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The following morning, Remus and Tonks woke up. Remus smiled and gave his son a kiss on the forehead and kissed Tonks on the lips. She kissed back and he held her close, in his arms. 
'Good morning, Dora...' He said softly.
'Good morning Remus.' 
Teddy twitched in their arms but kept sleeping. They smiled happily at each other.
'Do you mind if I go to Shell cottage Dora, To tell them the news?'
She smiled. 'Of course not. Go ahead.'
He smiled at her and kissed her on the forehead. 'I'll be back in maximum an hour.' He got dressed and apparated to Shell cottage. 

Tonks's P.O.V.

An hour later, Tonks carried a now awake Teddy downstairs to the living room. He should be back any time soon. She heard a crack outside and peered out the window. To her horror, Bellatrix lestrange was there, cackling loudly and walking to the front door. She only had time to grab her wand before the door blasted open and Bellatrix ran into the living room. Tonks put Teddy down and stood protectively in front of him. She began to duel Bellatrix.
'Where's your husband, Nymphadora?' Bellatrix sneered. 'It would be horrible if something had happened to him, wouldn't it?'
'You had better not have done something to him!' Tonks shouted angrily.
'I doubt that matters now,' she smirked. 'I'm about to kill you and your precious little boy anyway.'
Tonks heard another crack outside and heard a shout. She recognised the voice as Remus's. She heard him shout, 'let me in!'
'Who did you bring with you?' Tonks asked Bellatrix, annoyed.
'Magnus Snide.' She said calmly.
Tonks went pale. She hoped nothing would happen to Remus. She was being pushed back against the wall. She was losing. Remus managed to get in and he shot a spell at Bellatrix, just missing her ear. Bellatrix snarled and spun around. Magnus came behind Remus and shot a curse at him. It hit him in the back and he flew into the wall and fell to the ground. He moaned but managed to get back up. He began to duel Magnus while Tonks kept duelling Bellatrix. 

Remus's P.O.V.

A few minutes later, Remus was backed against the wall and Magnus was closing in on him. He knew there was only one way to kill Magnus now, and that method would most likely get him killed as well. Tonks looked at him and she seemed to see what he was thinking from the look in his face. 
'No Remus! Don't!' 
'I love you Dora...' he murmured and pointed his wand at Magnus. He shot the blasting curse at Magnus and it hit him in the face, killing him instantly. The blast was big though and Remus was very close to Magnus so he was hit a bit in the face as well and flew back against the wall and slumped to the ground. Everything went black.

Tonks's P.O.V.

Tonks stared at him in shock. 'REMUS!' she screamed and Bellatrix cackled. 
'Your werewolf Husband will be dead in a few minutes.' She sneered.
Tonks was so angry and this helped her attacks. She was winning so Bellatrix grabbed Magnus's body and disapparated. She picked up Teddy, who was crying, and ran to Remus. His arms were lying limply by his side and his mouth was slightly open. She checked for a pulse. He had a weak one. She saw Teddy look scared at Remus and tried to smile comfortingly at him but couldn't. She wiped tears from her eyes and carried Remus to the sofa and pulled his head on her lap. She put Teddy on the sofa next to them and brushed Remus's hair out of his face. Teddy snuggled up to her and she put her free arm around him. She kissed Remus on the lips and put her hand on his cheek. She buried her head in his chest and sobbed. His body was weak and his breathing was hoarse. He was bleeding where the blasting curse had hit his face. She was relieved Magnus was dead but she was scared Remus would die as well. Luckily he didn't stop breathing like that time at the burrow. 
4 hours later, Remus finally woke up. She hugged him tight and he smiled weakly and wrapped his arms around her, stroking her back. He pressed a kiss to her lips and she kissed back. When they broke apart, Remus smiled at Teddy and kissed his forehead. Soon Teddy fell asleep. Tonks went upstairs to bring him to his cot and then came back down to Remus
'You scared me Remus...' Tonks said, sitting down and snuggling up to him. 'Why did you do that...'
'Sorry Dora...It was the only way to get rid of him...' He wrapped his arms around her and combed his fingers through her hair. 'I had to keep you and Teddy safe...Besides, I'm fine now, aren't I? You don't have to worry about me.' He smiled at her and trailed kisses along her jaw.
She smiled and pulled his lips to hers. He rolled over and pulled her on top of him. He kissed her neck and she sighed happily. He went back to her lips and gently kissed them. She kissed back and he pulled her closer. They broke the kiss and lay together on the sofa. Remus had his arms around her, protecting her from the horrors in the world around them. Tonks rested her head on his chest and he stroked her back gently.
'I love you Dora...' he said softly.
'I love you too...'

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