You're Adopted

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"Miss Weasley, sit here my dear." Professor Dumbledore gestured to a seat in front of him. His office seemed barely familiar- like I've seen it in a dream. It was full of old tattered and well kept for books alike. Odd intruments hung from the high cathedral ceiling, a cluttered desk sat in far back of the room with twin stair cases led up to it. A large window overlooking the grounds stood behind it. The furniture here was dark oak and looked like the sort of things muggles would call antiques- basically old fashioned.
I sat on a faded red loveseat and McGonagall sat on a red arm chair next to Dumbledore.
"I'm sure by now, you know who I am-" he paused and waved his wand to pour dark creamy hot chocolate from a lovely silver pot into white tea cups. I could smell strong peppermint from my seat making my nose tingle from the cool smell.
"Peppermint coccoa?" He looked at me knowingly and started to pour me a cup before I could even nod my head.
"Please, Professor." I folded my hands in my lap and sat up as straightly as I could- anticipating the chocolatey treat.
"Here you are Miss Weasley-" McGonagall gently handed me a cup of perfectly tempered cocoa, I took a sip.
Perfectly minty. I smiled and the Professors both seemed bemused at my reaction.
"You have grown into a lovely young lady Miss Weasley." Dumbledores eyes twinkled seemingly remembering something I couldn't.
"I'm sorry- have we met before? Mum talks about you- and my brothers too- all the time but-" he raised a hand gently stopping my ramblings. I took a deep breath.
"Miss Weasley, as you might have sorted by now, you are not a Weasley by blood." He looked at me his eyes always seemed to twinkle- like he was always planning something or he knew something no one else did.
"The hair sorta- gives it away- doesn't it?" They both chuckle quietly.
"Yes that seems to have been a detail we overlooked when we placed you with The Weasleys." He took a sip of coccoa and closed his eyes savouring it for a moment.
He studied my face- they both did. I was slightly surprised. I had always assumed that I was just a cousin or close family friends child- that maybe they passed away and they were the only ones who could care for me. What did they have to do with my adoption into the Weasleys?
"You- placed me there? So you know who-" again I got a gentle hand raise. I let out a frustrated breath.
"Miss Weasley- We understand you have questions, and you want to know about your past." He lowered his hand a took a deep breath.
"But all in due time, the Weasleys are your family. Don't you think?"
I looked down into my coccoa and knew he was right. I just felt like I was missing so much of my life- and I hated not knowing. How they danced around the subject.
"They are- but.." I stopped contemplating weather or not I should ask.
"Yes my dear?" McGonagall leaned in closer to me.
"I- I just need to know- are my real parents.." I trailed off not knowing how to finish, there were so many things I wanted to know.
"I can tell you that they have most likely passed on." His face was solemn
"But don't dwell in the past when there is so much more to do in the present Miss Weasley."
I nodded- but I couldn't help but feel that Dumbledore wasn't telling me the whole truth.
"Perhaps we should finish our coccoa- the kitchens seem to have made it especially delicious tonight." He took a long sip of coccoa and when he lowered his cup his mustache had gone brown.
"Headmaster! Where are you manners!"
I took a long sip and revealed my own coccoa-stache. McGonagall could only give me a sassy tightlipped smile before we all laughed.
Maybe its for the best I don't know- for now.

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