Hospital Wing Again!

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I wake up to being in my brothers arms yet again- and they're running to the infirmary. Why does this keep happening?
"Wha-" my little entourage stopped to check on me Fred knelt down to let me sit up a bit.
"Notte! Are you okay?" Ron said quickly and I clutched at my head. Percy knelt next to Fred.
"George go get Madam Pomfrey-" George took off to fetch her with out Fred.  I clutched at my head and groaned.
"Just a dizzy spell I just need sleep-" I lied and my head throbbed.
"Notte- you were screaming again- it scared the h*ll out of everyone!" Hermione said and I tried to look at her- not realising she was with us before.
"I fell down the stairs of course I screamed-"
"Notte you didn't scream until you hit the floor- it was- blood curdling." Harry said from behind me- great he was here too.
"I'm fine." I lied through my teeth. Percy grimmaced at me.
"Notte Merope Weasley-" I know he said Weasley- he always did but it sounded muddy. Like I was under water. My head burst with pain again and I yelped and buried my head in my hands.
"I've got her- is she better?" I hear George say through huffs and I hear a quick pitter patter of feet behind him- Pomfrey no doubt.
"Miss Weasley-" It was muddled again and my head surged with pain. Madam Pomfrey yelped.
"One of you go get the headmaster and McGonagall-" they all hesitated.
"Go! Now!" She half whispered at Percy. He took off towards McGonagalls office.
"I'm oka-" I saw stars and felt myself go limp.


"D'you think she remembers Headmaster?" I hear Madam Pomfrey say quietly and I stay still- was there something I needed to remember?
"Its nearly impossible- someone would have had to undo my memory charm." Dumbledore grumbled in response.
"Perhaps- perhaps you left a memory on accident-?" Pomfrey started.
"No- I'm sure I was thorough. But- I should have been the only one to undo it. I'm sensing dark magic is at work here..." He grew quiet.
"You don't think you-" McGonagall stopped.
"Notte- you shouldn't be eavesdropping dear." Dumbledore said kindly but his eyes were clouded deep in thought.
"S-sorry Professor. I suppose..." I trailed off for a moment.
"Yes my dear?" He asked.
"Theres not point in asking you about it is there?" A glimmer of amusement flashed in his eyes.
"I'm afraid not." He replied and the women behind him gave me sad half smiles.

The Dark Lord's Daughter (Book 1): Song BirdWhere stories live. Discover now