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for a surgeon, every patient is a battlefield. they're our terrain. where we advance, retreat, try to remove all the landmines...
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whilst stood waiting for an elevator in the hospital lobby, mark and derek are approached by richard, along with owen who is wearing navy scrubs and his very own seattle grace lab coat.

"ah, gentlemen. i want you to meet the newest trauma surgeon at seattle grace," richard reacquaints them, but neither of them seem pleased about his return. "major owen hunt, you remember derek shepherd, mark sloan."

"he stole my patient," derek tells mark as he shakes owen's hand.

"mine, too," mark says, bitterly, as he shakes owen's hand, reluctantly.

"now you'll get a chance to steal mine," owen chuckles, awkwardly, whilst avoiding mark's harsh gaze.

"looking forward to it," derek forces a smile.

"ah, can't wait," mark nods, his voice laced with sarcasm.

"i just talked to a friend of mine at the d.o.h," richard informs them. "now that we have owen, we are being reclassified as a level one trauma unit by the end of the month."

"that explains it," derek rolls his eyes, shaking his head down at the floor, making it very clear to owen that neither of them were happy about him being here.

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and just when you think you've won the battle, made the world safe again. along comes another landmine.
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"she's cute and fun and we're going out again on friday," arizona tells chloe, as they're walking into work, whilst showing her a picture of the woman she went out with last night on her cell phone.

"she's pretty," chloe smiles at her best friend, but as she looks up she sees mark and derek stood across from richard and owen.

gasping slightly as richard and owen begin to turn away from the other two doctors, meaning that they will soon be looking and heading in chloe's direction, the blonde grabs arizona's arm.

"run!" chloe's feet move quickly as she turns around and pulls a bewildered and wide eyed arizona through the halls.

arizona constantly looks back in confusion until they eventually turn a corner and chloe releases her grip on arizona's arm as the two of them lean back against the wall.

"okay," arizona pants. "what was that all about?"

"i just saw owen," chloe exhales deeply.

"oh," arizona's eyes bulge. "i thought he was in iraq."

"well, yeah, he was and now he's here, i- i mean, at my hospital," chloe stresses. "he's back. what's he doing back? i signed divorce papers. i didn't want to see his stupid face again, especially not right next to mark's stupid, oh so perfect face."

"okay, no," arizona shakes her head. "you're not- no- you're focusing on the medicine."

"coast clear?" chloe asks with a sigh.

the two of them then slowly shuffle back down the hall, their backs pressed against the wall, as they reach the corner, arizona peers around it before turning back to chloe and putting her thumb up.

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