The battle of the Astronomy tower

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Remus's P.O.V.

Remus and Tonks were sitting in the living room in the burrow. They were staying there for a few days. They heard a knock at the door. Remus went and opened the door. To his great surprise, Scrimgeour, the new minister for magic, was standing there.
'Minister? What are you doing here?'
Tonks got up and joined them at the door.
'I wish to speak with you Lupin.' Scrimgeour said coldly.
'Me? Umm ok.' He exchanged a worried look with Tonks and then followed Scrimgeour outside.
Once they were far enough away, Scrimgeour turned to look at Remus. 
'So,' he said. 'I want you to break up with her.'
'You heard me.' The minister said calmly.
Remus glared at him. 'Why would I do that?'
'Because I don't want members of the ministry dating werewolves. If you don't break up with her, well, I'm afraid I'd have to fire her. You don't want that on your conscience, do you?'
Remus stared at him. 'You...You can't fire someone for dating a werewolf!'
Scrimgeour gave him a smirk. 'Actually, I can. You have five minutes to do it. If you don't, I'll fire her. And don't tell her I told you to do this or I'll still fire her.'
Remus stared at him, open mouthed. The minister looked back, not breaking eye contact. Remus sighed, defeated. 'Fine...' he murmured and went back inside to Tonks.
She looked worried at him when he came in. 'Are you ok?' She asked.
'I'm sorry Dora...I can't be with you...'
She looked at him, shocked. 'Did the minister make you do this...?'
He shook his head. 'I'm still too old...too poor, too dangerous.'
She yelled at him, with tears in her eyes. 'We've been over this! I don't care! How many times do I have to tell you...?'
'I'm sorry...' he said, and walked out of the house. Scrimgeour was still there. 'Happy?' He asked, angrily. 'You've successfully ruined my life. I hope never to see you again!' He disapparated.

Tonks's P.O.V.

She stared after him. What on earth was going on with him? Why wouldn't he understand? Would he ever stop having these stupid thoughts? She sobbed and went to her room. She stayed there for the rest of the day, ignoring Molly's requests for her to come down for supper. She didn't have to look in a mirror to know her hair was mousy brown again. She sniffed. She lay down in bed and fell asleep.

Remus's P.O.V.

It had been a few months since he had been forced to leave Tonks. He was patrolling the castle while Dumbledore was gone. He said he had brought Harry with him. He knew Tonks was patrolling nearby. He felt tears in his eyes and quickly wiped them away. He was doing this for her own good. If he had stayed with her, she would have lost her job. He suddenly heard loud noises and screams up ahead and ran towards the noise. He found himself in the room under the top of the astronomy tower in the middle of a large battle. He saw Tonks fighting a huge blond death eater and shot a spell at him, but he missed by an inch and a figure landed on top of him, pinning him to the ground. He heard Tonks scream his name and fought to get free. He looked at his attacker. It was Magnus. Magnus punched him in the face several times and then Remus finally managed to push him away. He lay there for a moment, catching his breath. He saw Tonks wanted to get to him but she was too busy fighting the blond death eater. He pulled himself upwards and began to duel Magnus. 
'I'm going to kill you,' Magnus snarled. 'She was meant to be mine!'
Remus glared at him. He saw Greyback and some others run up the stairs to the top of the astronomy tower and he broke out of the fight with Magnus and ran after them. However, when he met the top of the stairs, he was thrown back by an invisible shield and fell slumped on the ground. Magnus shot the killing curse at him and it just missed him, hitting the ceiling and causing a bit of the ceiling to crumble and land on him, knocking him unconscious.

Tonks's P.O.V.

Tonks saw the flash of green light and saw Remus lying motionless on the ground and assumed the worst. She screamed in anger, tears in her eyes and managed to knock out the death eater she was fighting. She ran over to Remus and buried her head in his chest. To her relief, he was breathing. So he hadn't been hit directly by the curse at least...A few minutes later, his eyes flickered open and he gazed weakly up at her.
'Dora...Go...Help the others...'
She shook her head. 'I'm not leaving you...'
He sighed. A big explosion suddenly happened right next to them and Remus flung his arms around her to protect her. He was thrown back against the wall and lay there, feebly stirring.
She crawled over to him and hugged him. 'stay with me Remus...'
He was breathing hoarsely and with difficulty. He slid further down the wall, just as Snape and Malfoy ran down the stairs, followed by several death eaters. To her surprise, Harry ran after them. He looked furious and seemed to be crying. She didn't have time to help him though and turned her attention back to Remus who was moaning in pain. She stood protectively in front of him. She was hit in the chest with a curse and flew back, landing on top of Remus. 
'DORA!' He shouted and held her in his arms. She gasped in pain but got up.
'I'm ok...' she said and got in a duel with the death eater who had cursed her. Finally, the battle was finished and they all went to the hospital wing. She helped Remus up and helped him to the hospital wing. He sat down on a chair. They were all sitting next to a bed with Bill Weasley on it. He had been savaged by greyback. Tonks remembered seeing Remus like this and shuddered. Then they found out Dumbledore was dead and were shocked into silence. Suddenly, Molly, arthur and Fleur came in. Fleur persuaded Molly that she still wanted to marry Bill. That she didn't care about his scars or what would happen to him.
'You see!' Said Tonks, in a strained voice. 'She still wants to marry him, even though she's been bitten! She doesn't care!'
'It's different,' said Remus, barely moving his lips and looking tense. 'Bill will not be a full werewolf. The cases are completely-'
'But I don't care either!' Said Tonks, grabbing the front of his robes and shaking them. 'I've told you a million times!'
'And I've told you a million times...' he said, refusing to meet her eyes. 'That I'm too old for you...too poor, too dangerous.'
'I've said all along that you're taking a ridiculous line on this Remus.' Said Molly.
'I'm not being ridiculous!' he replied, steadily. 'Tonks deserves someone young and whole.'
'But she wants you.' Said Arthur, smiling slightly. 'And after all, Remus, young and whole men don't necessarily remain so.'
'This is not the moment to discuss it...Dumbledore is dead...'
'Dumbledore would be happier than anyone to know that there is a little more love in the world.' said Professor McGonagall, curtly.
Everyone was silent for a moment, then Tonks sighed and left the room.

Remus's P.O.V.

He sighed and followed her, feeling everyone's eyes on him. He went to the lake. He had the feeling she would be there. He saw someone sitting at a tree by the lake, shaking slightly and with their head in their hands. It was Tonks. He went and sat down next to her. She didn't say anything.
'Dora...' he murmured. 'Let me explain...'
He told her about Scrimgeour's threat to fire her if he didn't break up with her. She stared up at him. 'Scrimgeour...Scrimgeour made you break up with me?'
He nodded sadly. 
'So...Does that mean you don't really think you're too old, poor and dangerous.'
He sighed. 'I do think that...'
She looked exasperated and looked down, sadly.
'Wait...' he said and put his arm around her. She looked up at him. 'Of course I still think that...But I know that you don't care...I know that nothing I say will change that...I still want to be with you...Even if that makes me the most selfish person...'
She snuggled up to him. 'You're the least selfish person I've ever met Remus...'
'I'm sorry for what I put you through Dora...I don't want you to lose your job though...'
She gazed at him in the eyes. 'I don't care if I lose my job, Remus, as long as I'm with you...I'm happy...'
He looked at her tear stained face and wiped away some of her tears. 'Are...Are you sure...'
She nodded. 'I'm absolutely sure...'
He leaned in and kissed her, wrapping his arms around her.
'I love you, Dora...' he said softly.
'I love you too...'
'So,' came an angry voice. 'You decided you don't care if she loses her job, did you?' 
He spun around. The minister was striding towards them, with an angry look on his face. 
'How dare you make him break up with me! Just because he's a werewolf!'
'You can consider yourself fired Nymphadora!' He growled.
'I don't care!' She shouted. 'I don't want to work for a git like you anyway!'
'Watch your mouth!' He snarled and pulled out his wand. 'Do you know who I am?!'
'Yes I do!' She screamed at him. 'You're a foul git!'
He glared at her and pointed his wand at her face. Quick as a flash, Remus got protectively in front of her. He felt in his pockets for his wand, only to realise it was missing. He must have left it in the hospital wing...
'Don't touch her!' He shouted angrily.

Tonks's P.O.V.

Scrimgeour shot a spell at Remus and it hit him in the face. He grunted and was thrown back against the tree and slumped down on the ground. He was barely moving and his eyes were closed. Tonks stared at him in shock, then she turned to face Scrimgeour, livid.
'How dare you?! You're meant to be minister of magic! That's not how you should act!'
'Don't tell me how to act!' He shouted and stalked off. She went over to Remus and sat down next to him.
'Remus...' she murmured and put a hand on his cheek. His eyes flickered open. 'Are you ok?' She asked.
'I'm fine...' he said and smiled gently at her.
'Come on...' she said. 'Let's get back to the hospital wing...'
He nodded and she helped him there. They entered the room and saw everyone looking at Remus's pale face in shock. She helped him on a bed and turned to face the others. 
'What happened?' Molly asked.
'That doesn't matter right now...' she said. 
Madam Pomfrey ran over to Remus and did some tests. 'He'll be ok,' She said. 'He just needs some rest.'
Tonks nodded and Remus smiled softly at her. Madam Pomfrey went back to treating Bill. Remus squeezed her hand and closed his eyes. She looked worried at him. 
'I'm ok...Just...hurts...' he passed out again and his head dropped to his side.
She sighed and sat down on the edge of his bed. The others looked worried at him. 
'He's fine,' she said to them. 'He's just passed out.' 
They turned their attention back to Bill and she held Remus's hand. An hour later, Tonks, Remus, Molly and Arthur were the only ones left in the hospital wing and Remus woke up again and Tonks smiled at him.
'How are you feeling Remus?' She asked softly.
'Fine...' he said in a hoarse voice. He tucked her hair behind her ears and put his hand on her cheek. 
'I see you two figured things out,' said Molly, smiling. 'That's good.'
Remus chuckled. 'Yeah...'
Tonks smiled and kissed him on the forehead. Remus smiled up at her and held her hand tightly in his. Molly and Arthur smiled at them. Tonks was happy to finally be with him again. She hoped that this whole breaking up thing was over now. So that they could just have a happy life together. She hoped they would make it through this war and maybe start a family. She smiled at him. 'I love you...' she whispered.
'I love you too...'


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