Full moon

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A week had passed and Remus was now sitting on his own in the living room in Grimmauld place, lost in thought. Tonight was the full moon...He heard someone come in the living room but didn't look up to see who it was. The person sat next to him. He still remained still, looking down sadly at his lap. The person sitting next to him didn't speak. Maybe they knew he didn't want to talk. It was probably obvious...He couldn't help wondering who it was though. Suddenly, he felt arms wrap around him. 
'Dora...?' He asked, checking it was her.
'Hey Remus...' she whispered.
He leaned into her shoulder and closed his eyes. He felt her press her lips against his forehead. 
'I love you...' He whispered.
'I love you too Remus...' She replied and brushed his cheeks with her hands. 'Are you going to be ok tonight?' She asked.
'I'll...I'll be fine...'
She wasn't sure she believed him. She looked sadly at him. He tilted his face upwards and smiled sadly up at her. He put his hand on the back of her head and pulled her towards him. He brushed his lips against hers and gently stroked his finger on the back of her neck and along her jaw.
'I'll be ok Dora...'
She nodded and kissed back. Remus lay down and rolled her on top of him. He pulled her close. After a few minutes, they broke apart and gazed into each other's eyes. Remus gently combed his fingers through her hair and she laid her head on his chest. He wished they could stay here forever but he knew he would have to go. Tonight he would have to go to the forest to transform. He couldn't use Wolfbane potion because Severus snape was the only one who made it, and there had been no chance for him to make it recently. There was also the fact that he probably didn't really want to make it. He and Severus didn't exactly get along in their school days. He sighed. He smiled softly at Tonks. He thought of how he would be able to see her when he got back and that thought helped him get through the day.
That evening, he stood in the doorway, saying goodbye to Tonks. He smiled gently at her worried face. 
'I'll be ok Dora...'
She nodded and hugged him. 'I'll see you tomorrow Remus.' She said. She seemed to be trying to convince herself of that.
'You will.' He said and kissed her.
She kissed back and he wrapped his arms around her. He broke the kiss.
'I love you...' He whispered in her ear and stepped out into the night. He waved goodbye to her and walked to the forest. He got there and after walking deeper into it he saw the full moon and felt the horrible pain. He felt as if his bones were snapping. He doubled over in pain as fur sprouted over his back and he turned into a werewolf. He felt a longing...for flesh...He prowled through the forest but could find no one. He became desperate and began to bite and scratch himself. He stumbled over to a tree and collapsed against it, breathing heavily. He cut heavy scratches into his side and bit himself all over until the world began to go black and he past out in a pool of blood.

Tonks's P.O.V.

Tonks had had a painful night. She had taken ages to finally fall asleep and when she did her sleep was plagued with nightmares which all involved Remus dying from loss of blood. She woke up at 10 am and jumped out of bed when she saw the time. Remus should be back by now. He wasn't lying next to her...Maybe he'd gone downstairs...? She left the room and went downstairs. 
'Remus...?' She called out. No reply. 'Remus?' She called out again, more urgently. Still...no reply. She searched the whole house and he wasn't there. What if he was hurt? She ran outside and looked around, hoping to see him arrive with his gentle smile on his face but she saw no one. He must still be in the forest...She ran all the way to the forest, not stopping once, and rushed through it. He had to be here somewhere. She saw blood dripping from a nearby tree branch. She felt her heart stop in her chest. It had to be Remus's! She looked around to see if she could see anymore and saw a trail of it leading away somewhere. She followed it, sure that it would lead her to him. After a few minutes of her following the blood, the trail stopped. She looked around. Then...She saw him...He was lying on the ground a few metres away from her...Surrounded by a pool of blood. She kneeled down next to him. She saw his eyes were slightly open.
'Remus...' She whispered.
He stirred feebly. 'Dora...? Is that you?'
She nodded shakily. She put her hand on his cheek and he leaned into her touch. He moaned in pain. She looked at his body. His clothes were ripped in several places and blood was coming out of deep cuts in his stomach, head and legs. She managed to stop herself from gasping. 
'What happened Remus?' She asked. 'You said you would be ok...'
'last night was just one of the worse nights...This happens sometimes...' He croaked. 
'You mean...This kind of thing will probably happen again...?' She asked, worried.
'Yes...' He muttered. 'I'll be fine...' 
Tonks sighed. She wasn't sure he would be. 'Are you ok with side apparating?' She asked.
Remus thought for a moment. 'Let's give it a try,' he said with a gentle smile.
She looked at him for a moment, unsure, but he squeezed her hand and smiled comfortingly at her. She picked him up and took a deep breath. She turned on the spot and apparated into 12 Grimmauld place. Her feet felt firm ground and she opened her eyes. She realised she wasn't holding Remus anymore and she looked around. He was lying slumped against the wall with a new deep cut on his chest. He had been splinched.
'Well...' he murmured. 'That...Didn't go too well...' He went limp.
'Remus!' She picked him up and carried him up to their room and laid him gently on the bed. She lay down next to him and pulled his head on her lap. She checked out the cut on his chest. Blood was oozing out of it and she put her hand on it, desperately trying to stop the flow of blood. He was growing paler by the minute. She looked around desperately and spotted some bandages on the top of her wardrobe. She covered his wounds with them and searched in her drawer and found a blood replenishing potion. She put her fingers on his lips and gently pulled open his mouth and she fed him the potion. Some of the colour began to return to his face and she sighed in relief. She traced the scars on his face with her fingers. He may think they were ugly, but to her, they each told a different story and showed he was brave.
After about an hour, she was just beginning to get worried when his eyes fluttered open and he gazed up at her. She smiled at him in relief.
'Remus...' She whispered. 'Are you ok?'
He nodded, not taking his eyes off her. He sat up and leant against the wall and wrapped his arms around her waist. She smiled softly and rested her chin on his forehead. They stayed like that for a few minutes and then Remus pulled away and gazed at her.
'Thank you...' he said.
'For what?' Said Tonks.
'Saving me,' he replied. 'I doubt I would have survived if you hadn't found me.'
Tonks didn't want to imagine that scenario. She swallowed. 'I...I'm glad I found you then...'
He chuckled and combed his fingers through her hair. 'So am I Dora...' He stared into her eyes. 'You're so beautiful...' He murmured.
She blushed. 'Thank you...You're pretty handsome too.' She grinned.
He laughed and leaned in and brushed his lips against hers. She kissed back and she gently ran her finger along his jaw. The kiss was gentle and loving and Remus put a hand on the small of her back and gently stroked it. She leaned closer to him and felt his arms wrap tighter around her. After a few minutes, they broke apart and Remus's gentle smile made her even happier. 
'I love you, Dora.' He said, softly.
'I love you too Remus.' She replied and kissed him again.

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