A table for four.

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"I'm half and half. Me dad's a Muggle. Mam's a witch. Bit of a nasty shock for him when he found out." A small boy across from me says to the two next to him. The plumper boy laughs politely. Harry is sitting on my right and to his right was my brother Percy. Harry leaned in to my brother, to speak to him.
"Say, Percy, who's that teacher talking to Professor Quirrell?"
"Oh, that's Professor Snape, head of Slytherin house." He says with only a touch of bitterness in his voice- Snape often gave Gryffindors trouble in his class.
"What's he teach?"
"Potions. But everyone knows it's the Dark Arts he fancies. He's been after Quirrells job for years." Percy says matter of factly and turned back to dig into his plate of sensible veggies and chicken wings. Ron, just finished his last chicken wing, and reaches into the nearest bowl for more, and a ghostly head, pops out.
"Ahh!" He lets go of the wing he grabbed and shot his hands into the air.
"Hello! How are you? Welcome to Gryffindor." The well-dressed ghost nods to us each in turn and when he gets to me he gasps and places his hand over his heart.
"Fair maiden, have we met before?" I reddened and shook my head.
"My names Notte- Notte Weasley." I wasn't used to boys paying much attention to me much less a ghost of a man calling me a "fair maiden"
"Weasley? I've never met a Weasley with anything other than Red hair before."
"I'm adopted." I replied slightly embarassed and my brothers seem to have noticed this man- a ghost- but still a man, talking to their precious sister.
"Oi, go haunt someone else, 'fore I bring a Proffessor over here!" Fred said hotly at the ghost.
"Many pardons, she just seems- familiar to me." The ghost said with an apologetic bow. Many more ghosts came pouring from the walls, going to greet the many students.
"Whoo-hoo-hoo!" A ghostly cheer sounded from behind us.
"Look, its the Bloody Baron!" A girl cried from the slytherin table.
"Hello, Sir Nicholas. Have a nice summer?" Percy asks trying to dissolve the tension between him and the overprotective twins.
"Dismal. Once again, my request to join the headless hunt has been denied." He gives us a short nod and begins to drift away.
"Hey, I know you! You're Nearly Headless Nick!" Ron shouts realizing who had scared him senseless just a few moments ago.
"I prefer Sir Nicholas if you don't mind." Sir Nicholas said thickly to him.
"Nearly headless? How can you be nearly headless?" Hermione piped up in her own know-it-all tone. Though it started to feel more endearing the more I talked to her.
"Like this." Sir Nicholas grabs his silvery hair-much like how mum grabbed the twins when they were causing trouble- and pulled. He revealed that his head was nearly separated from his neck, held on by maybe an inch of skin and sinew.
"Ahh!" Ron looked on in horror and awe.
"Eugh." Hermione pushed her plate away.
Dumbledore ends the feast and asks the prefects to lead the first years to their common rooms. Percy stands and motions for the first years to follow him.
"Gryffindors, follow me please. Keep up. Thank you." Percy said and motioned Ron and I to follow him closely.
"Ravenclaw, follow me. This way." Another prefect said nearby.
"This is the most direct path to the dormitories. Oh, and keep an eye on the staircases...they like to change." We started to follow Percy deeper in the castle, and I tried to memorize every portrait along the way. Although it seemed impossible, she would have to learn a charm that would help her around this huge castle soon.
"Keep up, please, and follow me. Quickly now, come on. Come on." Percy kept looking back at me, knowing I was an absolute trainwreck at directions.
"Seamus, that picture's moving!" A boy said from the crowd.
"Look at that one, Harry!" Ron pointed out a potrait of a regal looking woman who fluttered her hand at the students passing by.
"I think she fancies you." Harry teased Ron.
"That would be a first wouldn't it Ronnikins?" Ron sneared at me and Harry choked back a laugh.
"Oh, look! Look! Who's that girl?" Another first year pointed out one of the moving portraits.
"Welcome to Hogwarts." A man in a potrait said looking like he leaned looking out over the small sea of first years.
Finally we came to the famous Fat Lady portrait that my brothers had mentioned so many times. She concealed the passage to the Gryffindor commons and dorms. And Was apparently not very friendly to Fred and George when they came back to the commons at three a.m. and locked them out until they were caught by Mister Filch.
"Password?" The Fat Lady asked.
"Caput Draconis." Percy replied and I had a sneaking suspicion I would never remember such a silly sounding password. The woman nods and the painting opens to reveal the Gryffindor Commons.
"Follow me, everyone. Keep up, quickly, come on." Percy looks at me to make sure I was still there and I couldn't help but roll my eyes- overprotective brothers.
"Oh, wow." The common room was a beautiful and warm room, lined with comfy red and golden couches, chairs, dark wooden desks and tapestries that covered the walls in regal lions.
"Gather 'round here. Welcome to the Gryffindor Common Room. Boys' dormitories, upstairs and down to your left. Girls, the same on your right. You'll find that your belongings have already been brought up."
I got settled in and fell into my bed. It was much more comfortable than mine at home- but it wasn't as homey. I missed the burrow, and my stomach was bubbling from the thought of classes tomorrow.
Hermione who turned out to be in the bed across from mine immediately pulled out a thick book and got under the heavy maroon duvet on her bed.
"Goodnight Notte, I'm just going to skim through the Standard book of Spells one more time!" She settled in and flipped through the pages with her wand in one hand- practicing the movements and muttering the spells.
"Goodnight, don't work too hard." I pulled my curtains around my bed closed and sat up.
I pulled my wand from my pajama pocket and studied it close. Silver Lime wood- rare and beautiful- silvery and unbending, Ollivander had said it would do me much good. Good for people who were rather keen. With a dragon heart string core. Powerful and loyal.
I slipped my hand through the curtains and felt until i found my bag I had already packed for tomorrow. I pulled my potions book out, knowing that would be the toughest subject due to Snapes unpleasantries.
"Potions- Chapter 1" I read and tried to soak up  as many tips and tricks I could.

The Dark Lord's Daughter (Book 1): Song BirdWhere stories live. Discover now