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if you're a normal person, one of the few things you can count on in life is death. but if you're a surgeon, even that comfort is taken away from you.
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standing alone in an elevator, mark has his hands behind his back and his eyes looking down at his feet when he hears a ding and the doors slide open, causing him to look up.

"oh, hey," derek greets, jogging to catch the elevator before turning so that he and mark are stood side by side. "i need you to sleep with cristina yang."

"good morning," mark nods as derek leans forward to select his floor.

"yeah. distract her. engage her. give her something to do after midnight besides call my girlfriend and wake me up," derek explains.

"yang?" mark raises his brow and derek nods. "no. no, too serious, humourless, un-fun- not my type."

"yang should be your type," derek tells him. "she's intense, intelligent, complicated. she's like a single malt scotch, and you're used to beer bongs."

"chloe altman is no beer bong," mark smirks whilst shaking his head.

"oh, you know, wait a minute," derek turns to him with an amused grin. "i get it. you don't think you have a shot," mark then looks at him with a raised brow and derek shrugs. "you're probably right."

"oh, i have a shot," mark assures.

"then try it, as a favour," derek requests.

"no," mark scoffs, shaking his head. "i'm not your stud horse. you can't just- just tell me who to sleep-"

"you slept with my wife," derek reminds him as he interrupts.

"yeah, i'll give it a shot," mark shrugs and derek grins.

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surgeons cheat death. we prolong it, we deny it. we stand and defiantly give death the finger.
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"somebody paged us," mark says, leaning around the open doorway of the bustling trauma room, derek just beside him.

"i did," owen nods

"you did?" derek raises his brow. "that's a first."

"so is this," owen walls over to the two of them nodding towards the patient callie had earlier described as a 'human pretzel'. "i've seen a lot of trauma- guys cut in half, amputations, eviscerations- but i have never seen anything like this," owen explains before forcing a smile. "i wondered if you could help, seeing as chloe's out."

"is altman okay?" mark furrows his brow looking away from the patient and back to owen.

"she's fine," owen assures, his own brow furrowing as he watches relief wash over mark's face. "she's with the chief."

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we're born, we live, we die... sometimes not necessarily in that order. we put things to rest, only to have them rise up again.
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erica hahn had up and left seattle, and callie along with it, after finding out about izzie's relationship with denny duquette. to make matters worse, when erica had brought it up to callie, she had defended izzie which was really the last straw for erica.

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