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It was finally lunch time, but I wasn't eating I was already working on the ridiculous amoint of homework we got on the first day. And the day wasn't even over. I let out a dramatic sigh and slumped over.
"My brain hurts Ronnikins- I need peppe-" before I even finished a familiar silver pot appeared next to my face and I jumped.
"Blimey- how'd that happen Notte?"
I shrugged at Ron and Harry gave me an elbow inthe ribs. I followed his eyes and saw Dumbledore at the head table raise a white tea cup to me, his eyes twinkling mischievously. I nodded a thank you to him and poured Harry and I both cups before it disappeared. Ron and Hermione had both declined.
"Bottoms up Potter-" we clinked our cups and held our pinkies up. He gave it a sip and I slurped as loudly and obnoxiously as I could. Harry choked and spurt coccoa out of his nose all over my homework.
"Oh Potter!" The people near us all laughed and I let out an anguished cry and burried my head in Hermiones hair dramatically.
"Sorry-Notte" Harry managed between laughs.
"Its fine- McGonagall likes peppermint coccoa anyways-" I said
"How do you know Notte?" Asked Hermione her eyebrows raised into her bushy hair.
"Oh last night she and Professor Dumbledore had some with me-"
"Crickets- I forgot to ask is everything-" she looked at Harry and Ron
"Was everything okay after last night?" She said in a hushed tone.
"I guess-" I shrugged.
"So do you think itll happen again?" She asked.
"What did happen last night? Was that you screaming Notte?" Harry asked looking between me and Ron, I guess he saw that Ron left to help me.
"Yeah- It was sorry, I'm supposed to drink a sleeping tonic before bed now-" Ron gave me a funny look
"It hasnt happened in a long time though-d'you reckon its just being at Hogwarts now?" Ron asked looking between me and our two friends who looked on concerned.
"Yeah I bet thats it Dont worry too much Ronnikins- you'll get wrinkles." I said hoping they would leave it alone afterwards.
And they did- reluctantly.
"Eye of rabbit, harp string hum. Turn this water, into rum." Down the table Seamus is chanting and looking into a cup.
"Eye of rabbit, harp string hum..." He looks like hes about to throw his wand at the cup.
"What's Seamus trying to do to that glass of water?" Harry asked.
"Turn it into rum. Actually managed a weak tea this morning, before..."
"Foooash" The cup explodes. And Seamus is covered in soot and smoking. Most of the Gryffindor table laughs at yet another exsplosion from Seamus.
His failure is quickly frogtten though when owls flock into the great hall.
"Ah. Mail's here!" Ron drops what he was eating and wipes his hands on his robes to Hermiones dismay.
An owl swoops by and drops individual letters to each Weasley, and drops Ron a newspaper.
"Can I borrow this?" Ron nods while he rips open his letter from mum- he's secretly a huge mummy's boy. I slip my letter into my bag, and return to my homework hoping McGonagall doesn't dock points for the splatters of coccoa.
"Thanks." Harry starts to flip through the newspaper. Neville is unwrapping something a few people down from me and he pulls off the last of the paper to reveal a glass ball.
"Hey, look! Neville's got a Remembrall!"
"I've read about those. When the smoke turns red" The smoke inside the ball swirls in a bright red.
"it means you've forgotten something." Hermione finishes and looks at Neville expectantly.
"The only problem is, I can't remember what I've forgotten." Neville said sheepishly. Harry had his nose burried in the paper.
"Hey, Ron, Notte, somebody broke into Gringotts. Listen, Believed to be the work of dark witches or wizards unknown, Gringotts goblins, while acknowledging the breach, insist that nothing was taken. The vault in question, number 713, had in fact been emptied earlier that same day. That's odd. That's the vault Hagrid and I went to." We both gave him concerned looks and wondered what in the world was in the vault.
"Neville you mind if I give it a look?" I look at Neville from around a couple of students he flushed a bit a nodded sheepishly.
"Thanks Neville- I'll be right quick!" I gently take the ball from Neville and it immediately turns red once again.
Suddenly my vision goes black and I slump onto the floor still holding the remembrall.

All I see is an all too familiar twinkling blue eye.
"BOMBARDA MAXIMA" Dumbledore booms- and all I can see blinding light.
Suddenly I jolt up still on the floor of the Great Hall my brothers surronding me and Hermione and Harry kneeling next to me.
"I-I'm okay I swear- just got dizzy." I realize I'm still holding Nevilles remembrall and hand to him. Hes looking terrified through a slight gap between Fred and George. He takes the ball.
"Okay-okay let me up boys- I'm fine don't freak out-" suddenly I'm lifted into a pair of familiar arms and I let out a squeak. George is carrying me bridal style.
"Nope we are going to the infimery- I won't take no for an answer Notte Weasley!" Percy says and grabs my bag and homework from the table.
"Fine." My face is red as students watch the Weasley brigade- plus Harry and Hermione marching down to the Hospital Wing.
What I didn't see though was Dumbledore and McGonagall exchange a worried look.

The Dark Lord's Daughter (Book 1): Song BirdWhere stories live. Discover now