Dragon Breath

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I was working very hard on making Harry a manly looking bracelet. So far it was a plain thick but not too wide black leather strap that was connected at the ends by 2 hooks. The hooks hooked into the round polished obsidian stone that I had engraved with a rune for protection. The rune was a circle with dual headed arrows running horizontally and vertically across. On the back side I inscribed his name in my best print to tie it to him. I hoped he would like it and prayed it would fit. It was very small and plain so I didnt think it would draw too much attention to it. I checked the commons for Harry and Ron before I ran up to the boys dorm. Finding their door was easy but I had forgot to check inside for their roommates before I barged in.
"Blimey Notte-" Neville said and the other boys just stared at me and I turned a deep shade of pink.
"S-sorry I was looking for Harry- " I turned to leave.
"Whats that bracelet- is that a rune?" Seamus asked me and went to grab it from my hand. I pulled it away from him and glared. My fave turning pink.
"Its none of your business Finnigan." I said hotly. But he grabbed at it again, Dean Thomas came behind me and yanked it from my hand.
"Give that back Thomas- or Ill hex you into next year." I threatened but Dean inspected it closely.
"Did you make this yourself? Looks rather- oh I see now-" Dean tossed the bracelet to Seamus.
"Harry Potter- the Chosen Git! Did you make this for Harry? I don't reckon your brothers would like that much." Seamus swung the bracelet around on his finger and smirked at me. My face turned a deeper shade of pink. I hadn't realized that Neville had left and returned with Harry and Ron in tow.
"Give it here- I asked her for it you git." Harry said hotly to Seamus who snorted.
"Potter-" he tossed the bracelet to him and Harry glared at him. "Should've known you'd be the first of us to get a girlfriend."
The boys left leaving Ron looking rather confused between Harry and I. Hermione ran up the stairs.
"What on Earth is happening Neville is near tears in the commons." Hermione said still clutching a book from her homework.
"Yeah- what happening, are you two...?" Ron looked at Harry.
"No-no we aren't dating! Blimey Ronald, we're eleven." I said furiously and turning another shade of pink. "I might as well tell you then- shouldn't I?" I looked at Harry and he shrugged.
"Close the door." I told Hermione who by now was very confused. She slowly closed the door and closed her book. "It seems I have a knack for legilimency. The ability to- see what people are thinking to put it simply." I sighed as they looked more confused.
"What does that have to do with Harry?" Hermione asked softly.
"While I can manage to close everyone else out- Theres something wrong with his brain or something because, well I can't stop from reading him." I said and Harry handed the bracelet to me.
"And the bracelet?" Ron asked looking a bit angry still.
"Its obsidian- it protects his mind from me. And the symbol is just a basic protection rune- I thought it looked nice. Hes been carrying around a stone for a day or two, I thought a bracelet would be more convenient." They seemed to understand.
"Why wouldnt you tell us sooner-" Hermione asked looking slightly hurt.
" I wasn't supposed to tell Harry- hes only known for a day and a half like me. Its supposed to be a secret- That means not even the twins or Perce can know Ronald." Ron didn't answer me but nodded curtly. I know I hurt his feelings not telling him. Hermione didn't seem too bothered by it anymore. But really I could see that she was already making a plan to go to the library and research why Harry was immune to my occulmency.
"I have occulmency classes with Snape- thats what the extra classes are." I nervously say to them and Hermione squeaks.
"Does he try to get in your head Notte? Wouldn't that mean he would know we're on to him? That we know about the stone?" Hermione said anxiously and Harry and Ron go pale.
"It turns out I had a bit of a knack for it...mum always did say I was rather keen, doesn't she Ron." Ron seemed to get over himself at this and thought for a moment.
"You always did seems to notice when she was cross faster than any of us. And that Charlie broke it off with his girlfriend before he told anyone." He said with a finger scratching his cheek.
"I can't really see what they're saying cept for Harry but, you can usually see what the wants to say  clear as day on his face anyways." I say and Ron and Hermione both chuckle. Harry looks away haughtily pink dusting his cheeks.
"Lets go to Hagrids while we have time- sorry Harry. Finnagin and Thomas are probably going to make fun of you a bit." I said and Harry shrugged it off.
"As long as they don't tell Percy or the twins- I reckon he'll live- for now." Ron shot Harry a dark protective look and Harry gave him an awkward smile.


It was already getting dark when we got down to Hagrids but Harry brought along his cloak so we should be covered. We got down to Hagrids hut and knock on his door.
"Hagrid!" Harry and Ron shouted trying to get him to come to the door. His hut even with the doors and windows shut ememmated heat. The door opens to reveal Hagrid in an almost frilly appron and mismatched oven mits- a heat wave hit me in the face.
"Oh, hello. Sorry, don't wish to be rude, but I'm in no fit state to entertain today." Hagrid closes the door on us.
"We know about the Philosopher's Stone!" The other three shout while I ponder why hed have his hut so warm. Uncomfortably warm. His door reopens and Hagrid doesn't seem completely surprised. He knew we were a bunch of meddlers by now.
"Oh." The door opened a slight bit more to let us in.
"We think Snape's trying to steal it." Harry says before the door even shuts.
"Snape? Blimey, Harry, you're not still on about him, are you?" Hagrid gives us an aggravated look through his bushy mane of hair.
"Hagrid, we know he's after the Stone. We just don't know why." Harry said trying to convince him.
"Snape is one of the teachers protecting the Stone! He's not about to steal it!" Hagrid said hotly trying to shoo us out the door.
"What?" Harry says in disbelief and I peer around the table to see Fang- Hagrids great big boar hound. I make kissy noises at him- ignoring the serious conversation they're having.
"Come here you great lug you- come here boy." I patted my legs and sat in one of Hagrids oversized armchairs before Fang jumped on me. Slobber came down from his jowels and I braced myself for giant doggie kisses. Fang slobbered all over me and tried to get in my lap.
"You heard. Right. Come on, now, I'm a bit preoccupied today." Hagrid gestured at the door.
"Wait a minute." Harry had been looking at Fang trying to suffocate me, "One of the teachers?"
"Of course! There are other things defending the Stone, aren't there? Spells, enchantments." Hermione replied like it should've been obvious. Which after you think about it- it was. But fang had his paws round my neck and his hind legs on the floor wrapping me in a doggy hug. More slobbery kisses.
"That's right. Waste of bloody time, if you ask me. Ge' off 'er Fang." Hagrid tries to 'help me' but I rather enoyed the giant pup and hugged him round his neck and he snuggled me happily, "Ain't no one gonna get past Fluffy. Hehe, not a soul knows how. Except for me and Dumbledore. I shouldn't have told you that. I shouldn't have told you that." A cauldron started to rattle in the fireplace, "Oh!" Hagrid grabs the egg with his oven mitts, "Ooh! Ooh! Ooh! Ooh!" He puts a giant egg on the table and I push Fang off me and wipe my face with my cloak sleeves. We all gather around the table to stare at the egg while it still shakes.
"Uh, Hagrid, what exactly is that?" Harry says nervously and takes a small step back.
"That? It's a ... its um..." Hagrid mutters.
"I know what that is! But Hagrid, how did you get one?" Ron said and I realized that Hagrid- although I love him. Is a bit thick.
"I won it. Off a stranger I met down at a pub. Seemed quite glad to be rid off it, as a matter of fact." Hagrid says brightly to Ron and I groan.
"Of course he wanted to get rid of it-" I'm interrupted by a crack and I watch as a green baby dragon emerges from the shells. I can't help but think its the cutest thing ever, "Aw- I can't be mad at those cute little wings can I?"
"Is that...a dragon?" Hermione asks slowly and steps back.
"That's not just a dragon. That's a Norwegian Ridgeback! My brother Charlie works with these in Romania." Ron says excitedly but also takes a step back.
"Isn't he beautiful? Oh. Bless him, look. He knows his mummy. Hehe. Hallo, Norbert." The dragon squeaks in response to Hagrid.
"Norbert?" Harry asks like the only thing wrong with having a dragon in a small wooded hut, thats outside a school, is the silly name.
"Yeah, well, he's got to have a name, doesn't he?" Hagrid laughs and I inspect the baby- something isn't quite right. Ron laughs with Hagrid.
"Don't you, Norbert? Dededede." Hagrid scratches Noberts chin and I suddenly get a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach.
Nobert hiccups and spits a small fireball into Hagrids mane of hair. The feeling stays and I grimmace.
"Ohh! Oooh, ooh, ooh, well...he'll have to be trained up a bit, of course." Nobert hiccups again and Hagrid flinches and looks out the window- his face pales. "Who's that?" And at the window with his face pressed against the glass was-
"Oh, dear." And Hagrid turned even paler.

The Dark Lord's Daughter (Book 1): Song BirdWhere stories live. Discover now