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"What in the world are you wearing Notte?" Harry asked me quietly his eyes wide in amusement. I was dressed in all black- black shorts, black tights and a black hoodie and sneakers. My hair was tied into a tight ponytail. I had on a new bracelet that had the other obsidian stone hooked onto it. It matched Harry's bracelet except for a turquoise charm and a feather from Hedwig hanging down from it. I had my necklace I had gotten for Christmas tucked under my hoodie.
"She kept saying she had to dress for asthetic or something-" Hermione said quietly behind me.
"I thought I was dressed rather nicely- at least I'm dressed practically-" I shot her a pointed look at her skirt. She blushed slightly and shushed me. Ron rolls his eyes and we head down the stairs to the commons where we hear croaking. I spot Trevor on the arm of an armchair facing the door.
"Trevor." Harry said quietly.
"Trevor shh! Go, you shouldn't be here!" Ron shooed Trevor but he didn't hop away for once. Instead Neville appeared from behind the armchair looking timidly determined.
"Neither should you. You're sneaking out again, arent you?" He scolded us- and felt a pang of guilt. Neville lost as many points as we had, but hadn't been ignoring us like most of the school had been.
"Now, Neville, listen. We were-" Harry starts,
"No! I won't let you! You'll get Gryffindor in trouble again! I-I'll fight you." Neville intterupts and throws out his fists facing Harry and Ron. The boys looked nervously at each other.
"Neville, I'm really, really sorry about this..." Hermione points her wand at him, "Petrificus Totalus." Neville immediately freezes and falls over- I grab Trevor and see the little glass aquarium that Neville tows him around in. I plop him in there. I hear a very muffled "thank you" from on the floor.
"You're a little scary know that? Brilliant, but scary." Ron tells Hermione in awe and she grimmaced.
"Let's go." Harry walks past Neville towards the Portrait hole, "Sorry." He whispered to Neville.
"Sorry." Hermione whispers passing him.
"It's for your own good, you know." Ron said and I sighed. I grabbed a throw blanket and toss it over Neville making sure he was comfortable before I scurried out after the other three.

The Dark Lord's Daughter (Book 1): Song BirdWhere stories live. Discover now