Take Me With You

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"Harry pleeeeeease-please take me with you!" I jump up and down anxiously- wanting to stay far away from the commons as long as possible.
"Notte- If Ron wakes up and doesn't see you in bed he will call Percy- and Percy would tell a teacher." He whisper yelled at me in a near empty common room.
"He won't wake up- and I'm sure he'd noticed gone before he notices me." Harry raised an eyebrow at me. I flounced up to the boys dorm, Ron was in the bathroom so I stacked the pillows and put my sweater on one with the hand sticking out. Harry appeared behind me.
"You think that will fool your brother?" He snorted at me and I stuck my tongue out at him. I grabbed a small bear Ginny got me for Christmas.
"Clamorus Homonium" I whisper and touch my wand to the bear and it starts to cry and sniffle. I tuck it into the pillow so it sounds more muffled like I'm trying to hide that I'm crying. I also dampen down the pillow with water.
"There- half asleep+dark and he won't notice the difference!" I sigh and dust off my hands. Harry looks mildly amused and slightly impressed before we climb into our beds and wait for Ron to fall asleep. I pulled the curtain closed so I can sit up and read while we wait.
I'm dressed in all black and I have my hair up in a tight ponytail- I tuck my necklace into my black jumper and hold my breathe as Ron comes back into the room and pauses to listen to me crying I see a shadow of his hand hesitate to open my curtain. He drops his hand and goes to bed sullenly.
We wait in silence for Rons breathing to to get even and slow.
"SNORe." There it is- Ron had a definitely loud snore. I couldn't help but let out a low chuckle. I heard Harry's bed creak as he got out of bed. I silently got out of my bed, Harry motioned me towards him and he threw the cloak over us. Thankfully we were both rather short so it covered us easily.
We go down as silently as possible- until we saw no one was in the commons and we rushed to the door. It creaked open as we approached and revealed Percy back from his patrol- I pull Harry over to the left side of the portrait- and we slip throught the door just as it was closing behind Percy. I sighed in relief.
"We forgot about your other brother-" Harry whispered half teasing me.
"As long as the twins aren't in the library for late night studying we won't have a problem." I said both knowing the twins hadn't stepped foot in the labrary all year.
It was dark in the library so I grabbed the lamp at the entrance Filch used for patrols and pulled in under the cloak.
"Lucentis luceris." I flick my wand at the lamp lighting it.
"Wow. Your cloak even makes light invisible!" I say quietly to Harry, he looked suprised and took the lamp from me. He held it out of the cloak and I wondered how strange it must look to see a floating hand holding a lamp. When we reached the restricted section we took the cloak off and he sat the lamp next to it.
"Famous fire eaters...15th Century Fiends...Flamel...Nicholas Flamel...where are you?" Harry read the labels out loud- I pulled a book called "Dark Wizards and their Dark Deeds" It was a list of names with body counts next to them. I gimmaced and shut the book. I prayed Flamel wasn't a dark wizard or Hermione would splinch me herself. Harry pulls out a leather bound book and flips it open- a mans face appears from the pages and wails.
"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!" Harry slams the book shut and puts in back in place.
"Who's there?!" Harry panics and grabs the cloak, causing the lamp to fall and shatter. We hurry to cover ourselves with the cloak and run out of the restricted section.
"I know you're in there. You can't hide." , we creep around Filch as he goes to inspect the lamp, "Who is it? Show yourself!".
We take off trying to huff and puff quietly as we can. Running back to the common room we saw Mrs. Norris sitting in a ray on moonlight, she meows and follows us around a corner.
Snape and Quirrell appear and Snape slams Quirrell into the wall I hold in gasp.
"Severus...I-I thought..." Quirrell quietly stutters.
"You don't want me as your enemy, Quirrell." Snape glared down at him around his hooked nose.
"W-what do you m-mean?"
"You know perfectly well what I mean.", Snape snaps his attention toward us I hold my hand over my mouth hoping to muffle the sound of my breathing. We take a step back just as he reaches out to grab the cloak. He pulls his attention back to Quirrell.
"We'll have another chat soon...when you've had time to decide where your loyalties lie." Snape lets go of Quirrell.
Filch appears from around a corner holding our broken lamp, my stomach sinks.
"Oh, Professors. I found this, in the Restricted Section. It's still hot. That means there's a student out of bed." Snape and Filch eagerly run off to catch us and Quirrell slunked away, happy to get away from Snape.
We run to the closest door and quietly squeeze into it. A large ornate mirror stands before us- alone in a large room. Harry takes the cloak off of us.
"Blimey Notte-" He trails off as he looks at the mirror.
"Harry that looks like it magic you should probably leave it alone..." he ignored me and approaches it cautiously. He looks into it and his face brightens after a moment of confusion.
"Mum?- Dad?" Speaking to the mirror, he ignored my warning and reached out to touch the mirror lightly.
"Harry?" I ask him slowly coming up behind him. He doesn't look at me.
"Notte...my parents- they're here- look!" He pulls me toward the mirror and I flinch back.
"Sorry...forgot" After the last incident with a mirror I tried to avoid them as much as possible. But he was still smiling happily into the mirror- he put his hand to his shoulder and looked up like he expected someone to be there. Heartbreak flashed across his face. My stomach sunk.
"Here... I'll take a look Harry- I'll just be a moment." He stepped back a bit to let me in front of him and stand properly in the mirror. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes before I looked into the mirror. I didn't see the man at all, I saw Harry and Hermione, my family all sitting happily in a theater me on the stage singing a song. Harry held a boquet of white and red roses- my favorite flowers. No magic- no dark voices. I looked older- wiser- happier.. I took a step back from the mirror and bumped into Harry.
"So did you see your parents? Or mine? Or..?" I shook my head in front of him.
"I saw something different... Maybe what we want to see..?" He sighed behind me.
"Maybe." He was Still looking at the mirror.

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