Christmas at Grimmauld place

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Two weeks later, Arthur was back from St Mungo's. Remus still hadn't woken up...It was Christmas eve. Tonks was dreading having to spend christmas day worrying about Remus. Harry had been visiting Remus every day and was clearly getting more and more worried about him every day. Tonks was lying in bed, tears streaming down her face as she looked at Remus. 
'Remus, please wake up...' she sobbed.
He didn't move. She sobbed for another two hours. tears were falling from her face onto his cheeks. Suddenly, she saw his hand raise shakily and wipe them off. She stared. His eyes flickered open.
'Dora...' he croaked.
She flung her arms around him. 'Remus...Are you ok?'
He nodded and smiled gently. He looked at the tears on her cheeks and softly wiped them off. He wrapped his arms around her and she buried her face in his neck. He rested his chin on her forehead and combed his fingers through her hair.
'How long have I been out for...?' Remus asked.
'T...Two weeks...'
He looked shocked at her. 'Two weeks?!'
She nodded sadly.
'Wait, so tomorrow is Christmas day then?'
'Yes. I was so scared you wouldn't wake up before christmas.'
He chuckled. 'I'm glad I woke up in time to spend christmas with you Dora.'
He gazed into her eyes and then pulled her into a kiss. She kissed back and he pulled her closer to him. He put his hand on her back and stroked it. She smiled through the kiss and he pulled her on top of him. He kissed her neck and she sighed contentedly. She kissed his earlobe and he went back up and pressed his lips against hers. He held her protectively and she leaned into him. They broke the kiss and she rested her head on his chest. She felt his steady breathing and it comforted her. It showed he was alive and well. Finally. After a while, Remus wanted to go downstairs. He couldn't stand on his own because he was quite dizzy so he leaned on her and she helped him downstairs. They entered the living room and she helped him onto the sofa. Harry was sitting in an armchair by the fire and when he saw Remus he jumped up.
'Professor Lupin!'
He chuckled. 'Good to see you too Harry.'
Harry grinned. 'I'm going to get the others.' He ran and left the room.
Remus grinned at Tonks. 'Someone's happy.' 
She laughed. 'You mean a lot to him. He's been visiting you every day.'
'He means a lot to me too.' Remus said, softly. 
Harry came back into the room with Ginny, Ron, Hermione, Fred and George. They all grinned at him when they came in. He smiled at them all.
'Hey.' He said. 'Good to see you.'
They all hugged him. Tonks was happy about how well Remus got on with all of them. He must have been a great teacher at Hogwarts. They all sat down and soon they were talking about Hogwarts. Remus was concerned about Umbridge's teaching method. She wasn't letting them use magic at all. It was because Fudge thought they would form some sort of army against the ministry. He was getting more paranoid by the minute. She knew just how crazy he was. She hadn't forgotten how he had beaten Remus up and prepared to send him to Azkaban. She wasn't sure how she could bear it if he had to go to that place...Remus must have noticed her silence.
'Are you alright?' He asked.
She looked up and saw everyone looking at her. 'I'm fine. Just zoned out for a moment.' She laughed.
They grinned. Remus looked carefully at her. She knew he didn't believe her but knew he wouldn't ask her about it again until later. 
That evening, after dinner, Remus and Tonks went back up to their room to sleep. Tonks got in bed. Remus was quiet for a moment. Then he went and got in next to her.
'Right,' he said. 'Tell me what's wrong.'
She sighed. 'I was thinking about when Fudge beat you up and was going to send you to Azkaban...I was just thinking about how horrible it would be if you went to that...that place...'
He wrapped his arms around her and she buried her face in his chest. 
'Listen to me, Dora...I'm not going to Azkaban. And if, somehow, I do go there. I will survive it. Sirius did, didn't he? And I have someone truly amazing to come back to.'
She sniffed and nodded. 'Let's just not let that happen...'
He chuckled. 'I'll do my best not to go to Azkaban, Dora.'
She smiled. He kissed her forehead and rested his chin on her head. He combed his fingers through her hair.
'I love you Dora...' He whispered. 'Always will.'
She smiled softly. 'I love you too Remus...'
They fell asleep in each other's arms.
The following morning, Remus and Tonks got up and went downstairs. 
'Merry Christmas,' they said to everyone as they entered the living room.
They all wished them merry christmas as well and soon, they were opening the presents they had gotten for each other. Tonks opened her present from Remus and it was a beautiful pendant with a pink stone. She smiled gratefully at him.
'Thank you Remus.' 
She would give him his thank you kiss later. She had gotten him a photo album of their time together and he smiled happily at her, promising with his eyes that he would thank her later. He and Sirius had gotten Harry a book of defensive spells that he could practice. Tonks got harry a small model of a firebolt. 
After they had opened their presents, they sat in the sofas and armchairs in the living room, chatting merrily with each other. Harry, Ginny, Ron, Hermione, Fred and George were talking enthusiastically about the best ways to get rid of Umbridge and Remus chuckled. Molly was in the kitchen preparing Christmas dinner and Arthur was in there chatting to her while she cooked. Remus and Tonks were having a conversation with their eyes. 
That evening, they went into the dining room for christmas dinner. Remus and Tonks pulled a christmas cracker and Tonks laughed when Remus's paper crown fell over his eyes. He smiled and squeezed her leg. They had turkey and for pudding, christmas pudding and mince pies. When they were finished, Remus and Tonks went upstairs to their room. As soon as they had closed the door behind them, Remus pressed his lips against hers. She was taken by surprise but she eased into the kiss. He wrapped his arms around her and squeezed her shoulder. He sat down on the bed and pulled her on his lap. 
'Thank you for the amazing present, Dora.' he said, breaking the kiss for a moment.
'Thank you for the pendant Remus,' Tonks replied. 'It's beautiful.'
He smiled. 'You're welcome.' He murmured and kissed her again.

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