Ronald Really?

411 11 1

Harry drags me along the corridors and up the stairs.
"Pig Snout." The fat lady swings open half asleep with an angry mutter. We run up the stairs- still under his cloak.
"Ron! You've really got to see this! Ron! You've got to see this!" I jump into my bed and silence the little teddy that was crying as Harry tries to wake Ronald up," Ron, Ron, come on. Get out of bed!" Ron lets out an anguished groan and turns away from Harry.
"Why?" He covers his hands with his face, rubbing the sleepies from his eyes.
"There's something you've got to see. Now, come on!" Harry pulls Ron out of bed and Ron stumbles over to check on me- I pretend to be asleep.
"Well- I guess. Just gotta be back before she wakes up." Ron shuffles away and they leave. I jump out of bed to change into my pjs and then sprawl onto my bed.
"Lumos" I light my wand and sigh remembering I hadn't finished my potions essay yet and pulled my bag onto the bed to find my notes on skele-gro.
Nottie are you afraid of the dark?
No- I'm working on my essay for potions if you must know.
Foolish girl- you'll wish you never gave me lip when I'm finished with you.
Bite me old man- You're just a voice in my head.
And your little friends...
I feel my lower lip tremble and take a deep breath.
"If I don't believe- he can't hurt me." I chanted as I went to work on my potions.
Smokes when poured.
"If I don't believe- he can't hurt me."
Restores bones.
"If I don't believe- he can't hurt me."
Bitter tasting.
Burns on the way down.
My eyes water and I bite my lip to hold back the tears.
"If I don't believe- he can't hurt me." My voice was shaking.
Invented by one Linfred of Stinchcombe.
Tears streamed down my face. And I took a shuddering breath.
"If I don't believe-"
Do you really think a silly little chant from a foolish little witch could keep me away.
"If I don't believe- he can't hurt me."
"Who can't hurt you Notte?" Harry asked from behind me making me jump. Harry and Ron had came back from the mirror without me noticing I turned to face them with tears still streaming down my face.
They'll send you away- they'll laugh at you.
"The man in the mirror- Hes in my head-" They looked at each other and gave me a confused look.
"What d'you mean..." Ron piped up looking a bit pale.
They won't believe you- foolish girl.
"For a while now...the man hes been talking to me... in my head." I wipe my face and hang my head, wondering what they would do.
You'll regret this Notte- the Weasleys made you weak.
"Harry- could you go get Percy for me?" Ron said not looking at him. I could feel his eyes trained on me and I bit my lip. I tasted blood.
They can't do anything for you.
I heard Harry run out the door and up the stairs.
"Notte-are you sure its the man in the mirror?" I looked up at him and more tears ran down my face. I don't know what to do.
"Yes. He told me it was." He nodded his eyes glinting in my wandlight. He turned around to light the fire in the center of the room. The room bathed in its warm glow. I waved my wand- the light went out. I heard Percy and Harry running back down the stairs.
"Notte! What in Merlins name is going on here? Why aren't you asleep?"
What do you think this will accomplish Notte? I've always been apart of you and I always will be.
My eyes watered and widened I looked down at nothing and put my hands over my ears,
"He won't stop talking to me- more and more- threatening me- everyone." I pulled my hands from my ears to wrap them around my stomach, "I didn't want to say at first... but Perce- the man in the mirror- hes been talking to me since we came to Hogwarts."  My eyes were filled with tears but I forced myself to look up at my brother. His face looked pinched and uncertain. He didn't know what to do for once. Percy moved my potions paper and sat down next to me.
"Is he talking to you right now Notte?" He said softly looking into my eyes like he was trying to see if someone else was in there with me.
They can't help you Nottie- I have you pinned- like a butterfly under glass.
I nodded.
"He says you can't help me. He's got me like a butterfly under glass... I don't know what to do Percy.", he stood up and ran his hand through his red curls.
"Ronald go and fetch the twins- Harry stay here with her, I'll send for McGonagall." Percy and Ron disappeared through the door.
"Sorry Harry- I hate it when people see me like this and it seems like you're always there to see it." Harry sat next to me on the bed and awkwardly put his hand on my shoulder.
"We're friends aren't we? I shoved my wand up a trolls nose for you-" I gave a small snort, "if you need me to stick my wand up anyones nose for you, I'll do it- and I know you'd do it for me."
"He doesn't have a nose Harry." I told him and he looked a little pale at the thought.
Harry Potter. Wants to protect you? How ironic. If only he knew who you really were Notte.
He noticed me biting into my lip again- a small trickle of blood rolled past my lips.
"Here-" he wiped my lip with a tissue from the nightstand, "Hes talking to you again- isn't he?" I nodded at him and took the tissue from him to dab at my eyes- somehow I felt braver with Harry around.
"He knows you're here- Saying its ironic we're friends-" He gave me a curious look but before I could continue McGonagall burst into the room.
"M-miss Weasley-" She had been running, she was in pajamas and a robe tied tight around it, "Please come with me- you lot stay here- no- arguing." She huffed and puffed as she put an arm protectively around me and swat Harry's hand from my shoulder. I looked back at the boys as she nearly ran from the commons with me in tow under her arm. Was she being protective of me- or of them...
She's protecting them from you, good bye little Notte. We'll speak again in person- soon.
"P-Professor- he's saying goodbye and we'll speak again in person soon." I paled not knowing how long soon would be. She stopped dead in her tracks- her voice shaking a bit.
"W-we must see the Headmaster then-" McGonagall was pale- she knew who the man was, was he really so frightening. Why couldn't I know who this man was?
"Lets hurry up to Dumbledore and have some coccoa-" she gripped me tighter and we fast-walked to his office.
"Lemon Drops." The statue rumbled and revealed its staircase. We headed up the stairs before they reached the office door.
She banged on the door and Dumbledore swiftly answered it. She almost looked surprised.
"Forgive me Professor I thought you'd be asleep-" she said softly before he motioned for us to enter quickly.
"Percy sent me a house-elf with a message. Interrogating me- very politely if I might add however- about our dear Miss Notte here." We all sat together and again he summoned a pot of peppermint coccoa.
"So- you have hidden a very important thing from us Miss Weasley." His eyes had no twinkle left they looked old and tired and disappointed.
"Yes Professor.... I thought you'd have me sent off to St. Mungos, but thats no exscuse." I didn't take my coccoa he poured for me. Coccoa wasn't for people like me. I didn't deserve it.
"Miss Weasley- do you not think we all hear a little voice in our head sometimes?" His tone was even and patient. It was like when mum told me she wasn't angry just disappointed.
I looked into my hands.
"He said goodbye- when Professor McGonagall came for me- like he was scared of you. Of you finding him inside my head." I was talking into my lap but then he gave a low chuckle and I looked back up at him. His eyes had a knowing and bemused twinkle.
"It would seem so. Now then Miss Notte- what else has he said to you?" He asked and took a sip of coccoa.
"Well- when we were fighting the troll..." I looked at McGonagall who seemed to turn a sickly green color remembering that four of her first years had nearly died- or perhaps that the bathroom had been destroyed in a matter of minutes. "He was acting like he was going to help me... but the spell he told me..." I shuddered, "the killing curse. He got angry when I wouldn't do it. And back there in the dorms he was- I guess helping me with my potions essay." Dumbledore no longer was amused, he was furious- but it didn't show on his face. No, his face was calm- his blue eyes had turned stormy and lightening flashed behind them. I looked at McGonagall who looked like she had swallowed a frog.
"I see. Miss Weasley- we're going to be giving you extra lessons from now on. With Professor Snape." He looked at my soured expression and chuckled, "He is most gifted in the art of Legilimency and Occulmency. Mrs. Weasley said you were rather keen for that sort of thing."
"So- this will stop him from speaking to me in my head?" He nodded, "but he said- that he'd talk to me in person soon" I stopped seeing Dumbledore stand up suddenly.
"Oh dear- well we can't have that happen now can we Professor McGonagall?"
"I should think not Professor." McGonagall replied now also standing.
"So I gather- you both know who he is?" They looked at each other, and McGonagall nodded, "But- you still can't- or won't tell me?" They nodded at me again.
"He is capable of dark things Miss Weasley- I am afraid telling you now would do more harm than good." Dumbledore waved his wand and the door opened behind us to reveal that Snape was walking up the stairs.
"Headmaster." Snape said cooly although his hair was slightly disheveled.
"Professor Snape- just the man we were hoping to see." Dumbledore said brightly before gesturing at me, I stood and turned to Snape. "I'm sure you recognize this young woman- Miss Weasley. She is in fact in need of some extra lessons. Of your special course."
"Of course Headmaster." He did not look at me.
"Miss Weasley- I think its best you start straight-away. So your free block everyother day will now be filled, and each Saturday an hour at Professor Snape's and yours convenience." He walked towards his desk, "Be sure to let us know if you hear from or see him again Miss Weasley. Help will always be given at Hogwarts, Miss Notte, to those who ask for it." He nodded to us and disappeared through a door.
"Come, Miss Weasley. I will escort you to bed. Good night Severus." She gave Snape a curt nod.
"Thank you, Professor." I said to Snape as politely as I could manage. Professor Snape raised a thin greasy brow at me and McGonagall whisked me away to the Gryffindor commons.
"I'm sorry Professor, thank you." She gave me a tight lipped smile and wrapped me into a familiar feeling hug.
"Go now- off to bed." She seemed surprised at herself for breaking her cool exterior and shooed me into the portrait hole.
My brothers and Harry were all sleeping on the couches- save for Percy who jumped at the sight of me climbing through the portrait waking Ron who had been drooling on his shoulder.
"Blimey- Notte!!" Ron seemed to fully wake when he saw me too. The other boys stirred too slowly waking up to see me. Harry sat up sleepily from where I'm assuming he fell over sitting on the floor.
"Hullo Notte- d'you reckon its time to feed the chickens." George said from Fred's should half asleep. Fred swatted him awake.
"I'm sorry everyone." My brothers tackled me into a hug- and I smiled softly at Harry who stayed in his place on the floor.
"So- d'you want to know what happened then?" I asked and they let go of me.
"Reckon we do- young lady"
"You shouldn't scare us like that."
"Gave us a terrible fright." The twins said together mimmicking mum and how she would fuss over me. My brothers sat down and I sat across Harry in front of the fireplace.
"So I'm not sure if I really s'posed to tell you- but they didn't tell me not to- so" I told them everything- starting at the begining when I first heard the man, and telling them what the Professors had told me.
"So to finish it off- I know nothing more about who this man is and I have to see Snape an extra four hours a week." I finished looking at the boys who sat there somewhere between horror and awe.
"So you mean to say-"
"Someone right evil-"
"Keeps telling you to do bad things-"
"From inside your head?" The twins asked mischievously, "Is that why you called us Twats-", "the other day?" They batted their eyelashes.
"Truely terrible."
"Awful." They feigned hurt and the boys chuckled some of the tension gone now. But Percy curtly stood and left the room.
"I guess he-"
"Thinks were twats too." Harry gave me a glance as they kept poking fun at me and I gave him an awkward smile.
"I think I'm going to go to bed- g'night." I waved at the twins and Ron. Harry followed me up to the dorms, my brothers still laughing didn't notice.
"Notte- are you sure you're okay?" Harry asked and I looked away thinking about it.
"I don't reckon I am- but I will be. Eventually." We went inside the dorm and he helped me pack away my homework and gave me an awkward smile before he went and lied down on his bed. I sat on my bed for just a moment before crawling under the sheets. I mentally thanked Harry for going to bed too- or I'd have had to stay awake until Ron came to bed.
As I drifted off I thought about all the things that had happened already this year, and hoped the rest would go smoothly- as my eyes shut and I started drifting towards sleep. I felt a familiar sinking in the pit of my stomach.

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