All my fault

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Remus's P.O.V.

A week later, Remus and Tonks were asleep. Remus was having a nightmare and was shaking.

In the nightmare:

There baby was born. It was the evening and the full moon was going to come out soon. Remus told Tonks to lock their son in his room and not come in unless it was clear he wasn't going to transform. Remus went to the forest to transform as well. 
In the morning, he transformed back and ran home. He pulled open the door. He walked in and called for Tonks. She came in. She had been crying.
'What's wrong, Dora?'  he asked, dreading the answer.
'He's a werewolf Remus...And it's all your fault'

Out of the nightmare:

Remus woke up to Tonks shaking him awake.
'Dora...' he murmured.
'Are you ok, Remus?' She asked.
'I'm fine...Just a nightmare...'
'What about?'
He told her about the dream and she hugged him.
'You were right in the dream though...First I put you in danger by dating you...Then I made you lose your job...and now I've probably passed my lycanthropy onto an innocent child...' He said, looking down.
'Listen to me Remus,' Tonks said, pulling his face up so he was facing her. 'Our child won't be a werewolf. Even if he is, it won't be your fault. It's Greyback's fault you're a werewolf in the first place. You deserve a normal life, with a family.'
He looked away. 'I'm sorry Dora...But you deserve better.' He kissed her on the lips one more time before leaving and apparating away.

Tonks's P.O.V.

Tonks fell to her knees, sobbing. 
'Remus!' She shouted. 'When will you ever learn...?'
She decided not to stay in their house. It would remind her too much of Remus...She disapparated to her parents' house and knocked on the door. Andromeda opened it and Ted was just behind her. They looked at her in surprise.
'Nymphadora, what's wrong? Why are you crying? Where's Remus?' Andromeda asked.
'He left...'
'He WHAT?!' Asked Ted, angrily.
'I'm pregnant...He thought he passed his lycanthropy onto our child so he left...'
'You're pregnant...?' Said Andromeda quietly.
Tonks nodded. 
'Do you mean to say...He made you pregnant and then left you...?' Andromeda was angry.
'Yes...Not at first...Only after he had a nightmare and decided I deserved better and left...'
'I'm going to kill him...' Ted muttered but Tonks and Andromeda didn't hear him.
Andromeda took Tonks inside to the living room and hugged her as she sobbed. Tonks couldn't believe Remus had left her again...again...

Remus's P.O.V.

It had been two weeks since Remus had left Tonks. He apparated to Grimmauld Place. He decided he would join Harry, Ron and Hermione on their mission. He entered the house and got rid of the corpse that rose in front of him. He made it clear to Harry, Ron and Hermione who he was and asked them if he could join them on the hunt.
'So what do you say? Will three become four?'
'Does Tonks know?' Harry asked him.
'I don't see how that...'
'So you are abandoning your wife and unborn child?' Harry said.
Remus sighed. 'It...will be better off without me...without a father of whom it must always be ashamed...' 
'Remus!' Whispered Hermione. 'How could any child be ashamed of you?'
'Oh I don't know Hermione,' said Harry. 'I'd be pretty ashamed of him.'
Remus stumbled back as if he had been hit.
'I'd never have believed this,' Harry said. 'The man who taught me to fight dementors - a coward.'
Remus was really angry. He pushed Harry against the wall and left, ignoring Hermione's cries for him to come back. He disapparated away and leaned against a wall, taking deep breaths to try and calm himself down. Then he realised...Harry was right...He was a coward. He had left Tonks just because he didn't want to face the fact that his child could be a werewolf. He left Tonks alone to deal with it if it was a werewolf. He made up his mind. He would go to apologise to her. Try to make things right. He apparated to Tonks's parents house. He figured she would be there because he knew she wouldn't want to be at their house where she would be reminded of him too often. He knocked on the door. It was opened by Ted. He looked down, ashamed.
'What are you doing here?' Ted shouted angrily. 'You promised you wouldn't hurt her!'
'I'm sorry...I...' He began, but didn't get to finish his sentence. Ted pulled him inside and punched him in the jaw and he grunted in pain. 'I deserved that...' he mumbled.
Ted punched him again in the stomach and Remus doubled over in pain, wheezing. Ted pushed him and he slammed against the wall and fell to the floor. He let the hits and kicks come. He felt he deserved them.

Tonks's P.O.V.

Tonks heard cries of pain downstairs and ran towards the noise. She saw Remus lying on the floor, being punched and kicked by her dad. She stared in shock. Remus stood up and leaned against the wall.
'Dora...' he croaked. 'I came to apologise...'
Ted didn't let him speak. He punched him in the nose, breaking it and pushed him. Remus fell over again, smashing his head on the corner of a cupboard and a pile of plates fell off it, crashing on top of him.
'I'm sorry...Dora...' He gasped out and then he lay still. Tonks ran forward and pulled her dad away.
'Why did you do that?' She asked, angrily.
'He hurt you,' Ted shouted. 'He deserved it!
'He didn't deserve to be knocked out dad!' She said.
Ted sighed and left to the living room. She kneeled down next to Remus and shook him gently.
'Remus...please wake up...' she said, scared. He had a cut lip and a black eye and the back of his head which he had smashed onto the cupboard was bleeding. He didn't move. She picked up his limp body and carried him upstairs. She put him in bed and got in next to him she wrapped her arms around him and fell asleep.

Remus's P.O.V.

The following morning, Remus woke up to Tonks's arms around him. He smiled softly. He wrapped his arms around her and held her against his chest. Her eyes fluttered open. She smiled happily and hugged him.
'Are you alright?' She asked gently.
'I'm fine...' He said. 'Dora...I'm so sorry...I should never have left you...If you'll take me back...I promise that I'll never leave you again unless you ask me to. Do you forgive me...?'
'Of course I forgive you Remus...I'll always forgive you...' She pressed her lips to his and he kissed back and held her close.
'What do you think you're doing?' Came a voice from the door.
Remus broke the kiss and looked at the doorway. Ted was standing there and he looked furious. Remus swallowed, scared. 'I...I...' he began.
Ted stormed towards him and punched him in the face. His head smashed against the wall and he moaned in pain. Ted made to punch him again and he closed his eyes, waiting for the hit. He felt someone move in front of him and opened his eyes to see Tonks move protectively in front of him and take the hit for him. There was a crack as her nose broke and she gasped in pain and fell back. 
'DORA!' Remus shouted, panicked, and caught her in his arms. 'Are you ok...?'
She nodded. 'He was planning to do much worse to I'm glad I moved in front of you.'
Ted stumbled back, horrified. He shook himself and went and sat down next to Tonks. Remus wrapped his arms around her and held her protectively. 
'Dora...' Ted said softly. 'I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hit you...I couldn't stop my fist in time...'
'You still meant to hurt Remus...Much worse than you hurt me...'
'I'm sorry Remus...' Ted mumbled. 'I shouldn't have attacked you...You tried to apologise and I didn't let you...'
'Don't worry about it...' Remus said. 'I deserved it anyway...'
Tonks shook her head. 'No you didn't...'
'Do you forgive me Dora...?' Ted asked her.
She sighed and nodded. Ted smiled and hugged her and she hugged back. He broke the hug and got up. 
'I'll leave you two alone...' he said and left the room.
'Dora...Are you sure you're ok...?' Remus asked gently.
She smiled and nodded. 'I'm perfectly fine.'
He pulled her in for another kiss and wrapped his arms around her. He kissed her neck and she sighed contentedly. He broke the kiss and gazed into her eyes. She put her hand on the back of his head and stroked it. She removed her hand and he saw blood on it. She looked sadly at him and he squeezed her hand. 
'I'm fine...' he murmured and trailed kisses along her jaw. 
'Do you want to go back home...?' She asked him.
He smiled. 'I'd love to.'
They got up and, after saying goodbye to Ted and Andromeda, they disapparated back home. Remus led her to the sofa and pulled her on his lap. 
'I love you Dora...I want you to know that...I'm never leaving you again.' he whispered in her ear.
'I love you too...' she replied and kissed him affectionately.


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