Marry me

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Remus woke up the following morning and, after making sure Tonks was still asleep, he wrote a quick note to her and left it on the bedside table and left the house. He apparated to Diagon alley and went to the jewelry shop. An assistant came up to him, smiling.
'What are you here for, sir?' She asked him.
'I'd like to look at the wedding rings, please.' He replied.
She smiled and led him to the wedding rings section. He looked for a while until, with the assistant's help, he found a beautiful silver ring with a pink gem on the front. He paid for it and left the shop, smiling. 

Tonks's P.O.V.

Tonks woke up and looked next to her, only to realise Remus wasn't there. She got up and went downstairs. Maybe he was already down there? He wasn't there either...She searched the whole house and he was nowhere to be found. She began to panic. Had he been taken? Was he in danger? She went up to her room and reached for her wand on her bedside table. She then saw a small note and grabbed it quickly and read:

Hey Dora,
Sorry if I worried you when I wasn't here in the morning. I've just gone out to Diagon Alley to get something. I should be back in an hour.
I love you,

She sighed in relief. He had just gone to Diagon Alley. She went down to the living room and sat down on the sofa, waiting for him to return.
Two hours later, Remus still hadn't returned. Now she was beginning to get worried again. He had said he should be back in an hour...She got her wand and went outside. She would have to look for him. To her horror, she saw him lying on the stairs leading up to the front door, blood trickling down his face from a cut in his forehead. She kneeled down next to him. He stirred.
'Dora...?' He said softly.
'It's ok Remus...I'm here...' she murmured. She put her hand on his cheek and picked him up and carried him inside onto the sofa. She sat down next to him and wrapped her arms around him. 
'What happened...?' She asked, gently.
'Death eaters attacked me when I left a shop...I only just got away...' He said in a hoarse voice.
She kissed his forehead. 'Are you ok...?'
He nodded and smiled softly. 
'What did you go to Diagon Alley to get? I could have come with you.' She asked him, curious.
'I can't tell you right now...' he said, smiling. 'And I'm glad I didn't take you with me because otherwise you could have gotten hurt as well...'
She laughed. 'Oh Remus...'
That evening, Remus asked her to accompany him on a walk in the forest. She smiled at him and took his hand and they went to the forest. Remus seemed nervous.
'Anything wrong, Remus?' She asked him.
'No.' he said, smiling at her.
They reached a small lake in the forest and she looked around. It was beautiful. She  turned to face Remus and realised he was kneeling on the floor. She gasped when she realised what was happening. He pulled out a beautiful ring with a pink gem.
'Dora...' he said, nervously. 'Ever since I first met you in that order meeting, I've been completely captivated by you. You bring out my best self and whenever I left you you always took me back, which is much more than I deserved. I love you and promise to protect you with my life until the day I die. I wish to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you marry me?'
She stared at him, speechless. He wanted to marry her...She couldn't believe it. His face fell.
'I understand...' He began to get up.
She pulled him towards him and kissed him. He relaxed and kissed back, wrapping his arms around her. 
'Is that...Is that a yes, then?' He said nervously.
She smiled. 'Of course, silly! Did you think I would say no?'
He nodded and smiled. 'For a moment...'
She hugged him. 'Oh Remus...'
He took her to a tree by the lake and sat down, pulling her down next to him. He put his arm around her and she snuggled up to him. 
'I love you Dora...' he whispered in her ear.
'I love you too, Remus...' She replied softly and smiled happily at him.
She couldn't believe he was going to be her husband...She was going to get married. He seemed to be thinking along the same lines because he had a small look of happy disbelief on his face. Soon, they fell asleep under the stars...

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