The advance guard

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Tonks's P.O.V.

Tonks woke up the next day and saw Remus sleeping and felt his arms wrapped tightly around her. She smiled softly. She was distracted from Remus when she heard a small cough in the doorway. She looked up. It was Sirius. He was smirking. She rolled her eyes.
'What?' She asked.
'Order meeting,' he yawned. He looked at Tonks's exasperated face. 'It's not my fault Mad Eye decided to have a meeting this early.'
She rolled her eyes again.
'Once you've finished looking all lovey dovey at Remus we'd appreciate it if you two would join us in the dining room for the meeting.' He smirked one more time at them before leaving the room.
She sighed and kissed Remus quickly on the forehead. He opened his eyes and yawned.
'Morning Dora...' He whispered. 
'Good morning Remus,' she replied. 'Hate to break it to you but we have an order meeting.'
'Already?' Groaned Remus.
She nodded, grimacing. He got up and took her hand. 
'Let's go then...' he said and they walked to the dining room and sat down next to each other.
'Nice of you to finally join us.' Growled Mad eye.
Tonks rolled her eyes. 'Yeah, yeah.'
Remus grinned slightly.
Mad eye glared at them and began to speak, 'We pick up Harry today from Privet drive. We'll be apparating there and then bringing him here by broom. We leave in an hour.'
Tonks looked at Remus and saw that he looked excited. She remembered that Remus had been Harry's professor and he had told her that they had been quite close. She smiled at him. 
Once it was time to leave, Remus and Tonks went outside, grasping each other's hands tightly. Mad eye gave the order and they disapparated to Privet drive. They walked inside and Tonks immediately tripped into a cupboard, sending a pile of plates crashing to the floor. Some of the plates landed on her head and she yelped in pain. 
'Every time Nymphadora!' Snarled Mad eye.
Remus extended a hand and she grabbed it gratefully. 
'You ok?' He asked, concerned.
She nodded and smiled. They continued upstairs to Harry's room. Once they had finished making all the introductions to Harry and were ready to leave. They walked outside and Mad eye summoned all their brooms.
'Don't break ranks if one of us is killed!' Mad eye commanded.
Tonks felt nervous. She hadn't really thought there was a risk. She hoped nothing would happen to Remus. They got on the brooms and flew up into the air. Remus was flying under Tonks and when she looked down at him, she saw him smiling up at her. They were flying over the river thames and she saw a cloaked figure pointing his wand up at them. She tried to yell out to warn the others but before she could do anything, a spell shot from the figure's wand and hit Remus straight in the back. He gave a shout of pain and surprise as a deep cut formed in his back. She stared at him in alarm. She saw Harry look at his old professor in shock. She saw Remus wobble slightly on his broomstick. They exchanged looks.
'I'll be ok...' Remus croaked. 'And if something does happen, do as Moody said and don't break rank.'
She knew she wouldn't leave him to die. They flew on and she kept stealing worried glances back at Remus. They flew for a few more minutes and to her horror, she saw Remus wobble and fall off his broom. She looked at him in shock and saw him look sadly at her before crashing into the river. She heard Harry's shout of fear and, ignoring Mad eye's exasperated shout, she flew down and reached the surface of the water. She dived into the lake and saw Remus sinking deeper into the depths of the water. She reached out and grabbed the top of his shirt and pulled him up out of the water. She got back on her broom and looked at him. His eyes were closed and he didn't seem to be breathing. Her heart stopped for a moment. She pulled out her wand and pointed it at his chest, using the spell she had learned in her auror training that was meant to make it easier for someone to start to breathe again. For a few minutes, there was no change and she thought it was over...that he was gone...but finally she felt it. A small heartbeat. She sobbed in relief and flew back up and caught up with the others. She saw Mad eye glare at her and ignored him. They reached 12 Grimmauld place and entered the house. Harry looked worried at Remus and she smiled comfortingly at him. She carried Remus upstairs and put him on the bed. She turned him around and saw the cut in his back. She quickly grabbed some bandages and covered the wound. She turned him on his back again and pointed her wand at him.
'Rennervate!' She shouted, desperately. 'Rennervate!'
It didn't work. He remained motionless. She felt his cheeks. He was still cold from the river and she pulled a duvet over his body. She heard a knock on the door.
'Come in.' She said, trying to sound less worried than she actually was. The door opened and Harry stepped in. He looked down awkwardly.
'Is he...?'
'He's alive...' she said. 'He wasn't breathing but I managed to fix that.'
Harry sighed in relief. 'Good...Well, I hope he wakes up soon...'
She smiled at him. 'I hope so too.'
After a few seconds, Harry said he should probably go and left the room. She looked back down at Remus. It was scary to think about the fact that he had actually stopped breathing a few minutes ago. Those minutes that she thought he was dead had probably been the worst of her life. She laid her head against the wall and looked down at Remus's peaceful face. She saw him twitch and held his hands tightly. He opened his eyes and blinked slightly.
'Dora?' He asked and then sighed. 'I told you not to break rank...' 
'Do you really think I could just let you drown?' She asked, glaring, exasperatedly at him. 'What would you have done?'
'I would have saved you...' he muttered. 
'Exactly,' said Tonks. 'I love you too much to just let you die.'
He smiled gently at her. 'I love you too Dora...And I suppose I would have done the same...'
She kissed him gently and he kissed back, wrapping his arms around her.
'Oh...' Came a voice from the doorway. 'Umm I can come back later...'
Remus and Tonks jumped apart and looked at the doorway. Harry was standing there, his face bright red. Tonks realised he had just caught his old professor kissing someone in his room and that was not a pleasant situation for him to find himself in.
'Harry...' Said Remus, going pink and coughing awkwardly. 'Did you uuh...did you want something?'
'Mrs Weasley said that supper's ready...' He said, embarrassed.
'Oh...We'll be down in a moment...'
Harry nodded and rushed out of the room. Remus and Tonks looked at each other. She felt sorry for Remus. That had been his old student and his best friend's son and that must have been embarrassing. Remus closed his eyes in embarrassment and she brushed his hair out of his face.
'That might have been the most awkward moment of my life...' he muttered. 'And that's saying something...'
She laughed nervously. 'We should probably be going now...'
He nodded and they got up. Remus went outside and Tonks followed him downstairs and into the kitchen, where she knew Harry would be sitting, probably wearing a face of deep embarrassment.   

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