutes late. Had he left already? I felt relieved at the thought, but I knew that I'd actually need the footage, if I ever needed to prove my suspicion that Laurel was behind my car being destroyed. As I turn to leave, I pause, as I see someone waving at me. It is him, the guy from earlier today. I nod, distraught and somewhat annoyed. I walk towards the table where he's seated at and he stands. He takes out the chair for me.

"Okay. I must say, you look stunning." I had worn a strapless golden gown and a suit jacket over it. My hair packed in bridal style.

I roll my eyes at his compliment, even though I was amused hearing it.

He speaks, "Did you just roll your eyes at me?"

"I did. What about it?" I say, as I sit.

"Nothing, for now. I don't even know your name, beautiful."

"Don't get it wrong. I came here, because I need that footage. I didn't come here for petty chitchat."

"If that's the case then why did you dress up so nicely? Why do you have on such provocative lipstick? You could've worn pants, sneakers— but you show up in this." He says, and sips some water from his glass.

I'm at a loss for words, as I actually wonder why I put in so much effort. This dress was worth £17,000 for God's sake. "I'm not just some rando you met on the street. The paparazzi could be anywhere, I could have my photo taken at any point. I didn't dress up for you. Besides, the restaurant has a strict dressing policy." I say as I gesture to the waiter I see. "Red wine, please."

"It's Alex. Alex Robinson."

"May I have the footage, please?"

"That's too long for a name, don't you think? I'll hand it over after dinner."

"Natalie Carr— Natalie Richardson."

"I'm guessing that was formerly your name? Your marital name?"

"It's none of your business, but how can you tell?"

"I have an IQ of 155. I'm a smart man, Miss. Richardson."

"Well, if you're so smart, you should know that I'm not liking this and I'm overly irked by your persistence."

He chuckles, "That was good, that was good. So, what would you like to have?" He says, as the waiter arrives with my glass of wine. I take it and sip some.

"Mozzarella sticks is all I'll have, thank you."

"I'll have the same, thank you."

"Let me ask you a question. What exactly is your game here? What are you after?" I ask, as I begin to wonder. Perhaps, he was sent by Luke? I wouldn't be surprised, Luke was in fact capable of stooping so low.

"I want to get to know you. I'm new in town, formerly lived in Canada, but now I've decided to return home, for the family company."

"Family company? No wonder, I was wondering how you could afford such an expensive restaurant."

He chuckles, "What? That's embarrassing. First time someone's ever looked down on me."

"You're merely a pretty boy, and if you think your small cash, chicken change, may I say, can woo me, then you're dead wrong, Mr. Robinson."

"I love how feisty you are and it's amusing because, truly, no one's ever not intimidated by me."

"Safe to say you've met your superior, right?" I respond.

"You did it again. Does that mean we're officially friends?"

I roll my eyes again and a laugh somehow escapes my lips. I begin to drink my wine.

The Mozzarella sticks arrive. I take a bite. Alex takes a bite.

"So, what makes you happy— who makes you happy?" He asks.

"My son." I say

I can see the shock on his face, but he doesn't make it obvious. "You have a son. How old is he?"

"He'll be one soon. I had him a few months ago."

"I hope he makes you smile often?"

"He does. Every moment I'm with him. Louis' my miracle, without him, I don't know where I'd be." I say. Suddenly, my phone beeps. I take it out and it's a text from the PI. "Excuse me for a moment,"

I open the text and I'm relieved and pleased at the good news I'd just received. The PI had gotten signatures from two frail board members of Carrington Industries. I knew those seats would cost my bank account, but in order to infiltrate Luke's businesses to sabotage him, I had to get into the company, by whatever means possible.

"You look like you just got good news. Am I correct?"

I nod, "I'm forced to believe that you really do have a high IQ. Indeed."

He laughs, "You have a way with words, Ms. Richardson. I like that about you. It's fascinating."

"Give me the footage. I think you've had your fun now."

He chuckles, "Why were you so gullible?"

"Excuse me?"

"The Lux is a luxury atelier and luxury store. How on earth could you think their cameras would malfunction for even a minute? Don't you think they would've been robbed already?"

I chuckle, "What? You played me?"

"I must say, I was scared when I first asked for dinner. I thought you would catch on and decipher the lie, no offense."

"Offense taken, how dare you bother me and waste my time? Do you realize my son is in bed, alone?" I say, almost irritated, but still amused. This man was truly becoming a thorn in my foot.

"Forgive me. It was not my intention to get you riled up or insult your intelligence. I honestly just wanted to have dinner, that's all."

"I never want to see you again. If I do, you owe me a favor and a very very huge one. I hope you have a disastrous evening." I say and take my exit.

As I exit the building, I place a call to Lee Martins, my personal private investigator.

"Did you ensure they signed the transfer documents?" I asks. He responds with a positive reply and so I'm calm. "Alright. Please I need those documents and I might need you to hire a lawyer for me. I might have a case I'd like to take up in court." I say, referring to the incident with my car. If Laurel really was behind my car getting vandalized, she would surely hear from me, and my lawyer.

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