Chapter 51

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"Lizzie!" I yelled. She rushed at me, wings flared. I grabbed her wrists, stopping her from stabbing me. "Please! This isn't you!" I cried in German. She attempted to whack my head with her wing, but I just barely ducked. That blow could've snapped my neck, yet I refused to believe that she had any hand in this.

     I gasped as the knife nicked my ear. "Elizabeth!" I yelled, pushing her away again. Her face twisted into a snarl, but her eyes stayed as blank as ever. She spun just enough to knock me to the ground with her wings. As we both tumbled to the ground, the knife left a long cut on my arm. I cried out, but gritting my teeth, I flipped us both over so that I was on top, pinning Elizabeth. My tail whipped outwards, attempting to snatch the knife, as both arms were occupied with keeping her wings and arms from doing serious damage. She managed to throw me off, standing once more. "Please, Lizzie!" I cried, leaping up. She attempted to slash me across the chest, but I grabbed her wrist. "I can't lose you! I love you!" I cried. Something in her eyes flickered, and my grip weakened.

   Suddenly, pain filled my head, not unlike when I was under mind control. I fell to my knees, and Elizabeth fell beside me. Crawling forward, I grasped the knife and flung it away. I pulled Elizabeth into my arms. She was screaming, and I realized, so was I.

    The pain seemed to last forever. It was agonizing, slow, cruel even. The only thing that I felt besides that agony was the feeling of Elizabeth in my arms. I did my best to concentrate on the shape of her arms, the way that her body fit against mine like a puzzle piece, the curve of her lips, the curls in her hair. Her eyes were squeezed tightly shut as she screamed through her own agony.

   As soon as it began, the pain faded. Elizabeth went limp, except her hands. She clung to my sleeves. I held her close to my chest, and she didn't fight it. One word made my heart leap. "Kurt...?" I pulled away to see her blinking at me, horror and relief mixing across her features.

      Her eyes brightened, before realization began to set in. "I.... I just... oh no...." Tears welled in her eyes before pouring over. "Kurt, I'm sorry!" she sobbed. "I'm so sorry! I couldn't... I couldn't...." Instead of answering, I pressed my lips to hers firmly. I pulled away, and she stared, dazed. "Don't be sorry," I murmured. "You couldn't control yourself. I understand. I can't explain it all now, but I will. I promise, but right now we need to catch up with Storm." I kissed her again. "I love you, Lizzie. I'm just sorry that it took almost losing you for me to realize it."

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