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I glanced around nervously. "Watch it, Elf," grunted Logan. "If that tail of yours whips me one more time, it's going to get ripped off." I grinned sheepishly, grabbing my tail to stop its endless twitching.

    "I don't look stupid, do I?" I asked nervously, looking down at the tux. I wasn't used to wearing such fancy clothes, but the occasion called for it. Logan rolled his eyes, but smiled. "Ya look fine. Now shut up and pay attention. It'd be a shame if you missed your own wedding." I blushed purple, staring down the aisle.

   I tried to avoid the gazes of all of the friends and students that had shown up to no avail. Each one seemed to draw my gaze. I'd made many friends in the past two years, but Logan had somehow managed to become my best friend. He was the only one I could ever imagine being my best man. All of the bridesmaids and groomsmen had arrived. She'd be coming any moment. Storm grinned at me from my right. She looked beautiful in her deep blue bridesmaid dress, but as soon as I saw Elizabeth, everyone else faded.

    She entered, the Professor leading her. Lizzie didn't have a father that she remembered, so the Professor offered to walk her down the aisle. Her eyes darted back and forth before settling on her feet. She beamed despite her nervousness, her cheeks flushed.

    Despite how lovely the bridesmaids all looked, she looked the most beautiful in her simple white gown. She truly looked like an angel, and somehow, I was lucky enough to capture her heart. As soon as she made it to the end of the aisle that was too long, she hugged the professor and turned to take my hands. I was so concentrated on her face that most of the service went by in a blur.

   The world wasn't close to perfect. Those teenagers still whispered the words monster, freak, and demon in my ears as they cut their lies into my skin. Elizabeth still felt the sting of a taser in her dreams, a collar weighing her to the ground. We both still woke up at night sometimes, a little girl screaming in our heads. Our memories had been given back to us, but there was always a price. Now, we had to live with what we'd done, despite our lack of choice. However, despite this, hope reigned supreme, and as I heard those long-awaited words: "you may kiss the bride," I did just that. I held onto her, kissing her fiercely, and I knew from deep inside myself that I'd never let my angel go.

Author's Note:
Thank you guys so much for all of your patience! I really appreciate all of you for your support, despite the fact that it took me so long to completely publish this story. It is my first piece of fanfiction, and despite the flaws I find in it when I read it again, it holds a special place in my heart. I hope you enjoyed!

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