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surgeons are all messed up. we're butchers. messed up, knife-happy butchers. we cut people up, we move on.
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"i can't stop thinking about izzie," chloe sighs whilst she helps mark sort through boxes and boxes of his things in her- well, their bedroom.

the couple had decided that until they found the perfect place for them to live together, mark was going to temporarily move into chloe's small house.

"i thought this would distract me, you know?" she looks across the room to mark, grasping a hideously coloured shirt in her hand. "i mean, you own so much crap. couldn't you have left this in new york? or in the garbage at the hotel?"

"hey," mark frowns, stepping across the room and snatching the garment from her. "i happen to love this shirt."

"i have never seen you wear that shirt," chloe points out with a cocked brow.

"yeah, i really hate this shirt," mark admits, tossing it to one side and chloe chuckles.

"mark, this is ridiculous," chloe shakes her head as she continues rummaging through the cardboard box in front of her. "i mean, do you even..."

"do i even..?" mark prompts after the few moments of silence that had passed when chloe trailed off.

the blonde lifts her head to meet mark's gaze before slowly lifting her hands out of the box, revealing in her hand what she had discovered. a small red jewellery box that she'd opened to reveal a diamond ring.

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patients die on our watch, we move on. we cause trauma, we suffer trauma.
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in the living room of callie's apartment that she shares with cristina, she and arizona are dancing together. their joyous dancing, however, is cut short by the continuous ringing of arizona's phone.

"chloe?" arizona's brows knit together, bringing her cell up to her ear whilst callie switches the music off. "are you okay?"

"can i come to your place?" chloe's voice sounds out through the speaker.

"erm," arizona looks over to callie who mouths back 'everything okay?', and the blonde shrugs. "i'm at callie's right now..."

"invite her over," callie whispers.

"... if you wanna come here. owen's here though, with cristina," she warns her best friend who goes quiet for a few moments afterwards. finding an engagement ring amongst mark's things was hardly something she'd like to discuss in front on her ex husband. "i mean, they're in her bedroom. you probably won't even see him."

"uh, yeah," chloe nods, not that arizona could see her. "i'll be right over."

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we don't have time to worry about all the blood and death and crap it really makes us feel.
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"a ring?!" arizona and callie exclaim in unison as the new couple sit either side of the blonde on callie's couch.

"an engagement ring?" callie's brow is raised as she asks for clarification, and chloe nods. "woah."

"i know," chloe exhales deeply.

however, the girls aren't given much opportunity to deepen their conversation before the crashing sounds can be heard coming from cristina's room. they all share a look of confusion before callie stands up and hurries over.

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