Chapter 53

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"Impossible," Storm  said incredulously. The man supporting Jean took on a strong stance. "Stand back!" he ordered. Jean clung to his arm, however.  "No!" she cried. "His mind is connected to Cerebro. Opening it could kill him and everyone his mind is linked to."

  My eyes widened. That meant that my family: Margali, Lance, Amanda.... all of them could die if we weren't careful. That didn't even count the rest of humanity. They could all die, and it would be because we couldn't stop the Professor. I hugged Elizabeth closer to myself, and she squeezed my hand, understanding.

    "Wait." Storm looked at me desperately. "Kurt, I need you to take me inside." The man with glasses looked at me. "Who is this guy?" he interrupted. He turned to me. "Who are you?" I panicked, explaining with wide eyes, "My name is Kurt Vagner, but in ze Circus-" Storm cut me off as Elizabeth tried not to smile. "He's a teleporter." "I told you," I countered. "If I can't see vhere I'm going...." Storm stared me in the eye and whispered, "I have faith in you."

  That quieted me. I had to try, and if I died, at least I had saved Elizabeth before I did. Her eyes widened as I set her carefully on the ground. "Kurt! Wai-!" I kissed her quickly and gently. "I love you," I murmured. More loudly, I said, "Please keep her safe." It was partially a prayer, partially asking of my new friends to watch over her if something went wrong. "I can take care of myself!" she said indignantly, but tears brimmed in her eyes once more. I smiled gently. "I know, but it's always good to have friends." I strode over to Storm and wrapped my arms around her. "Don't believe anything you see in there," warned Jean. We nodded, and I began to mutter, "Our Father, Who art in heaven, hallowed be zhy name. Zhy kingdom come, zhy vord be done on Earth...." I squeezed my eyes shut and teleported. "... as it is in Heaven," I finished, almost shocked that we weren't suffocating in a wall.

     We stood in a large dome-like room. The walls glowed and hummed around us, lights flickering and blinking. We had made it into Cerebro. I let out a sigh of relief.

    "Hello." I almost jumped out of my skin. Before us stood a small girl, no more than ten. "What are you looking for?" she asked sweetly.  Storm stepped forward. "You've got to stop Cerebro now," she commanded. "Who are you talking to?" asked the girl curiously.

   I attempted to step towards her, but Storm held me back. "Don't move," she muttered suspiciously. I protested, "But she's just a little girl!" Storm shook her head, eyes narrowed warily. "No, she's not." The girl wore a smile as sweet as honey. "I've got my eyes on you!" she sang. Her voice was... familiar. I shuddered, suddenly creeped out by this little girl in this  seemingly empty room. 

    Storm looked at me. "Kurt, it's about to get very cold in here," she warned. I shook my head. "I'm not going anyvhere," I said determinedly. Storm's dark eyes faded, leaving only white, and the air began to respond. A wind picked up, growing more and more frigid. I shivered, clutching my coat about myself.

    The girl looked around, alarmed. "What are you doing?" she cried. Snow began to blow. I felt chilled to the bone, not just from the storm around me. Teeth chattering, I fell to my knees, curling in on myself. Storm continued. "Stop it!" screamed the girl. I flinched as the realization almost smacked me in the face. She was the girl from inside my head. Her eyes widened. "He's going to be so angry with me!" she cried, and with a scream, the illusion disappeared, leaving behind an older man and the decimated form of a human being, hooked up to a wheelchair of sorts. Chunks of rock and machinery fell from the ceiling, increasing by the second. The whole room shook from it. The bitter cold faded.

     My eyes widened at the awful sight, but I stood, grabbing Storm and teleporting to the older man. I wrapped my arms around both her and who I assumed to be the Professor the best I could, before leaving.

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